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Everything posted by JadeOfMaar

  1. Excepting Ammonia, you ( and ShotgunNinja ) can merely delete the whole "same as CRP" section in its Resources.cfg. (CRP has LqdAmmonia but not Ammonia.) Judging by the existence of this section Kerbalism must seek to avoid dependency on CRP, or it is a leftover from way back when planet packs and varieties of mine-able resources weren't yet commonplace.
  2. I'm a sci-fi artist. I have concepts for ships, stations, bases, resources, parts, planets and stars, stories... and all of these can be realized right in KSP and played out as I desire. The only things missing are ability to give kerbals different default surnames and physiologies... and voxel terrain. In playing KSP I've become a resource wizard and I can make jet engines work anyhow and in any atmosphere, make a planet have any resource anywhere in its SOI (or not at all), make my own resources, and code any part to handle these resources in any amounts and at whatever appropriate cost. I've come to know a few of the cosmic gurus out there such as Galileo, The_White_Guardian, Starcrusher96, OhioBob, Poodmund. And I'll say as anyone that the overall KSP community is really helpful to anyone looking to get anywhere. What else that keeps me coming back to KSP (although I've only played it for one year) are engines and utilities, and my ultimate ambitions are to model my own parts and planets for KSP, and to earn my way in a science mode game to get to fly some really cheaty ships and stations I've built.
  3. Finally mustered some drive to play my science game last night. I had to skip my first Gratian and Tellumo windows and go Niven. [Sources] tell me that if I resent a probe to Gratian I'd most definitely lose signal and it could become another carcass in solar orbit. I made the probe bigger and better and happened to send it up on an "Alley-Oop!" SSTO lifter with a big orange for the transfer stage. But then I sent it to Ceti because I want to science the stuffing out of Ceti while waiting for the Niven window and hopefully unlock better antennae with which I won't need to spam as many on the probe or the Gael relays. I didn't expect to actually play for long so I didn't do any screenshots. Does anyone know of a mod that makes the stock science box collect all science except from (other) science boxes? ...Or am I going to have to get creative with science retrieval?
  4. Hey @ShotgunNinja @chaoseclipse01 I figure you guys may like this. I updated my parts mod yesterday, Airline Kuisine, adding a long cabin with KIS storage and the two comforts: Exercise and Panorama (as with the short cabin, see spoiler), and adding Ammonia to the air harvester. After spotting and fixing a huge problem with GPP in the process (the Ammonia CRP deal ) I figured an Ammonia intake would come in handy for if/when an Ammonia-consuming fuel cell is implemented, and if anyone uses Kerbalism in a star system with an Ammonia/LqdAmmonia presence. When I can I will test out an MM patch that will convert any LqdAmmonia presence to Ammonia, or clone and rename to leave the LqdAmmonia presence un-disturbed. It may not be worthwhile in the stock system, but there's plenty to be found in GPP. So let's say...someone wanted to start a farm on a far off planet or moon and sustain crew without shipping all the food from Kerbin Gael. They could possibly get things done by directly sifting Ammonia from its atmosphere.
  5. @Fenixs Pardon me. I hadn't yet clarified the EVE install instructions. Inside the first GPP_Clouds folder there should be two more folders, the ones that separate High-res from Low-res. Then inside of each is a GameData\GPP\GPP_Clouds\ Also be sure to install the tiny download (that does not have "Configs" in its name) from EVE's GitHub. Also, this:
  6. This kind of thing happens often in GPP. Expect it to happen in any planet/star mod that changes Kerbin and/or the Sun, and expect it to happen to everyone else playing in KSS. #stockbugs
  7. Stop making me flip the table, lol. I never, never would've thought Thalia would actually become the answer to a fuel crisis in someone's playthrough or or game lore. But you, sir...
  8. Signature space is very limited, that's why nothing else is showing. You need to be creative with how you load things into your sig space.
  9. Do forgive me if my already going ahead is a problem. It shouldn't be, granted your license (but I copied the model itself. As much as I adore M2X, I can't have the entirety of a large mod be a dependency for just one part. Airline Kuisine doesn't seek to add to M2X). And I made sure to credit you. You can see what I did with the current model here: Now I'm really interested, knowing that a new model is coming for the lab. I'll be using it as much as possible versus the hulking stock lab when I return to my science game.
  10. Oops. That's indeed an error, and one which is not present in the completed in-game KSPedia. It will correctly say "km" at the end in semimajor axis. Grannus' periapsis is only about 1.2Tm so 2x JX2 should easily handle it. @PocketBrotector's antennae may be best suited for keeping in touch with Grannus near its apoapsis... However high/far in the galaxy that is.
  11. KarbonitePlus is inside the same install folder (UmbraSpaceIndustries) with Karbonite. If you see that folder then you should have Ka+ Also, search Ark, KAE, kar, KFD, KLF, KVE... in the parts list and you will see portions of these mods' engines and other things per keyword. KFD will reveal Karborundum engines.
  12. Leto is indeed the outermost planet. But Grannus is not a planet. The GPP wiki's home page has plenty mention of it now. Be sure to try out the included GPP_CareerSaver patch if/when you update. The usual add/remove planet mid-game thing will hit you otherwise. Bugs to watch out for: If you're interested in asteroids, there's a } at line 59 in our Asteroids.cfg that needs to be deleted in order for them to start showing. The ringed planets will need the Kopernicus dll update by blackrack for their rings to work right. Delete GPP\GPP_Resources\Ammonia.cfg it's full of errors (I forgot that Ammonia only goes by the name LqdAmmonia in CRP...because reasons).
  13. Every folder inside of GameData is potentially a mod folder. I also have a mod whose main folder is 2 levels down: GameData\X\Y\ and I also use :NEEDS[MKS] and :NEEDS[!MKS] in it and that worked just fine.
  14. It may help to keep the Karbonite drills relevant by having the MKS drills support karbonite only if Karbonite (the mod) is not installed and therefore the MKS drills are the only karbonite-capable drills present in your game, therefore make the opening tag into :NEEDS[MKS&!Karbonite] or :NEEDS[KolonyTools&!Karbonite] As it is said, you only need CRP installed in order to mine karbonite, but Karbonite, the mod, gives you the dedicated drills, tanks and engines. Comma-separating mod names in the needs tag may work as the OR boolean, rather than AND.
  15. Version 1.0.0 The Long Cabin Added Mk2 Rec Centre Long. [USI] High hab quarters stats. [TAC] 500 EC. [KISM] Default provisions for crewed part. [SNX] Soil recycler for 4. [SNX] High snacks tankage. Holds > 2x short cabin. KIS volume. Moved in CTT. Mk2 Rec Centre Short: [USI] Added more hab multipler, purposed as hab common. [SNX] Fixed Rec Centre Short snack supply starting only halfway. Moved in CTT with long cabin. Added support for reference part (Science Lab from Mk2 Expansion). [SNX] Snack Grinder. [USI] 50% Recycler for 2 kerbals. [KISM] Added Ammonia to Air Harvester. [USI] Very minor recalibrations. [USI] Replaced erroneous Hydrates storage with Minerals storage. * Mouseover data for cabin in USI, Snacks screenshots may be obsolete. TAC USI Kerbalism Snacks! Cosmetic Ventral Lights
  16. @TheRagingIrishman Ah, thanks. Well Gypsum was already there and the Mk2 MPU uses Gypsum and Minerals, but I erroneously put Hydrates storage. So that'll be fixed and the release will come very shortly.
  17. @TheRagingIrishman Quick question. I just realized I have my tanks set to hold Hydrates (which I believe are not used by the MPUs to make Fertilizer). Should I keep or remove Hydrates tankage? I'll be adding Minerals tankage. Preview of the Mk2 Rec Centre Long Model by @SuicidalInsanity and from Mk2 Expansion's science lab, which i should write a patch for (adding the basic recyclers to it as is done to the stock lab). Not all of its features were figured out at the time of screenshot. It will get KIS volume and serve as private hab; providing many months, whereas the Short Rec Centre will be re-tuned for better common hab; more hab multiplier. I toyed with the new USI LS with hab mechanic turned on.
  18. Engineer for sure, with a good large chunk of scientist.
  19. If anyone is interested I'd like to point them to MM 2.7.6 released on Saturday. Feedback (if needed) would be great so RoverDude can include it in all the downloads.
  20. Hey @SuicidalInsanity. I'd like to make a small request of you. I'm in need of a Mk2 long cabin for my mod, Airline Kuisine. May I have person to use and redistribute the model from the M2X science lab? Or can I give you reference images and ask you to make a custom long cabin? I don't need an IVA, just working lights and a custom layout for the glass portions.
  21. K.Yeon has a fix for that in his last post above. That's an error alright.
  22. I'm new to this KSP mission-log roleplay thing so I'm clueless to this matter... So, thanks very much for the headsup.
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