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Everything posted by JadeOfMaar

  1. @electricpants Herodotus is the particularly toxic planet suggested by MysterySloth. Particular specs, if you can implement them, are that most of the terrain needs to be above sea level and nearly reach the short, (possibly thick) atmosphere's edge, so the only place where you can feel any real atmosphere pressure is in the canyon lakes/seas.
  2. I'm watching a Twitch stream (Dr Doof) right now. The streamer accepted a 3-star Iota rescue contract with the orbit altitude at 4.3km.
  3. @Urses That sucks indeed. On top of Gael not being the 3rd planet, GPP's worlds are all numbered in a linear sequence from Ciro > Leto > Grannus, not in the arbitrary? sequence that Stock uses.
  4. @metta Thanks for that post. Now I can start to create an official list of GPP-compatible contract mods.
  5. As the furnace of a star never rests, I am confident that the self-proclaimed crusher of stars never sleeps. I have a few small fixes and other little things to suggest to you as well. But those will come later.
  6. If you want something to work only in an ocean and fail when out of it, set IntakeLqd as a propellant, and rig an intake to receive IntakeLqd. No need to invent a resource or get dirty with an engine's floatCurves. IntakeLqd requires Community Resource Pack.
  7. @electricpants Yo. Any update on this mod? I've been waiting for Herodotus to be added to finish test and post the resource configs.
  8. Oopsy. I forgot to put my fineprint that the Karbonite config is optional. I'm also developing new fuel resources and re-textured engines for them. This seems rather fun.
  9. This may have been a better first step for Squad outside of Windows/PC. Many players spend their time just laying on the floor, getting things done in the SPH. It would be great to have cross-platform ability just to exercise creativity and contemplate a ship design (or several) on the go.
  10. @TheSpacePotato I've looked at it. KSS has its own definition for a helium fuel that doesn't line up with CRP (honestly, I think GPP's Helium is incorrect too). And there are no parts, as far as I can tell, to refuel the engine. Helium4 is the most common variant of Helium according to Wikipedia. But "Helium" in our resource distributions are apparently the version used by RealFuels. The custom HeliumGas fuel happens to share density, but not price, with LqdHe3, the most dense, most expensive form. Helium4 and Helium3 are used by KSPI-E.
  11. @StarCrusher96 Your GPP compatibility is missing two things: Grannus, GPP's M2-class secondary star since v1.2.0 A miles long actual Karbonite.cfg in the Karbonite folder On the flip-side, GPP has some Helium for your engine. And I have a new handful of ideas to throw at you/across the cabin. Also... How much dV does that have? And how do you refill on this custom Helium fuel?
  12. Before you start a career, try a sandbox mission with a big goal, like plant flags on x number of worlds, or deliver a station or base to just one planet. That's just to get a handle on building and flying interplanetary. After that I'd suggest you try a life support mod. This keeps things interesting even in Sandbox. But this alone can make a game incredibly hard. (So I recommend Snacks! the simplest and most forgiving of them) As for a modlist: include something with science parts, Contract Configurator and some contract packs, The Gold Standard mod (space gold, yee haw!), and a parts pack appropriate for the kinds of vessels you want to make throughout your career.
  13. Please do. If you think it only looks great, imagine when you get your game on. Make sure to add a skybox: either one of the many from my sig or @Poodmund's infamous Calm Nebula. The stock skybox will kill a lot of the glory.
  14. I dunno how you can collect science while traveling at that speed but okay. #typo #contextswitching
  15. That's Scatterer_sunflare > Ciro (and Grannus) > flareSettings & spikeSettings inside the GPP_Scatterer config. Divide the third number by the rescale factor or divide further to make these elements larger. This only matters when you are within the respective star's SOI. If you scale them to compensate for vast distances then they will appear absurdly huge when you're near them. If, for instance you (or Ohio, haha) scale Grannus' sunflare to be in any pleasing amount visible from Gael........and then you put Gael around Grannus and step outside at the KSC literally all you will see is sunflare. You will need SPF One Zillion.
  16. @CatastrophicFailure Umm... if you're going to change SunAU then you might derp out some stuff. I'm still such a newbie.
  17. I believe you'll have to tinker with the AU setting in Grannus.cfg. I don't recall whether increasing or decreasing is the way to go, but start with increases.
  18. This needs to be pinned... This is all the help I need to refine my existing USI configs, and to do a good job on my in-dev OPT_USI project.
  19. Such a probe will need a nuclear reactor from Near Future Tech. Its power requirements will also need to so minimal that you can turn the reactor's output down so that its core life says "A long time!" which is any point over 50 years. Forget solar panels and fuel cells. Put radiators because the reactor will need them.
  20. That's not something that should be asked for, if I may interject. While realism is great and this is really appealing, this crosses into the realm of too much work for something the end-user will barely notice. Especially for this mod which has...what... 70 bodies in total now? 80? (I haven't counted recently) And only one guy is doing all the world-making (afaik)
  21. That's probably on purpose. You're not supposed to be able to easily distinguish it without going there and getting close in flight.
  22. Maybe that's part of the plan? .......... Those screenshots could do with an MKS base here and there.....
  23. @MaxL_1023 There is a known issue where Ciro causes 30+ times the normal charge rate and Grannus causes normal charge rates for Ciro. No need to send logs or screenshots. Now if you're getting less than normal charge rates in Gael's SOI that's a whole new problem.
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