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Everything posted by JadeOfMaar

  1. I like all of this. I'd say... this is a @CatastrophicFailure in the social system of the forum. #punny
  2. This is already the case. With the current situation the charge rate (however insanely high) is proportional to the charge rate around Grannus. All that @OhioBob has remaining now is to have Ciro output normal amounts of flux and have Grannus put out proportionally less.
  3. That's right. KSP 1.2.9 is just a testing version. KSP 1.3 is the only version where it will be worth modders' time to go all in and fix everything that needs fixing.
  4. Let's start with 8GB. But it can easily inflate to 12. this mod is immense and immensely detailed.
  5. From the secret files. Grannus before its public release. All the dV you spent returning to Gael after your Grannus flyby could've been invested into a capture, I think, then it should not be too hard to enter its asteroid field and peel some potatoes refuel. Be sure to bring a claw so you can hold onto them.
  6. Subassembly vessels are craft files stored in a Subassemblies folder within your save folder. Find them then you can rename the craft files, then open them in notepad and change their name insides to match, and the descriptions inside to what you want.
  7. You may find interest in @Warsoul and their "MaErDa" stuff.
  8. Ven's Stock Revamp. It adds inflatable habs.
  9. @Space Kadet Ahh, that's great. I'm pretty saddened by your MKS problem, though. If you share that video in the MKS thread I'm sure you'll get a few quick and good answers. Here's another eccentric design from me, an Ekranoplan (ground effect vehicle)...ignoring the fact that KSP doesn't model ground effect. This my first thing worth launching that contains the new H fuselage. This craft cruises at 80m/s on just its Goliath engines in water, and needs its J-61s one for a moment for enough acceleration to leave the water's surface. It can quite possibly sail the seven seas in the water or right above it at > 70m/s. I think it needs more wing surface in front as it can't glide at < 60m/s. Splashdown is very hard and it's a gamble to not lose any parts, namely the Goliaths in front.
  10. Read back a few posts for why the visual mods don't work. A fix will come.
  11. You've mentioned this before and I wholly agree with it. I also agree KSP itself may be a problem, but then there's @OhioBob's discovery that if some dividing factor was applied it would make all stars output the correct amount of solar flux but solar panels would show a tiny number for Ec output in their part description. I think something could be coded between the effective luminosity of a star and the perceived Ec output of a solar panel.
  12. Grannus would have to get its own partner to be binary with (and observe at a comfortably small scale). Between Ciro and itself and its vast orbital period, the scale is too great to really bother to think of the system as binary. I'd sure as heck like to think enough interest has been shown towards fixing the multiple star issue. Everyone who knows their excrement™ about planet packs knows the problem is there. But I could be horribly wrong.
  13. WARNING. The above material has been rated MA by the Motion Picture Association of Kerbin, and is not suitable for children.
  14. Here you go. And you only get a black hole.. (No one has made actual portal wormholes yet)
  15. This could be the same problem someone else had, recently. A planet config may have corrupted in your dowload. Please try again.
  16. Now install IR and make it dance. @Triop
  17. This. xD You win. May I suggest you build a fence around the memorial? It must be quite irradiated after all that deep space and low over Grannus, lol.
  18. Hydro Thunder! All it needs is a set of wheels... And a proper cockpit. This fiend of a passenger craft cruises at nearly 80m/s in water with just its 3 Goliaths and only needs the OPT engines for enough kick to leap out of the water. Then it glides very well and can splash at about 60m/s. Depending on the angle at impact, it settles, fully intact... I think it's time I start posting to KerbalX again.
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