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Everything posted by JadeOfMaar

  1. I would think something else is wrong if your asteroids aren't getting resources other than Rock, but additionally, RR doesn't attempt to provide asteroid drill options because I don't have enough interest in asteroids to bother with them. EL adds MetalOre to them. The CRP adds MetallicOre to them (which is easily taken advantage of by @Veronika Kerman's EL-CRP conversion patches). Sadly, that's all I can tell you.
  2. @KIMCHI OPT is definitely meant to be able to handle reentry very nicely. A few options (not all config manipulation) do exist: Delete DRE's config for OPT. (The easiest means but fully restores the arguably cheaty means by which OPT gets its durability.) The maxTemp and skinMaxTemp (heat limit) values don't get nerfed much actually... It's the thermalMassModifier that's really high (4 through 8) but gets nerfed down to 1. This key is a multiplier and causes parts to absorb that many times more heat energy before rising by the same temperature. Edit the config. Everywhere you see the value "2706" or roughly that, change it to 3250. This will cause all parts to have the heat limit (melting point) of a real material that's considered for spaceplane hulls, and come close to being made of whatever fairings are made of. I don't expect this to be too helpful, but it's a fair buff granted that reentry is supposed to be deadly. OPT's engines (under RO) should still offer very generous Isp. Perhaps try to focus more on: sharp ascents; less air-breathing exploitation and more vacuum optimization (which means longer insertion and deorbit burns); use of more airbrakes (especially OPT's included airbrakes).
  3. Deadly Reentry has patches for OPT. Makes OPT parts as weak to reentry heat as anything else. That, and OPT cockpits having large surface area makes them soak up heat and threaten to melt very easily.
  4. Concorde-alike engine body/mount, huh. Very interesting. That would be easy enough to do but I won't make it out of the scramjet body (for proportion/anatomy reasons and) I'm avoiding the scope creep (purely an intake; aero category) associated with it so no. If I do make a suite of intakes I'll be sure to remember this and its associated options/variants.
  5. @Angel-125 @chaos113 Can I get a reference for this Shuttle 2? I'm curious. nvm: I found it. It's quite interesting.
  6. Scramjets! Gentle reminder that these will be largely useless on stock scale, otherwise they take their rightful place as the cruising engine on your hypersonic planes, and can replace the RAPIER's closed cycle for upper atmosphere flat run phase. I'm doubtful about providing the shcramjet at this time. There are a few obvious texture faults. Those won't remain. Parts: 1.25/1.875m hollow (radial but goes over your fuselage like slipping yourself into some shorts) 1.25m nacelle (radial only) Variants: Colors: White; White + Thermal Tiles; Only Thermal Tiles Mounts (nacelle only): Shroud; Pylon (repeats per color variant) On the side, I received quite a bit of crit on the design for one of the interstellar engines. I spent all the energy intended for unwrapping it into changing the raw model to make more sense for how it operates.
  7. RR Parts provides the "RR Boxed Compressor/Decompressor/Freezer/Heater" parts which hold the freeze and that processes. ??? That....can't be right.
  8. Finally fixed the unwrapping and got though to texturing for the SaltWater rocket, and produced most of the missing heat emissive textures. This concludes the interplanetary engines suite. There may be other engines that I did not show and will not show. My sights are set now on the interstellar engines suite (just 4 or 5).
  9. @cinemagic I suppose not. Its tank integration only cares for the stock tanks, CryoTanks and B9 Part Switch. As far as producing RealFuels propellants is concerned, just add a few Ore tanks set to each of the interim resources required, and your final output would be whatever tank that uses MFT and should have all its necessary tank types installed already. Adding tank types to the likes of MFT is out of my scope as I've never used such. I only ever use B9 or WBI OmniStorage.
  10. @gilflo "Toggle Engine" is not a button (by that name) that appears in flight. It's basically the "Activate/Shutdown Engine" button. Multiple "Toggle Engine" buttons is a weird thing that happens on some engines for some reason because of them being multi-mode and the effect of something I did to give them more functionality. What the condition for that is, I don't know. It helps to activate all your engines at least once via staging as not doing so can lead to a rough spot when using action groups to toggle them.
  11. 2.5x scale minimum. It might be perfect for 3.2x to 4.8x.
  12. I only adopted OPT. I didn't make (most of) it. You attach the FVT engine to the exact equator of the tank with angle snap on (and not at any angle, not from the upper surface, not from the bulkhead faces) and then rotate it by pressing the key combo which should be given in the part description (it should be just Q for this one). Note that if you attach it to cargo bays, the intake is blocked and counts as aero shielded.
  13. Gas Core Chinese Lanterns! That is all.
  14. @Veronika Kerman Sure. Go ahead. While you're there, I have to draw your attention to this:
  15. I decided to reach into the old plans and recycle some drafts. The intention here is to include these among the nuclear thermal rockets in the SSTO engines section and fill a very certain gap left wide open in stock: Circular Scramjet Stock provides only the RAPIER for its particular role of being an efficient (if only by sparing you the mass and volume of a dedicated sustainer rocket) upper ascent phase engine for your (usually SSTO) spaceplanes. Why a scramjet? Although it's heavy and inefficient in itself, it still offers far better fuel economy vs an LFO engine and better empowers hypersonic cruisers. Parts: 1.875m hollow scramjet body. Allows mounting your choice 1.25m engine through it. (But there is a bug that arises between symmetry and crossfeed through an engine to another engine.) 1.25m radial-only scramjet nacelle. May include a short pylon. Circular Shcramjet Functionally superior form of the scramjet, named by the Chinese as "Sodramjet." This is of the oblique/standing detonation breed of engines and is directly superior to the scramjet. Technically, this engine is quite overpowered on system scales lower than 6.4x as it virtually has no upper airspeed limit, so it is provided primarily for players of real scale and Realism Overhaul, and secondarily because it's (afaik) the apex of chemical ramjet technology. The orange glow represents my intention for some of the throttle/combustion light to shine through the intake side due to near-zero combustion chamber volume. But this might actually apply to all of these engines. Parts: 1.25m radial-only shcramjet nacelle. May include a short pylon.
  16. Today: A tiny fix to the Z-Pinch engine model; Drew the heat emissive forthat; And made the remaining textures for this, the Mini-Mag Orion with proper nozzle model (in opposition to the image earlier on this page). I wanted to have more progress today but got royally sidetracked by something to test and learn (when the manual is poorly translated from Chinese to English). 2.5m profile, 9.5m tall, physical gimbal I had gone through mostly texturing the LSWR in the interim somewhere (somewhen) but learned that the unwrapping failed miserably for the AO so I threw it aside.
  17. That's how it works with nuclear reactors and thermal nozzles (each separate parts) in KSPIE.
  18. My vision for procedural (chemical) engines is as follows: The primary body: The combustion chamber, turbopumps and misc plumbing. This allows you to progressively unlock and access the combustion types/cycles like "Open cycle staged combustion, Full-flow staged combustion" however those work. Some engines are better (say: cheaper but wasteful) because they dump some of the propellant without burning it while others (more expensive, massive and prone to failure because they can efficiently use all of the propellant but involve far more moving parts. The base stats that you get to tweak are: Chamber pressure (provides base thrust, heat production) Combustion cycle (provides base efficiency, controls complexity and cost) Material (who's to say we can't have a little material science handwavium to allow for an engine to run hotter and safely thrust harder? This is a gentle nudge in the direction of MetallicHydrogen. This also controls mass, complexity and cost) Mount and fairing: When you want it to fit flush onto your procedural tank of any radius, and the stage under it (which should be same radius). Nozzle: Everyone who visits this thread should know how this works, but for those who don't, see the tweakables below: The throat diameter (the combustion chamber's exit. Note that if it reaches the combustion chamber's diameter, Isp drops like a brick in water.) The exit diameter (the open end of the nozzle). "Nozzle ratio" is the exit vs throat. The greater the ratio, the greater the vacuum optimization, but you'll see diminishing returns if you push it. Nozzle length (note that the overal nozzle volume will affect total mass). Cooling method or Material (Regenerative; None; Ablative are the kinds I know and each has their use case. Your choice affects the engine's mass, cost and heat production). Solid rockets have a place in this as well with points 2 and 3, but for point #1 you control length, diameter and grain/cavity shape which affect chamber pressure, heat production and the thrust curve. And you can eventually access Hybrid Solid where the solid fuel is pure alkali metal and the Oxidizer is a liquid, by which you can throttle and restart it, refuel it more easily, and gain some Isp from the high reactivity of alkali metals.
  19. The default fusion rocket: Magnetic confinement. Its mounts: 2.5m, 3.75m. It has physical gimbal, is also afterburning, and will accept a 3rd propellant (which can vary and will be selectable via B9 Part Switch).
  20. Past experimence tells me that the minimum radius is that of the planet -- Kerbin's 600km. I do hope that @Angel-125 is having a senior coder moment or the restriction now uses atmosphere height if the body has an atmosphere.
  21. @DoktorKrogg As I have your attention. I've been wondering about how much or how little WOLF can be used for transport of resources between the moons of a single parent planet (preferrably between landed complexes). (I really want to ask about interplanetary but I shall be cautious and assume that something about this would require more effort from RoverDude to invest than he's willing to.) I ask as there are those among us who may be interested in colonizing (for example) a volcanic planet and having shipments come in from an ice planet and a gas planet. Or more gently: to colonize an ice moon but to import metals from a not-ice moon and gases from the gas planet that owns these moons.
  22. @craidie Once upon a time, that broken link wasn't. That's why they're around. RoverDude eventually moved, which is why they're broken now.
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