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Everything posted by JadeOfMaar

  1. There's a stock function for that. It uses time (seconds). In addition there's a function for efficiency over temperature (by which you can make them become weak or stop completely by overheating when you pass very near to the Sun). I'm not home right now and I haven't tested it but I'll write a patch for you to try out. @Clamp-o-Tron ping. I see you may like this too. Also, Nertea and Linux likely might not enjoy writing a plugin for that. Most players might not want to have to think about replacing expired solar panels. It's easily an aspect of realism that has no real entertainment or challenge value and only serves as a gripe to put up with.
  2. I don't think I have that anymore. I've fixed every Kerbalism problem already, so your installed Reconfig must be very old. Your OPT Legacy must also be very old, or you're using OPT Main without Reconfig. The button with that for its name is powered by Firespitter.
  3. I'm not sure I get what you're saying. If you mean that you're missing the ability to change OPT tank contents using Kerbalism's UI, then that is intentional. Except for crewed parts, OPT's tanks are for fuel and not much else. The level of customization (of tank ratios and resource combos) you may be expecting is left to crewed parts for the resources that matter there and whatever capability Kerbalism's tank switcher provides. Even Kerbalism is using B9PS now for resource switching in its newly added tanks.
  4. @Drupegod02 I can't recommend a single method for sci-fi transportation. Every option has great pros and great cons, and you may find it interesting to install 2 and use them together: Warp drive (USI Alcubierre or KSP Interstellar) allows you to translate (in this case, move without accelerating) at speeds near and above light speed (on KSP's scale). USI is much easier to use than KSPI, but USI uses the concept of the tangible "warp bubble wall" and forces your ship to be designed to fit the bubble volume. Its great advantage is that you can throttle and steer, and go absolutely anywhere you'd like. You're not restricted to a very specific path or arrival point like with jump dives and wormholes. But once you've moved via warp drive, certain orbital parameters are carried with you, and you arrive with a very messed up trajectory (whether suborbital, orbiting retrograde or horribly inclined, or escaping). You can fix your arrival orbit with a chain of small warp drive maneuvers (very time-wasteful but saves you from bring the mass and volume for reaction engines) or by doing a standard correction burn with a super high Isp chemical engine (you'll never see ships in star Trek do this but this is half of why they have Impulse Drives). Jump drive (FTL Drive Continued or ESLD Jump Beacons) allows you to teleport to wherever you have placed a jump beacon. FTL Drive Continued is the easier of these two mods. It requires only ElectricCharge, line of sight, and the beacon to be far from the body it's orbiting. ESLD requires additional equipment (for crew to survive a jump), has tiers of jump beacons and restricted movement between the tiers, and the beacons require the Karborundum resource, an in-game handwavium fuel. Jump drives are the most time-saving method to get around in a star system, but only later on, once a jump beacon network has been established, and setting it up in the first place will cost a lot of time and effort. Also, using a jump drive on interstellar scale may require a few orders of magnitude more jump fuel than, say, a Moho to Neidon jump. You may need your ship to have half its mass be batteries and to hold a few hundred thousand ElectricCharge (or hundreds of KSPI MegaJoules) for the biggest jump. Fusion rockets. You're not going interstellar with any meaningful payload mass on stock engines. That's a given. but even on these alone, you're still in for a (relatively) very slow and time-consuming ride through space. Far Future Tech, KSP Interstellar and Galaxies Unbound will enable you to design star ships that can nearly do Brachistochrone burns, but on that scale of rocketry, you'll still eventually find yourself meeting the tyranny of the rocket equation, depending on how generous you plan to be with your propellant. Wormholes. These are currently only used by the Event Horizon mod and planted by it into certain other star system mods, not including TWB. but if they were present in TWB they would offer an advantage similar to, and in a way, better than jump drives. They would be there to begin with, so you don't need to spend time and effort to setup a portal network, and you won't need to design your ships any certain way to approach and use them...But their great disadvantage is that they are very few and far between, and it's a guessing game where they lead to.
  5. @Drupegod02 The answer to your question mostly or surely lies here. After understanding this (from the opening post), a little mandatory playtesting: The GitHub wiki for this mod also exists and will be very helpful.
  6. Probably a bad roll from the RNG. I remember a few months ago, someone I talk to regularly had reported they couldn't get ExoticMinerals or RareMetals near the KSC. Same mechanism.
  7. @Lisias hi there, hi. If you get around to it you will find that the Egg Dog engine is the same kind as the WarpJet SAGE engine as described in https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/TweakScale/issues/93. It also uses B9 to change engine module properties. This concerns me greatly.
  8. @blackbeard03 I can't help you, sorry. Tweakscale doesn't work well with parts that use B9 Part Switch to change things other than what resources they're holding. I don't have your problem (with engines anyway... I do have an issue with converters) because I stay with an old version of Tweakscale (and i don't install many, many mods so Tweakscale doesn't cry and scream at me. )
  9. The effect would be immediate. (Once you restart KSP after setting a template, of course.)
  10. There are mods for tanks, engines, fuels and advanced gameplay mechanics: fusion rockets, warp drives, jump drives & jump beacons. And you'll want to have these two quality of life mods: Persistent Thrust and Better Burn Time. They make timewarp much less of a waste of IRL time.
  11. I'm also not a fan of the repulsors' woop woop UFO plume. Personally, I'd prefer either an emissive animation (like an engine has) or particles that hug the device (or both) like with the Nebuchadnezzar from the Matrix movies. It doesn't have to be lightning. It could be something like this fire ring I made: https://i.imgur.com/bJG15cK.mp4 While I'm here...I never did PR that config update. I guess nobody took issue with it. I was waiting for someone to find issue with it, or for @Shadowmage to announce any changes to config syntax due to whatever he's up to. I'll PR it anyway, when I can.
  12. Today I made another OPT (wouldbe Jool 5/ OPM adventure) flagship. Inspired by Space Battleship Yamato and @ShadowZone's Ozymandias. I'm still a huge fan of the YT series of the same name. By Ozymandias I mean this was at first meant to be able to land and refuel itself but I didn't make any option for high thrust, super-high Isp VTOL engines. I wanted to make one for exactly this occasion. Without it, I've waste all of the ship's fuel mass just making a safe landing. It's really not a nice idea going from a few hundred thousand seconds Isp main engines to a few hundreds of seconds Isp lander engines with a ship of this class. Companion lander and spaceplane featured too but they both have some very short points to them. Lander has low TWR and the spaceplane is kinda big and complicated.
  13. I built a new flagship that I'm really considering using. The HMS Kongou, inspired by Space Battleship Yamato. Every few months I try to come up with a flagship with spaceplane and lander with the ambition to attempt a Jool 5 or visit the Outer Planets (as in Ozymandias series). The shuttle and lander designs are in unsatisfactory conditions. (The lander is short on TWR to take on Tylo and needs tiny, low efficiency engines to compensate, cutting its dV clean in half. The shuttle is just fine in performance but is rather large and complicated.)
  14. I'm in no position to give even a rough date yet. I've finally listed just about all the parts I want to make and it's quite a lot.
  15. Compatibility of a visual pack to a planet pack is entirely opt-in. Each body needs to be configed in the visual pack, and if not done, expect the visual pack to have no effect. There is the exception that Kerbin and Sun must always exist, even if their display names are different (in this planet mod's case: Rhode and the Tempus Barycenter). AVP may still apply to them and if so, will cause an ugly scene by overlapping with this mod's own visual pack.
  16. Automatic switching happens when you reach Mach 7.5 on the Turbojet mode or you're flying exactly high enough that IntakeAir demand is excessive and the engine switches due to flameout from starvation... Automatic switching should not be pursued on engines where both modes use (mostly or wholly) the same propellants. Both modes use LiquidFuel and intakeAir but the Shcramjet mode additionally requires ElectricCharge, high altitude and speeds above Mach 4. Turbojet mode has such a high upper speed limit because for players on stock scale, it's not worth it to lower that limit and encourage the preparation for, and use of Shcramjet mode. Scramjet engines are pointless because of stock scale's low orbital velocity. Using a scramjet/shcramjet for the upper ascent phase is very different from using any rocket engine. In this situation you want to keep a very, very shallow ascent at high altitude (let's say, 10deg pitch at about 25km altitude) to balance maximizing the operating time of the engine and dodging excessive thermal load on the nose or cockpit. If you ever find yourself playing 2.5x scale or higher, where target speeds on air-breathing are Mach 12+, you'll find the Nebula's Shcramjet mode very valueable. Moreover, the best time to swtich to Shcramjet mode is Mach 5. That's where thrust is sufficient or self-sustaining.
  17. I spent all day on this other all-new part for Endurance: The MB-30. It's (a squashed down freight box with stuff welded on ) an all-in-one experiment suite (holds 7 stock experiments and the 4 sensor modules related to them) with its own fuel tank, fuel cell, RCS and drone capability (so it can attach itself to a Lander while in orbit, be well able to save on part count, produce science, and endure the cost of transmitting a lot of science). I've also added and fixed attach nodes in the mount areas to accommodate it. (I have not broken anything. The other large boxes will still fit perfectly.) It's inspired by this image of Endurance carrying 16 payload items in total.
  18. @pidgeypotato Any number of the following factors may be involved: The body of your spaceplane is far too heavy. / You don't have enough wheels near the CoM to support the plane's weight. The wheels are attached to the wings or (worse yet) to radial engine assemblies which are also really heavy, and not attached to the core stack of the spaceplane body. Your wings are heavier than the core stack. You're not using well-placed autostruts (or KJR) to fight off the fragility of (I expect) a very flashy, very long, and very heavy craft. Your engines (assuming they're on the wings) are somehow producing enough thrust at that point to tear themselves off. Your plane is very flimsy or lightweight (or both) in the middle (or where the wings are immediately attached) while everything around it is very heavy. Your wheels are too far back from your CoM, forcing you to accelerate to near Mach 1 on the runway (I call this "Table Leg" Syndome), at which point, when you pull up, your plane may be meeting enough dynamic pressure and may be flexing hard enough that it breaks. Your main wheels should be near your CoM.
  19. @Pipcard I can't give you any clear instructions but you can substitute KerbPaint with Textures Unlimited and the TU Recolor Depot.
  20. @Motokid600 Rhode is -not- Kerbin so I say you have more reason to make it what you like. JNSQ (2.7x) Kerbin's atmo height is 85km. 2.5x stock Kerbin has 90km (that's too much as some will say). If you used RSS proportions and scaled down you'd end up with a terrifying 14km at stock scale. The most important thing I guess to consider is how you like your gravity turns. Atmo height most readily affects those.
  21. @Waltert No, not the case anymore. Those instructions are obsolete. At the time those instructions were written, the play mode switcher was immature and didn't have the logic yet to respect the setting in ( WBIPlayMode.cfg ) if it was altered by the player. And I guess it was much rougher around the edges if it needed to be changed to Pristine in-between CRP and Classic. I think it's time @Angel-125 deleted that little spoiler. (I regularly talk with him somewhat closely so I get to learn a lot without, or before needing to, reading the thread OP).
  22. No. It's deeper than that and can't be fixed so easily. You have to remove the effect and completely do without, or find an equivalent substitute for that part. What's going on there is that the part's mesh has a scaling issue which isn't obvious but manifests in the particles being scaled up by a huge degree (like 100x or 1000x).
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