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Everything posted by GrubbyZebra

  1. It works on my test install, so I'm definitely of the opinion that it is some mod interaction causing the problem. Anyhoo, no rush, but it was baffling to me so I figured I would post here for a fresh set of eyes.
  2. Sweet! A suggestion if I may: would it be possible to have the AOA check automatically disable if outside of an atmosphere without having to turn off all of Bob's? (realistically there is no AOA without an atmosphere, but I doubt this is how KSP is programmed) I have a few ships that I would like to still run aborts on if an explosion takes pace prior to reaching a stable orbit, but the AOA checker will trigger as soon as I start turning to point maneuver prograde.
  3. I'm having an issue on my career save where the Landvermesser legs won't deploy (I have the option in the VAB but they only move a small amount before returning to the stowed position, and I don't even get the option in the right-click menu in flight scene). The output log is below, you can scroll to the bottom for the messages that start when I press the gear key in the flight scene. Look for the sentence that starts "DragCubeSystem:" and it's that plus the next 20 ish lines. output.log
  4. okie doke, Here ya go: Craft and Output Log files Ship requires ProbesPlus, Making History, and FASA Launch Clamps (I think that is it for parts).
  5. So I'm getting an abort message due to a fairing explosion when I first load rockets for launch (using procedural fairings). These are all unmanned rockets so I don't have an actual abort sequence programmed so it is more a nuisance message at this point. Is there a way to delay the start of Bob's until the flight scene has stabilized?
  6. @linuxgurugamer Just wanted to say that the current version worked perfectly. It finally gives me a non-tedious way to incorporate random failures and aborts into my game. Thanks!
  7. Gordon, not that it helps you at all, but I am having no issues with ScienceAlertRealerted detecting and running the 4 SR experiments.
  8. D'oh! Didn't realise I turned off the auto-refresh.
  9. Just an FYI, CKAN still has a very early version of this ( Found out the hard way after bashing my head against a wall trying to figure out why it isn't disabling after a time, then looked at the version numbers between here and my gamedata folder. D'oh!
  10. Thought you might. See this for a solution: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/152136-ksp-143-galileos-planet-pack-v1630-9-may-2018/&do=findComment&comment=3410895
  11. I actually had the same problem with my GPP_Secondary installation. So there is that to consider. It seems to have gone away since I deleted everything and reinstalled all my mods.
  12. Based on the posted KSP version for Aerojet, I would suspect the included versions of those mods are horribly out of date.
  13. Having an issue where my sounding rockets are sinking with water landings. Am i missing something or is it just the cardboard getting wet (I don't recall this with 1.3, but can't remember exactly).
  14. I set up a test install of 1.4.3 with the exact mods you have listed, except: ONLY have MM 3.0.7 installed. Did not use the firespitter, smokescreen, or tweakscale that comes with Aerojet Kerbodyne (used the latest versions from CKAN). I was unable to reproduce the problem. Hope this helps
  15. In the ckan installation, the stock folder is nested, I've never used the zip download.
  16. Exactly. I do not know whether or not RealPlume uses such references, but I operate under the assumptio that is does for certain effects since many other similar mods do.
  17. Not necessarily. I've had plenty of examples where putting the wrong level folder in gamedata caused a mod not to function.
  18. I get that, but will the patches be applied properly if they are not in the folder with the mod .dll?
  19. Ok, first things first, get rid of the duplicate module managers. Also, the RealPlume Stock folder should be inside the RealPlume folder, not in the GameData folder. Will read through the log to see if anything jumps out.
  20. https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/83212-how-to-get-support-read-first/
  21. Need more info than that. Logs, mod list, specific parts that are affected
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