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Everything posted by RedPandaz

  1. It isn't working. When I try to use it, it quickly flashes PropRequirement = 0% for some reason and the bubble dissapears after like a tenth of a second
  2. I made a 4000-part space-station frame, I would like to be able to continue it, so if the devs could make something like that playable I'd be suuuuper happy
  3. Hmmm. There and back should be fairly simple, once you land on the island runway; have two boosters, one under the other- with a decent design you should be able to fire one one other on the way back. And on the speed and endurance ones you can just fire one than the other in flight. Just make sure to have adequate control surfaces. BTW, is there any actual reason why stock places the, like, swing limit or whatever of the flaps at 100 and not 150? 150 seems better to me.
  4. I think the hardest part of the challenge will be getting to the island runway because a. Timing the thrust just right? and b. Just general control? but I can definitely hit these 3 easy: Shockwave. Endurance.. Spaceballs
  5. Does "No Recovery" mean that you don't have to land at the Island runway?
  6. I know, it's more an honesty thing. You said only mod when it wasn't
  7. "only mod anyways is the thrusters and nose cone." Huh
  8. Whenever I pull it up by accident it takes like ten seconds for the "Close" button to register
  9. I always only end up getting like 3 parts and no instruction how to use them
  10. Like an incorporated and intuitive Extraplanetary Launchpad mod?
  11. I made a full cabin parachute system, able to slow my plane down from mach 3 to a nice 4 m/s
  12. Currently I have a good plane with 96 passengers, 366 m/s cruising speed. Gonna keep making it better tho Is RCS allowed?
  13. When you get to the SOI the positions would update maybe? Or what about just having Warp Gates between planets to get rid of interstellar voyages?
  14. Trying to fly at mach 2 through a tornado would be cool tho Maybe a weather mod could just directly edit the plane's velocity, like +10 left, -50 down, etc? with a visual effect for the cloud?
  15. DMP runs at maybe 2 fps on the best computer I have Maybe mutiplayer in a planet's SOI and singleplayer outside? That should fix the time warp problem I think
  16. "Posted October 8, 2015 (edited) One of my biggest complaints about KSP has been the lack of things to do. Once you get where you're going, there's really no point in being there and nothing to do when you do get there. The planets are lifeless, the science is a gooey joke and the only reason to be on the surface of a planet is to say you've been there or drill for ore so you can reach further destinations and do... what? I can't even begin to calculate the number of rockets, aircraft, rovers and bases that I've created in the past few years only to scrap them entirely when the 'mission' was complete? Why? No point in them existing. But Squad has been too busy adding useless things, like heat and silly pointy aerodynamic overlays that serve no purpose other than eye candy, rather than providing a continuing source of entertainment. Well, someone was listening. Astroneer And guess what they're comparing it to? MSN Article on Astroneer If fear if Squad continues their ostrich approach to immersion that it's going to be just like many of the games we remember, like Age of Empires. It may define a genra of games but if they don't wake up, it's going to quickly become another dust collector on the shelf. Edited October 8, 2015 by Fengist" This is still a very real problem in-game, and something that I would like adressed- And I have some ideas -Weather -Weather would be an amazing thing to experience, and possible design around? A dust storm on Duna or maybe storms on Kerbin, Laythe, or Eve? They could range from small showers to massive hurricanes -More Contracts? -Tourist contracts to other points on Kerbin, potentially the other bases; You could have little hopper runs to the Island runway, or long-haul flights to KSC 2? More places to -Life support and better Base Building -Kerbals should need food, water and oxygen. I know there are already mods for this, but stock support would be great. Something I would also like are large glass domes for building cool sci-fi biospheres, and also recreational facilities, such as lounges and movie theaters? What do you think of my ideas? and I really want to fly through a Cat-5 hurricane in KSP, that would be an interesting challenge
  17. "

    Posted October 8, 2015 (edited)
    One of my biggest complaints about KSP has been the lack of things to do. Once you get where you're going, there's really no point in being there and nothing to do when you do get there. The planets are lifeless, the science is a gooey joke and the only reason to be on the surface of a planet is to say you've been there or drill for ore so you can reach further destinations and do... what? I can't even begin to calculate the number of rockets, aircraft, rovers and bases that I've created in the past few years only to scrap them entirely when the 'mission' was complete? Why? No point in them existing.

    But Squad has been too busy adding useless things, like heat and silly pointy aerodynamic overlays that serve no purpose other than eye candy, rather than providing a continuing source of entertainment.

    Well, someone was listening.


    And guess what they're comparing it to?

    MSN Article on Astroneer

    If fear if Squad continues their ostrich approach to immersion that it's going to be just like many of the games we remember, like Age of Empires. It may define a genra of games but if they don't wake up, it's going to quickly become another dust collector on the shelf.

    Edited October 8, 2015 by Fengist"


    This is still a very real problem in-game, and something that I would like adressed- And I have some ideas


           -Weather would be an amazing thing to experience, and possible design around? A dust storm on Duna or maybe storms on Kerbin, Laythe, or Eve? They could range from small showers to massive hurricanes :D 

    -More Contracts?

    -Tourist contracts to other points on Kerbin, potentially the other bases; You could have little hopper runs to the Island runway, or long-haul flights to KSC 2? More places to 

    -Life support and better Base Building

    -Kerbals should need food, water and oxygen. I know there are already mods for this, but stock support would be great. Something I would also like are large glass domes for building cool sci-fi biospheres, and also recreational facilities, such as lounges and movie theaters?


    Just some of my opinions, and I shall start a thread for more ideas. I believe just even these additions could make for a much more entertaining play experience


  18. Definately TweakScale, Planetshine, Airplane Plus/KAX and RealAtmospheres for a start
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