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Everything posted by RedPandaz

  1. I made a rocket plane that flew for 4500km in less than 15 min, powered by a Mammoth rocket engine D:
  2. Why no rocket engines? Can we suggest 2-3 catagories if our aircraft could do well in any?
  3. Hey can we make the Size 2 cabins and the Mk3 cabins the same price? Because if they carry the same amount of people, why is one 3 times more expensive?
  4. Some times I'll put two mk1s together with a fuel tank in the center
  5. Well, yea, or you could fill in the space with part-clipped fuel tanks. Looks as nice if you do it correctly and is more useful
  6. But tweakscale doesn't add more passengers on cabins so it wouldn't be worth it
  7. It's the Size 2 compartment with AirplanesPlus. And yes it does, it counts as much as the Mk3 cabin
  8. Aww, ok. Sorry that I haven't posted yet, I haven't really gotten around to figuring out KerbalX. Tho I have made a VTOL passenger plane
  9. Wow. I guess we just spent our time in different things...maybe we can help eachother?
  10. I have failed the Docking tutorial maybe 20 times now? I can't seem to slow down in time without throwing off my orbit Meanwhile I'm baffled by people who can't instinctually build a working plany by sight [as in without the CoM/CoL markers] Then again, I guess I just have more experience there
  11. Pfft, planes are both easy to build, and to land. Orbital rendezvous, that's a nightmare
  12. My problem with Verniers is that attatched radially, SAS seems to like putting my crafts into a spin aiming anywhere What about CKAN?
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