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Everything posted by RedPandaz

  1. It doesn't take long though, and you could always leave the area. And the AoE could always be smaller- the principle is the same; I think 500 km could probably work just fine
  2. That would be especially cool if they added POV IVAs and you could walk between compartments/open doors or whatever. Doubt they will tho
  3. @CrazyJebGuy @Kebab Kerman Is B9 Procedural wings allowed? If not, the Giganto IV...still flies, but looking at its wings would be unsettling for many pilots
  4. The Giganto 4 uses TweakScale and therefor doesn't lag at it's impressive 11kt
  5. The Giganto 4 is underway. Unfortionaly, like the Giganto III, the Giganto 4 is Kraken-Bait
  6. How lol. Tweakscale is practically stock, BasicOrbit and BasicDV are so lightweight and useful at the same time that I really hate to play without them, and Kax adds more parts for building planes. I would also say ManuverNodeOverhauled and TrackingStationOverhauled are pretty much musts too
  7. They're the only ones I use On this topic, we do need tank treads. Maybe a way to create custom tank treads? [like placing down wheels for them and then clicking them in the order the tread passes over them?]
  8. You can use HyperEdit, yes. I once put one of Jool's moons so close that when it passed overhead it would pull my ships off the ground XD
  9. I's mainly a bit of a joke, but I do think we should at least take a heads-up of who's even active anymore and put some on hold if they're not active
  10. Maybe mine could be a little sooner then? I'm at least active, I bet some people aren't even really active anymore
  11. 5 a month maybe. That's easy. Lego Universe was 10 per month, still a good deal Time warp, just have a standard system warp speed be no warp, play interplanetary space as single player or in small groups who can all argree on a warp speed
  12. TweakScale, KAX, BasicOrbit and BasicDV are musts and should be stock
  13. That would bring you forward in time, because time would go slower for you than the outside world
  14. Causality is only a problem if you go backwards in time, IIRC
  15. I think it should be fine, especially since they would be prebuilt models. most of the interior could be empty, or some things could be "broken" and then not need to animate, especially seeing as it is a millennia-old derelict
  16. Maybe real time would only work in-atmosphere/planet range [sayyy, 1000km?], and outside of the atmosphere it would work like singleplayer? If you wanted to go with buddies you could form into an in-game group and have the same local time, all agreeing on a time warp? 1. Simple. Just have Multiplayer disregard mods 2. Well, I mean, Minecraft has that problem too, and people play that. Furthermore, you could set it so that your ship could only be interactable with certain other players, say, like a friendslist. 3. Easy- just run most of the calculations on the dedicated Squad computers already there for running the servers. 4. Maybe real time would only work in-atmosphere/planet range [sayyy, 1000km?], and outside of the atmosphere it would work like singleplayer? If you wanted to go with buddies you could form into an in-game group and have the same local time, all agreeing on a time warp? Best solution. Just do this, run like singleplayer for between planets, and jump-cut things to sync with the server once you get to a new planet I've answered this, and it will merge with my other replies, just scroll up or somethin' Answered; will merge
  17. Maybe real time would only work in-atmosphere/planet range [sayyy, 1000km?], and outside of the atmosphere it would work like singleplayer? If you wanted to go with buddies you could form into an in-game group and have the same local time, all agreeing on a time warp? In this case though I think a good deal could be allieviated by moving the calculations to large Squad servers
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