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  1. First off, I really like your mod SeveredSolo! Thank you for working on it. Now, maybe I'm blind but I think you forgot to include OhScrap.dll in the OhScrap1.5.1.zip release! <3
  2. Stock Size Real Solar System (now maintained by Galileo) might be more to your liking.
  3. It seems to happen to me if I'm using EVE 1.2.2-1 instead of 1.2-2. Try using the second to last EVE version (1.2-2, only AnyCPU-EVE-Release is required) and see if it fixes your issues. E1- Scratch that, it wasn't the source of the problem.
  4. []X] Science! is also a pretty good one. It provides a full list of every experiment doable and the "Here and Now!" function tells you what experiments would give you science at the moment.
  5. SVE is a custom config package using EVE, Distant Objects and Scatterer. Different textures and color palettes, opacity, etc... SVE comes with all the other plugins required (eve, distant objects and scatterer) bundled with it.
  6. Everything seems to be working so far, thank you for your work Waz! I have one question though. My KSP.log spams "[ERR 01:01:59.827] The AssetBundle 'file://C:\Games\SteamGames\SteamApps\Common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements\eveshaders-windows.ksp' can't be loaded because another AssetBundle with the same files is already loaded." for a while when I start my game. Is there a good reason for it or should I ignore the error? I mean, clouds, city lights and everything else seems to be working, but I'm still a very new KSP player so I might just not realize it :> I am also running Scatterer & Planetshine and DistantObject if it matters. (doubt anything else can conflict) Here's my whole log (if I don't derp the formatting).
  7. No changes should be necessary, you only have to recompile it.
  8. I hope you're feeling better now I wanted to tell you, as a very new player, you already helped me a lot this week. The pre-release build and mods situation is quite hard to follow/get into currently. But I've been stalking(let's call it studying, okay? your work to get a glimpse of how mods work for this game. You've been a great helper without even knowing! You are amazing :].
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