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Everything posted by lBoBl

  1. So the KSP store has been down for a couple of days and I'm stuck with 1.11.0 and now way to download the updates for the game and DLCs. Any ETA on when the store might be back online?
  2. I tried that and it works (but I added the resources to AssembledResourcesFilter instead) I added Alloys,Synthetics,Robotics,Electronics,Prototypes
  3. Bit of a quirk here, I have a WOLF depot on my homeworld's closest moon, mining and processing tons of stuff. In that biome I am making alloys, synthetics, and specialized parts, the plan is to ship them to low kerbin orbit to feed my future orbital shipyard. Problem is, the alloys and synthetics don't show in the WOLF GUI when I check it (Specialized parts do). They're not at 0, they just don't appear at all. Looking at the WOLF section of the savefile, it does look like I am making 2 Alloys and 2 Synthetics in that biome, just as intended. Same thing when I open the planner in the VAB and try to add more fabricators for alloys and synthetics, it goes from 2 to 3. I am going to try and establish the route between that biome and low kerbin orbit but I don't know if I'm going to be able to ship my alloys and synthetics, and if I'll be able to retrieve them with a hopper in low orbit. I'll update this post when I find out. That'll tell us if it's just a visual bug in the GUI or a deeper problem with those resources.
  4. I like keeping the number of parts to a minimum to keep loading times reasonable and also because I like the challenge of being limited to mostly stock parts. The latest pre-release is only available as a full USI constellation package, and I was wondering how safe it would be to remove some of the folders? Basically I'd like to keep Konstruction, Kontainers, LifeSupport, MKS, ReactorPack, maybe the Submarine, Survival and Exploration Packs and of course WOLF. How unsafe would it be to remove all the rest? (meaning deleting the Akita, ART, FTT, Karbonite, Karbonite Plus, Karibou, Malemute, NuclearRockets, Orion, SoundingRockets and WarpDrive folders)
  5. I'm not anywhere close to being done (I want those on every celestial body) but I'll just drop that here https://imgur.com/gallery/2xRou0F
  6. It worked thank you so much! Proceeding to write new config files for GPP (And yeah I'm going to add SpaceDustBunnies resources too!)
  7. Is there a way to delete a top-level node with MM ? I'm trying to write a patch that would provide compatibility with SpaceDust for Galileo's Planet Pack. I need to delete the pre-existing SpaceDust resources entirely or the game throws an error when trying to load resources for planet that don't exist in GPP. I've tried this For reasons I can totally understand, it doesn't work. Is there a correct syntax to do it or is it impossible to target top level nodes? Edit: Solved
  8. OK so I found the problem and got it working but the situation is still far from ideal at this point. Looking at my KSP.log I found this : I thought, well, maybe this critical error on one resource prevents all other resources from loading correctly. And sure enough, when I delete the configs for all bodies that are not present in GPP (basically all except Kerbin), it works and I see the appropriate resources around Gael/Kerbin. But of course, deleting stuff straight from the SpaceDust folder is dirty and poses a couple of problems. Namely, if I ever update SpaceDust my changes will get overwritten and I also can't share my patches with the GPP community in a clean and easy to use manner. So I tried using an external MM patch with this This doesn't seem to do the trick though. I'm no ModuleManager expert, I don't know if deleting an entire config node like that is possible but if it is I must have got the syntax wrong. Looking at the MM patch logs, it looks like it doesn't even register at all. So for the moment I'm back to editing the config files inside the SpaceDust folder manually but I'd greatly appreciate if someone can point me towards a way of doing is more cleanly.
  9. Well, it looks like this So it's obviously not working but I still can't figure out why... I'm going to try writing a couple of different configs using DustBunnies as an example and see what it does.
  10. So, I have a bit of a technical question... I totally understand if you don't have time to answer, I get it that support for this kind of odd things isn't and shouldn't be a priority. Basically is it possible to write config files for various planet packs? I went back to GPP recently and I'm having a blast. I was trying to look for antimatter around the home world, Gael. I was thinking, the included config file should at least work for Gael because as far as the game is concerned it is actually named Kerbin (and every config file bundled with GPP, like CRP resource defs, scatterer configs etc, uses the name Kerbin). However, I tried mounting a gamma ray detector on a test probe in a test sandbox save, and when I cheat myself into orbit at 600 000m, well, nothing, 0u/m3. I must say, I'm not entirely sure that this is not normal, and if the detector is supposed to read that value just disregard all the rest. (Btw, when I look at the comments in the Space Dust config file it says altitudes are in km from sea level. I'm assuming you actually meant meters and not kilometers because Kerbin's SOI is actually smaller than 600 000 km, and 600 000km sounds absurdly high for a van allen belt analog.) What seems kind of weird though, is that I found this in my save file So does that mean that the configs for kerbin are loading successfully? In the off chance that it would work, I copy-pasted the config for Kerbin in a separate .cfg file, changed the Body value to Gael changed the name and title for both bands, and restarted the game. Unsurprisingly, It doesn't seem to work, I'm still finding 0u/m3 with my gamma ray probe. I left it there for quite a while and it doesn't seem to change at all. As I said, I totally get it if you don't have time for this but any clue on how to get it working would be greatly appreciated.
  11. Hullo guys, Basically I have one simple question, should I get MKS now or should I wait for the next release which apparently promises many great things? The thing is, I've played with MKS quite a lot in the past but I ended up abandoning it for a couple of reasons, basically I spent all my time micro-managing every resource in laggy bases and that kept me from efficiently exploring the myriad of worlds that I have in my GPP/GEP/ OPM careers, and I wasn't a huge fan of the esthetics of the Tundra parts which were basically your best option for end game colonization. So needless to say, I'm very excited about WOLF and the new Atlas parts, but... The one thing I really loved doing with MKS, rather than just sending Kerbals to live on another world, was to use MKS and EPL as a not-too-cheaty way of building huge vessels which could never have flown through the atmosphere of Kerbin on smaller planets or moons and then sending them to the confines of the solar system. Basically EPL on its own (or even GC from what I understand, although I've never really tried it) felt way too easy, just picking up a ton of rocks in a single spot and making a rocket out of it definitely felt like cheating, but having to gather up tons of resources and set up complex production chains before being able to build anything felt exciting and rewarding. From what I understand, at the moment GC has been pulled out and MKS doesn't support that kind of mechanics anymore, but that might come back in the form of an USI mod in the not-so-distant future? Is that correct, and what about EPL, is that also not supported at the moment? Another concern I have is that there seems to be major changes upcoming, like the transition from KIS to the new stock inventory system (which I absolutely love). Basically if I install MKS right now and start using it is it likely to break my save in the future when I want to upgrade to a new version? Lastly, if I decide that I can't wait for a future update to build stuff off-world, how unreasonable would it be to install EPL or GC with MKS at the moment? Have the old config files been pulled or are they just no longer officially supported?
  12. Technically yes but you need to : 1. Understand that 1.11 is not officially supported which means you won't receive any help if something goes wrong or doesn't work. You may or may not have problems, but if you do then troubleshooting will be entirely up to you. 2. Use the correct version of R-T-B's Kopernicus Bleeding Edge branch. You probably want to do a manual install of GPP and Kopernicus instead of using CKAN. 3. Remember 1. and don't ask for support here. If you run into any trouble that you can't resolve by yourself just use an officially supported version. Yes it does. However you need to use a mod like Texture Replacer or DiRT, which you need to download separately. Note that GPP already has a skybox associated with a custom config file for Texture Replacer, so you might need to edit/delete that config file. I haven't had to do that though, just dropping the PoodsSkybox folder inside my GameData folder worked fine for me.
  13. Hullo guys, After fooling around for a while with JNSQ I've recently started not one but two careers with GPP and it's been fantastic so far. It feels so good playing it again and the new terrain textures using the new shaders (well I guess they're not so new anymore by now but to me they are) just look fantastic. I hear galileo's been away from KSP modding for a while but congrats to the whole team, this definitely still is the best planet pack in this quadrant of the galaxy. Cool screenshots album coming soon btw Just a small question though : what are my options for Kerbal Konstructs? I remember back in the days I made a harbor using SM Statics and JadeOfMaar saw that and immediately proceeded to make one that looked ten times better. Is it still available somewhere (apparently SM statics are not available for dowload anymore but digging them up from a dusty old hard drive I have lying around somewhere might be an option, are there still config files available though)? So far I've just installed KK manually and the included config files appear to be loading correctly. I've downscaled and moved the seagulls over the water, deleted some of them too, because it kind of looked like there was a giant swarm of teenage dragons flying mach 10 over GSC (escpecially when looking at the shadows on the ground). But that's just a matter of personal taste I suppose. The thing is though, if I remember correctly there used to be a ton of additional space centers, airports and stuff all over Gael, and they don't seem to be loaded. Do they still exist, is there something I need to add to use them? Edit : I can see the extra launchsites in sandbox mode. I guess I'm just supposed to open them in career mode before I can see them in the tracking station
  14. Thanks a lot! I did not know about AmazingCurveEditor but it looks like something I could use from time to time...
  15. Hullo, I have a very simple problem here. The TR-2L ruggedized rover wheel are, in my humble opinion, quite underpowered. The XL wheels are just stupid big and really inconvenient, but the TR-2L which are much more reasonably sized aren't powerful enough to move anything bigger than a lander can except if you use a ton of them, at which point your craft starts looking ridiculous. So I was thinking, well, easy, I'll just edit the config files to make them just slightly more powerful, maybe at the cost of more electric charge, so that they aren't completely useless. But turns out, the config file is a bit more complicated than I anticipated. Basically I just want to give them more torque, but here's what the motor module in the .cfg looks like : My first observation was that it looks a bit dirty. If I understand correctly everything after the // symbols are comments that just don't do anything and are probably old values that should have been cleaned up at some point? Then I just wondered why the torqueCurve section looks so darn complicated. I guess I was wrong but I thought electric motors in the real world were supposed to have sort of a flat-ish torque curve... So I'm just guessing here, correct me if I'm wrong... If we take the second key, 10 is a speed (in m/s presumably), and 1.4 would be the motor torque at that speed, in newton-meters or something? What are the two zeroes after that, why are they always zero for every key and why are they even there? And if I increase these values in the torqueCurve, will the Electric Charge consumption increase as well or do I need to change the rate under RESOURCE? In other words, is that rate per second or per newton-meter of torque? Lastly, (but this is optionnal I guess I can figure that out on my own) rather than modifying the stock cfg I'd like to make a ModuleManager patch, but how do I target the specific keys under torqueCurve? Would this work Thanks in advance for any help you can provide!
  16. I'm having a bit of an issue trying to use this with JNSQ and scatterer. It seems that the oceans are not loading properly, at least for kerbin (I haven't checked Eve and Laythe so far). The oceans are invisible and I can see all the way down to the ocean floor. At times it looks like the entire Scatterer config for Kerbin isn't loading. When it does, I can just fix the ocean problem by opening the scatterer menu and clicking "rebuild ocean" but sometimes I don't even have the option to select Kerbin in the scatterer menu, as if the config wasn't loaded at all. If anyone could shed some beautifully scattered light on this issue I'd be very grateful Here are some screenshots https://imgur.com/a/wQLMfv6 Thanks!
  17. I'm experiencing a bit of an issue, I suspect it is related to Scatterer but I couldn't find any relevant information on the scatterer thread. Basically, when I load the game or even when I reload a save, oceans on Kerbin (and maybe other oceanic planets as well, I haven't really checked) are invisible. They are still physically present but the surface is just invisible and I can see the ocean floor. The problem can be fixed (but only once, see edit below) by opening the scatterer menu and clicking the "rebuild ocean" button. I'm using the latest build of R-T-B's Kopernicus on version 1.10, I've tried older versions of Scatterer as well but it doesn't seem to do anything. If anyone has an idea of how I could fix this permanently it'd be greatly appreciated. I understand that JNSQ doesn't officially support 1.10 but since a lot of people seem to be using it without any issues I'm just wondering what I did wrong Here are some screenshots https://imgur.com/a/wQLMfv6 Edit : after doing some more digging I discovered that using the rebuild ocean button was not something to do when using JNSQ and that it could explain why I was only able to do it once. I'm currently reinstalling both JNSQ and scatterer as I've done in the past, but since it's something I have already tried in the past I have a feeling it won't be enough to fix the issue. Thanks!
  18. As I feared But thanks a lot for the patch, I'll try again with this tomorrow and I'll let you know how it went.
  19. Hi Jade, first I want to say I love this mod and how deeply configurable it is, I've been having a lot of fun so far. I have a couple of issues with the atmospheric scoops (I don't remember the exact name but the patched stock radial intake). I suspect you're gonna tell me it's a stock bug and there's nothing you can do about it but just in case, here's the problem. It looks like they are designed to be mounted on an aircraft or some kind of moving vehicle, but I wanted to use them on a surface base that's landed on Duna to get Carbon Dioxide and make some fuel (which is imo not that unrealistic because electric fans mounted inside these radial intakes would do the job, and they do use electric charge to filter the atmosphere). So my first thought was, I'm gonna move the intakes by having them mounted on a rotor, but that doesn't work at all, the amount of resources you get just depends on how fast the craft is moving in the direction the intake was pointed at during launch. Basically the game doesn't take the rotor (or servo, I tried that too) rotation into account. I then tried pistons, which worked a bit better, until I time warped at which point they would systematically invoke the kraken and sometimes wreck the whole craft into tiny pieces. So I thought, to heck with those robotic parts, after all, my base is technically moving. Indeed crafts are rarely perfectly stationary when landed and tend to sort of vibrate back and forth in random directions. So I wanted to exploit this, I mounted 4 radial intakes at 90 degrees from each other, thinking that at least one would be working at any point in time, and yes that means 1/4 efficiency and I can't have much more than 4 because they use a lot of power, but at this point I was getting kind of desperate. And it works!!! Until I time warp. Then it doesn't. When I right click on my four intakes, it looks at least one is working even during timewarp except that my CO2 and therefore liquid fuel productions slow down almost to a complete halt. So I can either wait for a few days with KSP running in the background and no timewarp, or use timewarp and wait a few ingame decades till my craft is refueled (which is not ideal). And I think I'm out of options right now. I might just install HyperEdit and cheat to get my return fuel, and then abandon that base on Duna forever but I spent quite a lot of time and resources on it so that would be kind of a waste. If it is just how the game works, well, it is what it is, but if it's indeed a bug and you need more information just tell me what and I'll provide it. And thanks for the awesome mod in any case!
  20. Sorry if this has already been answered but I have not been able to find the information. When planning your reentry you can adjust the angle of attack for entry, high, low and final. What does that mean in terms of altitudes?
  21. Is this compatible with Wild Blue Industries resources ?
  22. Nope, I have. I had Private Industry 2 active and that gave me -75% off launch costs. I built a big reusable first stage that I land back at KSC, and I get 98% of its worth back when I recover it. Except that this doesn't take the private industry strategy into account, so I'm basically getting a lot more money back than I initially spent. So, apparently you can build a rocket, roll it out on the launchpad, and immediately recover it to generate infinite amounts of money really quickly without even getting of the ground. That's not exactly ideal imo so I deactivated that strategy immediately, and deleted a few hundred thousand funds from my balance with the cheats menu
  23. I've been using this great mod for a while now but I'm experiencing a problem more and more frequently : when I revert to my first stage to land it, the physics take a few second to load, and during that time the second stage tends to clip inside the first stage and make it go boom. Does anyone have a solution for that ?
  24. Hello guys ! So I'm very excited by the idea of building giant colonies in KSP 2 and using them to launch spacecrafts further into the solar system, and I'd like to basically do the same thing right now in KSP 1. Truth be told, I've been messing around with colonization mods for years now. Some I've loved, some a bit less. But, I've not played KSP in a while now, and I was hoping that perhaps the KSP 2 announcement motivated some of you marvelous mod authors out there to bring some fresh ideas to the colonization scene. So yes, I already know about the wonderful mods that are MKS, Kerbal Planetary Base Systems, Pathfinder and I'm possibly forgetting a few more that I've tried. I'm not saying that I'm not ready to use them once again, but I'd like to know if there are some alternatives, because here are some of the problems that I sometimes found annoying with these mods in the past. First, and that is more or less true for all three mods that I mentioned above, part count induced lag is always kind of a problem. I like building big bases and you all know how that goes... Yellow clocking all the time, and once you bring your big freighters close by to get some new materials or just to bring some kerbals home, your framerate drops into the abyss, and although I've got used to it and it doesn't bother me that much anymore, it would be great to have more versatile parts that would allow me to build bases with less parts. Then, and this is heavily tied to the first issue, there is complexity. MKS especially requires a LOT of different components to make a fully self sustaining base, even more so if you want to use said base to build some new crafts in-situ, which is something I love doing. MKS is a quite complex system, and don't get me wrong, I'm not saying this is a bad thing. You need to actually learn how it works, and I've loved that in previous saves, I have had a lot of fun with it. It's just that I probably won't have 2000 hours to sink into this particular career that I'm starting now, and maybe I don't need to have 40 different types of habitats or greenhouses that all have a slightly different effect on my colony. I'm looking for a bit of simplicity for once. To recap, here's basically what I'm looking for : a colonization system that is not too complex, that allows you to build rockets and all sorts of things on other planets or moon, and use that capability to progressively reach further and further into the solar system. Are there some new mods that I'm not aware of that could allow that ?
  25. Hi guys ! So, I'm currently installing a ton of mods into a new ksp instance, and I'm about to start a big colonization focused career. And, I know there are great colonization mods out there, but none of them fully satisfies me, for a few reasons : big bases with lots of parts cause a ton of lag, they can be a bit wonky and sometimes explode for no reason because of KSP physics, and although I love MKS, it's a bit too complex and it takes ages to build anything useful with it. Therefore, I'm sharing this idea that has been lurking in the back of my head for quite some time now... How cool would it be to be able to build functioning planetary bases mainly out of KK statics ? I know I'm daydreaming right here, and that this is not exactly possible right now. But, they would probably be a lot more kind on performance than colonies made out of regular parts, and there are actually a few features in Kerbal Konstructs that make me think this dream is not as wild as it sounds. Indeed, you can use Kerbal Konstruct facilities to store kerbals and resources, to do research, and of course, to launch crafts. The one big problem there is in my opinion is that there isn't a way to "build" new KK statics apart from just spawning them (for free) from the KK menu, and that sounds a lot like cheating. Also, as far as I know, the game wouldn't separate extraplanetary KK launchsites from the ones you have on kerbin, and so it would just cost regular funds to launch new crafts from another planet, and you'd have to use kerbals that are sitting at KSC instead of inside your planetary colony. So I was wondering, is there a way that these two problems could be remedied ? Could one code a plugin that would make KK use resources that you mined, for instance, to build a new static ? To spawn a new craft ? I know this isn't the main focus of the mod, and perhaps (probably?) I'd be the only one interested in seeing these features added to KK, whether it be in the mod itself or with an addon. But, perhaps also that if it doesn't sound too hard to people who know the mod better than I do, I may just look into it and try to do it myself... I don't know exactly what I'm hoping for by posting this. So just let me know your thoughts on the subject and I'll be pretty happy.
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