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Everything posted by JP_Magoo

  1. Thanks so much! Launching rockets is actually aesthetically pleasing
  2. Can anyone relate to this? https://imgur.com/9iTteS0
  3. I'm following a tutorial by Beale, and in his tutorial he puts the OBJ files and the texture into the assets folder. Then a materials folder appeared. I contacted him, and he doesn't know why it's not appearing or me.
  4. I can't figure out why the "materials" folder is not appearing when i import my assets. https://imgur.com/a/pnuGx
  5. I can't figure out why the "materials" folder is not appearing when i import my assets. https://imgur.com/a/pnuGx
  6. I need help! When I try loading my engine and collider OBJ with my texture, the materials folder does not appear. https://imgur.com/a/0ylIP
  7. I made a spitfire with airplanes plus, and BD armory
  8. Check out my P-26 i made! It requires BDArmory, and Airplanes plus. Download: https://kerbalx.com/crafts/36575
  9. I was bored, sry if you don't like it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6KbktjduTLA
  10. I was bored, so i decided to look up fun things to do in KSP Video \/ 7 - Crash
  11. Waaaaaaww All stock, amazing!
  12. KW Rocketry is fun. Also, you need X Science for a career game.
  13. All i want is at least a tiny bit of aviation before rockets. It only makes sense. Plus the fact that you can launch rockets before it's even possible to build a useful plane is makes planes useless until you can build a good SSTO! D:
  14. When you never realized that Mercury has an atmosphere because moho, its counterpart in KSP doesn't.
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