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Everything posted by StupidAndy

  1. the partisans suddenly rapidly combust in a form known as rapid unexplained disassembly, and I run over to you, kick you in the face, and steal the cookie, then I build fort Knox around my current position my unnecessarily well guarded kookie
  2. you don't, you get a hammer and throw it at the TV once you see something you don't like, then you buy a new TV how do I fly a walrus to Glopdose, land of the original walrus existence
  3. I know from T-10 seconds for the space shuttle, I made some sort of chart thing T- 10 seconds is launch clamps release, like the umbilical clamps for fuel fueling T- 6.6 seconds is main engine start T-0 second is SRB start and all launch clams released, like the ones holding the bottom of the SS to hold on to it from the T-6.6 MES I think T+ 2:00 is SRB Sep T+ 6:00 is MECO about 6:10 is ET Sep I think... this is all from memory from something
  4. i drop you off the grand canyon my cookie
  6. ahhh {X}science...the main reason why i EVA'ed a kerbal at 540000m after an orbit... but still, {X}sci has helped me immensely, thank you for the awesome work you have done on this mod!
  7. my coming to KSP i was in science class just before school ended, an i heard someone say "kerbal space program". at least thats what i thought he said so when i got home, i went on safari (GO APPLE!! WITHOUT HEADPHONE JACKS SINCE 2016!!!) and searched "kerbal space program" and what i found changed my life, to see my first comings to KSP, i wrote something in fanworks, poorly written, since that fateful day in april of 2016 i think, or was it may, i have become "that weird space guy" in my school, and i couldn't be happier, thank you SQUAD!
  8. well one thing you could do is have it have such a low relative velocity that it just seems like your orbiting it...tidally locked...
  9. WHY. DO. THEY. BELIVE. THE. WORLD. IS. FLAT? oh and also EVERY. CONSPIRACY. THEORIST. EVER. the US landed on the Mun...okay? get over it! why do AMERICANS think America didn't land on the Mun? if you prove it right (which you cant) you are destroying your own country!!!
  10. OOOH OOH CAN I WATCH IT!?!?!? waiter! theres a football in my soup!
  11. Anaheim CA GO DUCKS!! ANAHEIM FOR THE CUP!!! GO THIS TEAM!!!! i like sports okay?
  12. might be a day or ten late for the thingy...but i want to say something! Kartemis! the greek god of...something...KERBALIZED (actual name is Artemis) now all my rockets and stuff are called Expander-named after a lego space thing i made a few years ago... Koyuz-i bet you can tell... Kartemis- Artemis kerbalized might be a few days late and not qualify... but why not! i should post them...TO THE FLASH DRIVE!!! sadly none of them work...
  13. 8/10 i see you...but you dont see me (maybe...not sure...)MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA i said this already didn't I?
  14. no...no..i wont say it... i'll just say it agrees with the thing above in an insane degree...InSaNE DeGRee!
  15. Time: Y0,H0,M1,S10 Location: 1743m above the KSC Scenario: falling to the ground at 175m/s in a newly started career mode my first mission was on its way to being my biggest failure, Jeb was ^, and my parachute wasn't ready to be deployed, it looked like my first launch was going to be the last one for Jeb, then, at 500 meters above sea level (500-65= however high i was for the real altitude, i don't want to do the math, too tired) the parachute was able to be deployed, i obviously deployed it, why would i not want jeb to live? and it fully deployed at around T-3 seconds to impact, and my speed started to go down, and at T-0.01 seconds to impact, i lowered my speed to 10.5 meters per second, which is fast enough to destroy the mk16 parachute i think, but i crashed into the ground capsule first, and only my parachute broke, i really cant state it in words, it was just awesome...
  16. you know that big mk 1-2 pod drogue chute that you put on the top? that one. This one
  17. Congrats on TOTY! and also today is the one year anniversary of KASA finding out about the Thompberry probes things, and thus the start of Emiko's main storyline!
  18. gets 100000 baby stars inserts a giant walrus
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