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Everything posted by StupidAndy

  1. no! all you are wrong! the best place is Eeloo! Eeloo is the best planet! its cold! its far away! solar panels have no use there so you have to think of another way to power your vehicle! and best of all, Eeloo is lonely, and nobody ever goes there unless they need to do a challenge! GO EELOO! EELOO IS THE BEST!
  2. BUT!! it turns out I was Tim, so I'm the first person to colonize Laythe, far away from you people my Laythe
  3. happy new day that marks another revolution of the planet we live on called Earth that will eventually end with the star that is a giant ball of hydrogen which is the lightest element on the periodic table which has all of the materials that make up everything that uses nuclear fusion to burn hydrogen to helium which is the second element on the periodic table which has all of the materials that make up everything to make light expand to make the planet that we call Earth expanding to make the planet we call Earth not exist anymore and all of us will not be alive which means our bodily functions don't work.
  4. granted, but its right next to a superior Airport, that has more area, more landing strips, more fuel for less money, and the total amount of money you have to pay to land is less I wish I had a billion dollars to donate to the next posters career mode space program
  5. somewhere I'm the first person to post in 2017, probably Asia or Europe, but still, the point stands
  6. I lead a highly intelligent group of people with an average of 153 IQ across the sea to another continent without revolutions, oppression, or whatever the last reason people immigrated in the late 1800 to early 1900s. when we get there, we find a civilization there where they have a highly prosperous space program, and are about to launch a mission to Duna, all they needed was a ton of new astronauts, we all are selected to the astronaut program and are all launched on a one way mission to Duna, and we are the first people to colonize another planet, and we all stay on Duna for the rest of all our lives, well, except Tim, he left after five years because the red landscape was getting 'tacky' to him, stupid Tim, though he did go on to colonize Laythe, my colony on Duna with tacky red landscape without Tim
  7. well, you could do something like Stellaris does, and have a system selection, like original stock solar system, Moho, Eve, Kerbin, and then you could implement solar systems like Galileo's Planet Pack, OPM, and just a bunch of new solar systems, and best of all, you could have it do something like to boldly go, where you have the galaxy where you have all the solar systems in the stock systems like in spore, where you can visit them, and then you can have hundreds of planets, and it has a wide range for modders to add their own solar systems to add and go to, and a way to lower memory usage is have them only run the planets and solar systems that have probes or ships in them, so you don't have hundreds of solar systems being run at the same time and you can run the game at a reasonable pace, and be able to run all the solar systems with probes in them at one time this kind of goes more over then adding one planet, but it could be a good idea for both an update for the Kerbin galaxy, and it could be a good thing for the modders so they can make solar systems for the people, and people who don't want to start in Galileo's planet pack, but want to go and explore it can download and use it, so they can explore, without having to start in the solar systems they download.
  8. I'm a bit behind on the "should KSP win the Boom Boom award" argument, BUT I DONT CARE what I do is play it sillaly half the time, and serious half the time, so I have two saves, Serious Business, and Unserious Buisness so that is what I do, it balances funny KSP with serious KSP, so when I want to do serious KSP, I go to serious business, and when I want crazy KSP, I go to unserious business, so I can go nuts, without ruining my hard work!
  9. I prefer to think that Jeb caught onto the shockwaves of the force, and then only his capsule survived, kind of like in rescue contracts!
  10. granted, but as soon as it gets interesting, your fired, and the company goes out of business I wish I could find out how to run CKAN
  11. walruses take place of the sea unicorns, and the grand leader of the Glopdosian Multiplanetary Empire gives the order to stop the human race menace to the walrus kind, so the walruses take over the world, and the humans are in forced labor camps because of what they did to the walruses, NOTE: the walruses aren't doing this, this is the GME that is doing this, the walruses don't want to hurt people. once the walruses have gathered up the last of the human rebels, the Glopdosians try to take over more then just the Earth, they begin an expedition to the moon, but they haven't ever been to the moon, so they gather up 50 humans that know lots about the moon, I'm apart of them. and they pay us in cookies. My cookie...
  12. I've never had any...mostly because I've never dedicated myself to one save...and i dont know any or all computer science...cant even get CKAN, KAS+KIS installed properly...
  13. please excuse my overhypedness: NUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUK!!!!!! and: I ASKED WHAT HAPPENED WITH THAT GUY IN KERBIN ORBIT 10-15 PAGES AGO!!! WHY DIDNT ANYONE ANSWER!! Lastly: We'll see. I might not do a comic at all. But let's let me finish this one first OK? OH NOES!!!! bolded, underlined, and itialicisized for people who don't understand
  14. how to make anime mad: AAAAAAAAAAA! ANIME!!!! KILL IT!!!!!! KILL IT!!!!!!
  15. a song answer for people who watched Rogue One: People who havent how do i fly to the moon with an SSTO, with nothing but Spark LFO Engines?
  16. when the KSP reddit is more BD armory then space @DarkOwl57, im not trying to insult you or BD armory users, its just i like spais moar SPAAAAAAAAICE and @0111narwhalz, THINK OF THE FLIES! THEY HAVE FEELINGS TOO! SAVE FLIES FLIEEEES!!!
  17. HI EVERYBODY! @The Raging Sandwich, someone said they ate a sandwich today!
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