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Everything posted by StupidAndy

  1. that is a celery stick sticking out of the soup sir... waiter! theres some energy in my soup!
  2. i get the second death star, and blow up all the ships and people in the area my space where kerbin used to be
  3. banned for not realizing that i see all, i smell all, i feel all, i taste all, i hear all, i electrosensething that sharks have all, probably
  4. so i posted this in the "you know your a nerd when" forum game, but i want a solid answer, so whats the simplest answer? google it? NO! its wait 12 hours until someone has the idea to post on this thread! so heres the paradox E=Mc2 E=energy ==equal, so same M= matter C= constant, so speed of light, its consistent, except with the warp drive apparently 2=twice, so multiplied by two so energy is matter twice the speed of light. right? wrong. this is the paradox !PARADOX WARNING! if you don't want your mind blown, do not continue reading !PARADOX WARNING! light is energy, so it should follow the same rules, so its twice the speed of light, but that can't happen, because its the speed of light, and it is the constant, so it can't go any faster, so how is there energy? the light should keep going twice the speed of light, making a endless spiral downwards, making the speed of light, constantly going faster, making it inconsistent, so you could technically see across the universe in 0.00000001 milliseconds, its a paradox. and thats just energy, lets go for something like heat. so heat, its hot, and lack of it is cold, and its energy, so E=Mc2 right? no. nothing can go faster then the speed of light, so it shouldn't exist, so there shouldn't be any energy in the universe, so no light, no heat, no magnetism, no electricity, though i may be wrong, but isn't that just electrons? so there should just be matter, not energy im not taking dark matter and energy into consideration yet, because, nobody knows what it is or does. am i being smart for a pre-high schooler? or just a ignorant idiot?
  5. when you find a paradox in E=Mc2 Energy=matter twice the speed of light E=energy M=matter C=constant, like the speed of light, its consistent 2= twice so energy is twice the speed of light? right? wrong. nothing can go faster then light, not even light, but light is energy, so light goes twice the speed of light, which can't happen, so you have a spiraling paradox where the speed of light constantly gets multiplied by two, it won't ever end, it just will keep going on and on and on. did i break physics?
  6. i do a takeover like in Plan Kappa, slowly buying all the stock my space center
  7. banned for misspelling American probably...
  8. its because *puts on sunglasses* physics deny me *explosion*
  9. gets a SVMR (solid vending machine rocket) inserts a dime
  10. 102: post 103 fun things to do
  11. thats a lemon sir... waiter! theres some sort of disembodied ham in my soup!
  12. but then, as Stanley is tearing at the skin, two people come over, they look like twins, and one is shouting at the other, and apparently, he's named Stanley too! good for you Stanley! make new freinds! make new partnerships! make new... wait! there seems to be some sort of head, with only a giant arm...and he's asking to eat you! run Stanleys run! its nice to meet another Gravity Falls fan...
  13. i escape to planet nine, which is some sort of mini-neptune... sopovesly my mini neptune
  14. then why are you an me conversing?
  15. http://gravityfalls.wikia.com/wiki/Bill_Cipher
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