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Everything posted by StupidAndy

  1. -43 + eh footballs boring i like baseball better and I'm 'merican!
  2. I dont know why i did this... so i was in career mode, yada yada yada, got to orbit, yada yada yada, and then, Jeb died, yada yada yada, then i upgraded the astronaut complex, VAB, tracking station, and mission control so i thought "oh hey! i can do EVAs now! lets do a polar orbit to get all the biomes!" which in itself is a great idea, but thats not what went bad. so i got all the biomes but the badlands, which i got eventually, but had to wait a day, so that wasn't so bad, thank you [X]science! so i had all the biomes, but top of atmosphere, which you all should know the best place is at the very top. then i started re-entry this is where it goes bad. i had Xsci closed, and i thought "hey! lets see what science i can get!" and i saw. at this point I'm at about 54000m, so just above re-entry heating getting visible, so i couldn't see the re entry heating, even though it is there so all the science that i could get on this ship (nothing big, just capsules, drogue chutes, parachutes, that container thing i keep forgetting the name for, and some science stuff in the container) was an EVA, so i thought "lets quickly do it" but at the exact moment i clicked EVA, the re-entry heating started to show. i talked for a long time, so i'll just say, there was cooked green stuff. so now, every time i re-enter, i always have to remind myself "dont EVA during re-entry!" which i keep thinking, why did i try that in the first place?
  3. minmus is just ice dyed green by the krakens blood
  4. NASA is mostly a postcard from the gov. that says "hey! look at us! we can do this? can you say that communists?"
  5. built too fast to stop the filthy capitalist Americans from getting to the mun first (^im joking right here^)
  6. i heard a rumor that rumors are just rumors and all rumors are just rumors
  7. -37 + wow you guys talk a lot... i guess this is the only forum game where (in my opinion) i haven't taken over IE talking every 5 minutes. i really should check out the rest of the forum
  8. waiter! theres something in my soup i had to say about to get this thread going again!
  9. well Elon Musk wants to send an ITS everywhere so...
  10. boom that is a gas tank right? like O2 and H?
  11. -47 + has anyone noticed that this thread contains mostly of @0111narwhalz and @DarkOwl57 having a side conversation? what a way to seem like your doing something but just having a stalemate!
  12. everyone realizes that Alexander the Great has terrible weapons compared to today so nobody takes him seriously democratic hill oh and if ATG attacks us we have the combined armies of the US, Russia, China, and Disney to defend us
  13. -47 + apparently forum game posts don't count as posts
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