Does the 1.3.4 version of KCT work with KSP 1.2.1?
Asking for my son, whenever we install it into the Gameplay folder it doesn't show up when we launch KSP. Is there some trick to getting it to install on 1.2.1?
as stanley falls in the portal he... wait, what is that? a triangle is wreaking this poor Oregon town! how rude! and now some baby with a wig is...oh! Stanley run!
Stanley knows that portals are bad news, because they shove you into a new place you never heard about before, and places that might not have a good rating on the tourist websites, so Stanley uses his flight to fly away from the portal
i know but i don't feel like doing all that trouble, i mean, getting the mouse, clicking the buttons, scrolling! THEN the people designed the world that you have to READ!
who's crazy idea was it to give us language?