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Everything posted by StupidAndy

  1. well i said something like that two days ago so...no!
  2. -78 + that was the one after my last one! yay! I'm famous by association!!
  3. hugs to everyone!!!! you all deserve hugs!!!
  4. sir, stop balancing your food on your drink... waiter! theres a Bill Cipher in my soup!
  5. gets stamped penny inserts 3 as in the number
  6. well what about when they get back to Kerbin? are they going to aerobrake? wait...what happened to the bomber guy?
  7. i eat the sandwich my stomach uh oh, this could get ugly!!!
  8. how did this happen? we had -35 and pushing towards positive not even a wee ago...and now...THIS!!!!
  9. banned for name having letters interpreting numbers, numbers can only be numbers, and letters can only be letters!!
  10. hope its soon, because this is a very good story WAIT I FORGOT TO REP EVERYTHING!!!!
  11. gets money from deliveries inserts this thing
  12. Does the 1.3.4 version of KCT work with KSP 1.2.1? Asking for my son, whenever we install it into the Gameplay folder it doesn't show up when we launch KSP. Is there some trick to getting it to install on 1.2.1? TIA
  13. -75 + alas i only know about 2 months of french class, and, I'm bad at it...
  14. -77 + hey! you used google translate! and how come you can do it but not me?!?!?
  15. i landed on duna before the world blew up, so I'm on duna my duna
  16. GREETIGS MORTALS OF DIMENSION 46'/ as stanley falls in the portal he... wait, what is that? a triangle is wreaking this poor Oregon town! how rude! and now some baby with a wig is...oh! Stanley run!
  17. -76 + je m'appelle!!! Je suis comme çi comme ça!
  18. after you eat the sandwich i aztec sacrifice you, but instead of the heart, i rip out your stomach my ATP from a sandwich
  19. Stanley knows that portals are bad news, because they shove you into a new place you never heard about before, and places that might not have a good rating on the tourist websites, so Stanley uses his flight to fly away from the portal
  20. i know but i don't feel like doing all that trouble, i mean, getting the mouse, clicking the buttons, scrolling! THEN the people designed the world that you have to READ! who's crazy idea was it to give us language?
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