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Everything posted by cratercracker

  1. 8/10 Every human does artwork, if hitten with electroshock in their human-labor camp, every day. Whoops i meant "Motivated'.
  2. (ПИРБ- повторно используемый разгонный блок) (ГО-головной обтекатель) Место запуска- космодром "Восточный", место приземления- курильские острова. Спуск первой ступени выполнен с помощью парашютов. первые четыре парашюта будут выпущены и на высоте 20 000 метров и будут отстёгнуты, и сменены на более крупный парашют. Посадка будет совершена на любом из Курильских островов или же на Камчатке, автономно, бортовой компьютер измерит наклон поверхности, и подстроит угол наклона посадочных ног для стабилизации во время приземления. Возможно место посадки будет баржа в водах Охотского моря. Будет использованно экологически чистое топливо. Жидкий кислород + Сжиженный Природный Газ. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Да., знаю щас все засмеют, ну да ладно, веселитесь. Вот и сама ракета -----------------------------------------------------------
  3. Past main only remain dead! I am the future! And i am the present! And the hill is mine! And im out of cool sounding quotes! And i am very tired typing with my fingers! And i'm also tired to reconquer this darn hill! And please stop reading! And really stop reading! And like stop reading right now! And end.
  4. Woot! There goes the first picture of my project!
  5. My current project:


    9hJbr3.png MegpZl.png



    1. Show previous comments  39 more
    2. Mr. Peabody

      Mr. Peabody

      I think it's about time this discussion ends. No hard feelings I hope.

    3. cratercracker


      yeah, it is better this way.

    4. NSEP


      Yeah, it has been enough for this week.

  6. Who's hill is now? Right, it is Tony Montana's hill.
  7. -------------------------------------------------------------- @cubinator @Cabbink @Adstriduum @RoadRunnerAerospace @ModerndayLink64 @ProtoJeb21 --------------------------------------------------------------\ InLand Project. The idea is simple, you need to take MSpaint or any other painting tool and make picture similar to this: Oceanic Shore But now, i want you to make an Earth's surface picture from Orbit. -------------- It can be: Polar Shores (easy) River though the forest (hardcore) Lake in the forest (medium) Desert (easy) -------------- Then will make a mosaic of all the pictures that we have! To celebrate or partnership and to show our define artstyle. --------------
  8. I like how in Russian Uranus is Uran (Уран) And it is also spelled just like uranium (Уран)

    So yeah, while you laugh at Uranus, you better be aware of his slavic brother.

  9. This as disturbing as watching flat earth community threads.
  10. 9/10 You've been here since my first post!
  11. 8/10 THERE AREN'T ANY PATCH OF MINE (but good job with all the missions anyway)
  12. 7/10 I've seen you a lot, but never interacted anyhow.
  13. My gateway which is called "CONTRASTELLARIS" is situated in between Duna and Kerbin. It is perfect for manned missions.
  14. Are you a modelling Jesus or something? Because only a god can make models and textures THAT good!
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