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Everything posted by cratercracker

  1. Yes, i can do modded planets, but only if you request that via PM.
  2. View of Neptune, from the surface of Despina.
  3. it is very simple b, just do like this: have a darker/brighter variant of all colors from your pallete while you are drawing -> after the coloring is done you just repaint one side of an object you want to add shading to -> tiforp
  4. Вояджер-2 ------------------------------------------- Пытаюсь научится рисовать людей, пока только в мемном формате. У меня есть больше, позже запосчу. (курение и употребление табака противопоказано))


  6. I am trying to draw pEopLe now, in a memy fashion of course. My wallpaper: A guy in hasmat suit, reacting to something. An astronaut, also reacting to something. more is on the way
  7. I think, it would be nice to ping all the participants to get their patch! -------------------------------- @Blasty McBlastblast @hoioh @Shadowmage @funk @beomagi ------------------------------ You can put your badge in your signature! (Account Settings -> Signature -> profit )
  8. @Klapaucius! Hi, here is a patch for your challenge! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 150 100 70 ------------------------------- Your welcome!




    So, i got myself a laptop! That means i can do requests the whole summer and beyond!


    1. xendelaar


      congrats on getting a laptop again buddy!

  10. I got myself a laptop, it is quite old, though i don't mind that. I am still drawing in MSpaint, with no progress in my art style, at all. So, yeah, take a look at what i drew: Pretty crappy, right? BTW i listened to this song the whole time i was drawing. *Critique is needed
  11. lmao tried to be slightly more artistic this time and miserably failed. And you can also try those as your phone backgrounds. Boards of Canada - Reach for the dead VHS Glitch - Stellar Pursuit ИА Бежевая Луна" - Заря ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It is my birthday today! So i hope Y'All are enjoying yourselves and stuff!
  12. http://www.rasaero.com/dl_rocket_theory.htm I think most of you here will enjoy reading this. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Also, if you would like something to play around with, here is a good analogue of SpaceEngine, Celestia: https://celestia.space/index.html
  13. Solar system's gas giants and their distances from the sun in AU. Yeah, i suck at pixelart drawing in general.
  14. Inspired by the poster of Far cry 3: Blood Dragon
  15. So I just decided to upload my sketches and stuff. Sorry, I am really terrible at drawing. https://imgur.com/a/AFX8zcd +sorry low quality, thanks imgur.
  16. exactly. synthwave/vaporwave/dark synth/techno/dark club/dreamwave/hardbass(no joke)/psycho bass(rarely)/, basicly retrowave is my jam. But let's not get too offtopic here, shall we?
  17. Sorry, this is my first attempt at pixelart. (please have mercy)
  18. How do you like this?


    (aurora borealis!?)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. xendelaar


      looks great mate! got your pc working again

    3. cratercracker


      Nope, just using my father's old computer and the school ones.


    4. Piatzin


      The text is a little hard to read. Could you give it a slim outline, maybe, or even a glow?

      This website can do both things:  https://www.pizap.com/

  19. HELLO THERE HOW R U DOIN? ANOTHA ONE BUT I AM NOT DONE YET Sorry for capslock, i am just too excited.
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