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Everything posted by cratercracker

  1. No need to be worried, you are wrong only in one point: I didn't call it art, I call it "pictures". And i also think that it is surely not art (except @cubinator's stuff, it is pixel ART after all..) But mine.. Mine are just some dum abstract pictures without really any meaning.
  2. Thanks for the kind words! You are probably the most interested people in this thread! But you know.. The darkest hour is before the dawn.
  3. I maybe will give up this thread. Not so many interest in it on the forum..
  4. There is no power left in me,

    And I am lost inside infinite sea.

    But there is nothing left to see,

    And there is nowhere left to flee..


    It seems like everything is over, 

    But I am getting only lower.

    My body desperately gave up,

    And now it's only left to stop.


     And all the thoughts in solid state..

    And mind that only slowly fades away.

    Just fear of death is giving me a way.

    But now it's disappointingly too late..


    Cratercracker (2017) 













    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. NSEP


      No problem!

    3. DeltaDizzy


      the second stanza AGAIN!

      Also the first and third

      why so depressing?

    4. cratercracker



      For some reason I always write something depressing

  5. Feels way too lonely around here.. Especially for this big project!
  6. What if we mount 4 solid fuel thrusters ,facing the other side at the second stage. So my ideas is too reuse second stage too, but now, without cutting down on liquid fuel for the descent burn. + it would be better and easier to land on parachutes if you are reusing second stage. Or I am just playing KSP too much..
  7. For anyone who is interested Yes they really come so close to each other
  8. That's awesome!Can you draw spacecraft? PM me if you can
  9. @xendelaar what do your friends like? -Planes? -Naval vehicles? -Cars and tanks? -Spaceships? What I did to recommend KSP to my friends is that I built a very simple, yet manueverous plane. Then I called one of them and asked them to control it. They really enjoyed taking off and flying (nobody likes landing anyway) They said that it is really cool and 3 of them are actually playing it already.
  10. И так, пожалуй можно начать игры и на русскоязычном форуме. Смысл очень простой: назвать регион в котором вы проживаете и чем вы занимаетесь в данный момент Чего делать не надо: Не называть улицу на которой вы живёте (конфиденциальность) И не надо подробностей (тоже самое) Я пожалуй и начну Я проживаю в Московском Регионе И на данный момент я организую проект, что то вроде википедии про солнечную систему
  11. There will be exoplanets as soon as I will return to Moscow
  12. Enceladus is already done by me! We are currently focused on the most distant and the innermost moons of Uranus and Saturn.
  13. New art from cubinator!

    (sorry for too many status updates)

    Added to the OP for your pleasence!

  14. Banned for not being banned after I already banned you
  15. That was repetitive and way too reactive
  16. You know what gets me satifacted the most?


    Feels good, huh? 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Nailed it!

      Nailed it!

      Everytime it slaps, it hurts my cheek in my mind

    3. cratercracker


      Especially the 1:32 moment

      You get slapped, because.. Screw you that is why!

    4. cratercracker


      Lol! His walk at 0:47 is hilarious 

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