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Everything posted by cratercracker

  1. It is quite an old thread. I suggest you visiting some of my other threads, the best current ones are Posters and Drawings and The whole solar system! (Not linked in the signature, if you are interested you can ask for it)
  2. Straight to my mod collection list. (#MakeDunaGreatAgain)
  3. We fight for what we deserve,

    Our might is who we serve.

    Our hate is what we provide,

    Our friends is who we divide.


    We are violent vultures,

    With an unsure future.

    Hiding away from the sun,

    Attempting to hopelessly run.


    Looking up, but not seeing the sky,

    Waiting, asking ourselves "Why?".

    It is part of the human nature,

    Being so rude and mature.

    (2017)- Me, cratercracker


    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. cratercracker


      Gazelle twin- I am the shell, I am the bone song.

      It didn't inspire me, I just liked the way the song goes.

      So, yeah it is fully mine and was not inspired by anyone.

    3. DeltaDizzy


      The second stanza though. It worries me.

    4. cratercracker


      Yeah, kinda creepy even for me.

  4. Надоели со своими играми! @qzgy
  5. I know about this mod. I am talking about making Duna good using the design of the past and possibilities of our days.
  6. Maybe they can combine both sharp edges and smooth ones, so it will look more natural?
  7. Every planet in KSP is very interesting and unique in it is own pattern. Visiting Moho? Enjoy all sorts of landscapes!!! Visiting Eve? Enjoy hundreds of different surface features, like lakes, big craters, big lakes in craters, big mountains, big mountains in lakes in craters on plain in an explodium sea and many more! Kerbin is awesome to drive around! Mün is awesome with its procedulary generated craters! Minmus? Awesome! Ike? GODDAMN FREAKING MOUNTAINS JUST FREAKING EVERYWHERE, U WANT TO LAND HUH? HUH?!?!?! SCREW YOU AND YOUR LANDER THEN But Duna... It is the same literally everywhere, it is just hills, that are scattered across different places, at different altitude... The greatest equatorial valley is very boring, there is no sharp edges at its start, it doesn't make a challenge, and a loss of a challenge is a thing that destroys all the fun. The highest peak on Duna is just a very tall hill with a very boring view from the top. It doesn't even makes it a challenge to climb up there! The only great valleys are at the poles! It is so awesome! They are deep, sharp and interesting to drive and explore around! Much like Dres's awesome canyons! My suggestions is to make Duna more interesting in its topography! Make the edges more sharp! Make it difficult to move through different terrain! Make it difficult to land on! Add a few more craters near the polar region! It would me more like Mars! Add some plains that would be the resort of calm and would attract people to be more precisive in their landing spot! Add lots of tiny craters all over the surface, but keep them really small! Like 10 to 5 meters in diameter and make them scattered really far away from each other! I know it might corrupt saves, make stuff that were so familiar to the new players more different, hard. But it just adds some hard fun to the game! Makes the trip rememberable and remarkable! People still play the game because they have something unexplored, that they want to explore! I really want the game to change more! Add some planets! People are getting bored with visiting Laythe or Eeloo or any other planet 4994494949th time! Sorry if I am wrong. I am very dumb after all.
  8. It is great place here around the forums! I wish you have great time! I would recommend you to look at th Fan Works part of the forum, there is a ton of great things! Starting from ordinary mission reports, to the most cool graphic novels and art! I would also recommend you to make up you account! (it is beautiful already though) You can link your stuff and threads in your signature, find a lot of friends that are very common around here and share your creations in KSP! Welcome!
  9. That's like the most funny way to end
  10. Joe leaves troll alone because he knows that trolls are nowhere a good rival for a meme battle. However as he leaves the cave, he discovers a ROCK on his way. What should he do?
  11. Just interested. What is your favorite drawing of all that is presented at my page?
  12. Thanks a bunch! You can see Vesta in the last section! (as it is classified as an asteroid)
  13. I mean real pictures! I don't need you do to anything of what I do. I need some real pictures or articles telling about them information that I will use to draw the thing.
  14. There is a mod! If you look up @DeltaDizzy's flag pack, you will find his flags AND a set of my best flags!
  15. Vesta is there, though I would love you collaborating by adding a few pictures or articles on Ida and Icarus. Sure, the hard thing about Deimos is drawing Mars. I prefer keeping everything very representative, so you will see geological features. But I will do Deimos for sure!
  16. Sorry guys, No art for long time. I have a Dell computer XPS 15 and it is very rare in my country. It take 4 weeks to get the new screen (it is sensor, which make it even more rare) and I am still waiting. I know I posted a similar thing some time ago, I am telling this for you to acknowledge the situation.
  17. Got myself a sun-stroke ( long time outside, when the sun it is really hot) 

    I am dying now.

    And someone called me a "Russki" 

    I am dying twice.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. cratercracker


      What do you mean? And yes, I am currently in Greece.

    3. DeltaDizzy


      I'm replacing America with Greece.

    4. cratercracker


      That's interesting...

  18. My older station was hit by a small debris cloud once, now it is a large cloud of debris...
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