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Everything posted by cratercracker

  1. No, I am referencing to my own project, the link is somewhere in the signature.
  2. Why forum recoloring my pictures? I mean take a look at Saturn, when you open up the spoiler large chunk of what supposed to be brightness are atmosphere affects are gone.
  3. I actually did ribbons for the forum and then it got super tiring doing manually.
  4. Thanks a lot! Which drawing/system is your favorite though?
  5. Here! @cratercracker ( if 1=1 then 2=2)
  6. Banned for being so anti-existencial.
  7. Shutting down for long time, my computer is being repaired, though I can manage to do something about it! And as for now I am giving you an opportunity name any 4 celestial bodies and if I will find them interesting I will draw them.
  8. Heading to the Athens! With my lil pug and almost 0 luggage!

    P.S Moscow airports are busy.

    1. Show previous comments  25 more
    2. The Raging Sandwich

      The Raging Sandwich

      The longest distance I've traveled is Alabama to Michigan.

    3. xendelaar


      did you bring your laptop with ksp to Athens?  

      i forgot* to bring a copy on my vacation... worst  week of my life! 

      how is the sightseeing going so far CC? did your pug enjoy the flight? 

      * with forgot i mean " wasn't allowed"... darn gf and her constant need of attention :wink:

    4. cratercracker


      No I didn't, it is still repairing in the Moscow.

      I don't go sightseeing as I've been there 17 times!

  9. @KSK Can you add a list of people who do artwork?
  10. And what about people like @Pine or @esinohio? They are also doing fan work!
  11. Hallo meine Freunde! I drew STUFF: Jade ( @Urses ) Cyanide (NH) Celestine Quark
  12. Though i do, overflaw (sorry if it was to harsh)
  13. Banned for not knowing i am eating them right now.
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