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Everything posted by william2002730

  1. But can you see the png files, and this equation: Ejection Angle = 180° - θ? If so, you can download this page as a PDF file, by simply going to the print window and on the left bottom corner, there should be an "open PDF", and make sure to only open page 1-5 only. I'll be forever grateful!
  2. Thank you! Really dumb question: you said r is the semi major axis of the orbit I want the period for, but what do you mean by the orbit I want the period for? I have trouble seeing all the png files on this page, and some of the equations as well, so is it possible that someone have a PDF version of this awesome guide?
  3. This one, I can't get the equation to show up. Also, how do you calculate the time for Hohmann transfer again?
  4. Guys what is t(subH)? I'm confused, also what is the ejection angle equation? The formula is in gibberish. Thank you!
  5. Okay I tried this verison, but still not working. The bombs just explode like regular tanks
  6. For some reason, none of the nukes worked for me, I had the C.A.L addon and BDarmory, but still, none of the nukes are working, why? I'm playing on 1.2.2, and every explosion is just like a normal one. Maybe the mod is outdated? If so, where can I get the newest one?
  7. ok got it, thank you! Final question, where does the plugin go?
  8. Ahh... maybe that's why. I do not have environemntalvisualEnchancement, maybe a link to where to download it?
  9. Ok... I'm running on 1.2.2, and dropped the mod in the GameData folder, but nothing is working. Like the mod doesn't appear to work at all, is there anything else I have to install, or I have to turn it on in game?
  10. No worries, it's some settings issues, with a little coding check I was able to fix it, great mod! Thanks!
  11. Ahh... it just redirected me to DNS Solution Error, which means the page went wrong, but I'll keep trying, and thank you for helping!
  12. I believe KerbalMaps is down sometime last year, so is there any detailed maps for Kerbin? Best with coordinates, easter eggs and all! Any help will be very appreciated!
  13. Ok... so I reaccepted every contract, placed my gamedata folder like this KSP>GameData>ContractPacks>KAF>Ships>(all the ship files). The KAF on the debug menu is green but still no ships are spawning, why? [EDIT] Also, there is always a TBD next to the mission briefing, is it suppose to be there?
  14. Ok so... the github link doesn't work for me, anyone can send me the download with any other methods? Any help will be very appreciated! Maybe try emailing me the mod? I'll share my email.
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