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Everything posted by GhostboyDB

  1. Sounds good with the KK station. i don't know how to write code. i spent a few days last year making a shooter with Javascript, but I remember nothing. I feel as though I'd be good making models with unity and maybe blender, but I guess maybe with help, i could do this. If I want this done, its good to do it myself, I just don't know how to do most of it.
  2. If I Figured Out how to mod, I would want to make Parts mods for Space fighters and haulers and space exploration ships, that would have powerful, light, Ion style engines that would use a really light fuel (there for making small, fast long range ships possible) and used such little fuel, that you could go at least interplanetary on a single tank. it would have the ion engine effects, as that's what fictional space fighters have. this would make huge , 2km space stations necessary as you would need to refuel eventually. also, if i had a better PC, I could make a series on that for my Youtube channel, as I can't run KSP at a solid framerate of at least 30fps, and i cant run OBS at the same time. My current Space Fighter program (infinte fuel VTOLs using rockets) isn't realistic. even worse than i thought. I tried to build a fighter, based on the the Eagle mkII from elite dangerous(which I don't have) and accidentally built something that reaches escape velocity before it leaves the atmosphere.
  3. Is that Mun base in SM statics, because that would be awesome.
  4. I have another smaller idea for a mod, or more of a tweak, here's the link:
  5. Have you ever not known what to do in sandbox mode? have you ever wanted to use GAP or DCA for contract configurator, But not wanted to pay for crafts, or do research? Me too. That's why I'm asking for a tweak, because I don't know a thing about how to mod. I would appreciate a tweak to sandbox mode that adds the ability for you to get contracts.Say For DCA you want to do an attack on the island, or something but you want to use The nimitz from CVX or the Enterprise from aircraft carrier accessories. those things cost millions, and you don't want to spend that much on one contract, plus the cost of the aircraft. this is why i think it would be really helpful to allow you to open mission control in sandbox mode. although you would have to make the menu for contracts available too, it would be so much fun!
  6. it doesn't necessarily have to be the same size, but just a geometric space station with interior space for several craft, and those built as ships would murder my laptop due to part count.
  7. Kopernicus is a mod that allows you to make planets. it would have gravity because it is coded in as a planet with a certain gravity, and would therefore have said gravity you could make what is essentially a crater, which would be the entrance. you use a tweakscaled claw on the bottom of the craft and land in the crater,and it is essentially docked to the planet. eems reasonable considering i have only made it so far as the Mun in a legit game, the lander than crashed and jeb bill and bob were stuck on the mun. saying its real its just "warping" would make it alot more fair seeming to me. what i do is use Prasaka aerospace fr their futuristic space aircraft style parts, put on infinite ful so that its light, long range, and doesn't have fuel tanks, and basically turn the game into elite dangerous. only problem is: where do i dock?
  8. Can I request a mod that uses kopernicus to make those elite dangerous or no mans sky space stations? less work on the CPU because they aren't parts, and they could have gravity, and you could hyperedit yourself into orbit of the station!
  9. @JadeOfMaar. Seems Legit. I just don't know how to use forums. thanks for your help, I'll ask there.
  10. Can i request a mod that uses kopernicus to make those elite dangerous or no mans sky space stations? less work on the CPU because they aren't parts, and they could have gravity, and you could hyperedit yourself into orbit of the station!
  11. Hi again, I have a question. is it possible to make a mod that makes contracts available in sandbox mode? it would give people more to do if they are bored, and i would use it for the GAP and DCA for contract configurator. GAP lets you do search and rescue, fly chartered flights with kerbinside, do tours, and all kinds of things. DCA is a series of missions for BD armory, and paying for crafts to battle with is a pain. sandbox would be so much better for contract configurator as it improves gameplay, but since its in career mode, you still have to manage all of the career mode tasks, instead of having all the parts, unlimited money and having a lot more options. I don't know if this will be a tweak, or an overhaul. I don't want you doing it if it's an overhaul, as you have SOOOOOOO many mods you are already working on. thanks for even acknowledging this.

  12. good point, im not a huge fan of firesptter parts, but it makes sense this mod has so much more potential to this mod than MOAR cockpits.
  13. Is it Possible for us to get Attack helicopter cockpits? Like an apache or comanche, or something? I think that would be really cool.
  14. Just saw that you were interested in working on Fantom Works. is that still happening? i'd be really excited to see that mod work without messing with config files. anyways, I really appreciate what you do for ksp, i love KRX and CVX, just a suggestion, Cockpits for KRX, i feel that having to use either firespitter cockpits or one of a small passenger jet is not ideal. love your work, I dont expect anything but you can never be to hopeful, Right?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. GhostboyDB


      Im Sorry i use airplane plus i guess i meant attack helicopter cockpits. I'll check with Blackheart on that.

    3. Eskandare


      Actually I have a command pod model I was going to give @blackheart612.

    4. GhostboyDB


      Oh awesome! I'd Like to see that.

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