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Everything posted by Pand5461
Don't be overly enthusiastic about hydrolox. While exhaust per se is just water plus unburnt hydrogen, the flame is so hot it causes nitrogen and oxygen in the air to react producing - guess what? - nitrogen dioxide and NTO. Spent stages are harmless, though, unless they fall directly onto your head. Solid fuel is fun, too. Space Shuttle launches attracted lots of gulls and pelicans because chlorine in the SRB exhaust dissolved in local waters producing acids and killing a lot of fish. So, kerolox is currently the most environment-friendly option for lower stages, and we'll soon know about methalox.
PEGAS - Powered Explicit Guidance Ascent System - devlog
Pand5461 replied to Reddy's topic in KSP1 Mod Releases
I would guess it's peculiarity of kOS's virtual machine. On a real machine, trig functions are far from being a single instruction. Maybe when Steven Mading will introduce concept of "flops" to kOS, breaking down complex expression with trig functions to series summation will make sense in kOS. Now there isn't much incentive to it. And AFAIK Shuttle computer used numerical integration instead of analytical CSE at ascent, so the code was in fact much simpler and easily adaptable for oblateness effects, residual aero drag and reactive force from tank venting. -
PEGAS - Powered Explicit Guidance Ascent System - devlog
Pand5461 replied to Reddy's topic in KSP1 Mod Releases
That's strange because in my tests with 3.2x GPP I managed to get apses within 1 km difference, 0.5 m/s velocity vector difference from horizontal circular speed. But I needed a bit more sophisticated logic than just locking orientation in one direction and waiting for cutoff. Sikharulidze says, in the last seconds before cutoff turning rate was frozen and the predicted final position is used as the desired final position. I instead stopped recomputing desired final position and used the last computed rd and lambdadot to update Vgo and Vt in the last ten seconds. Last second is just finalizing burn with the last computed Vgo. -
PEGAS - Powered Explicit Guidance Ascent System - devlog
Pand5461 replied to Reddy's topic in KSP1 Mod Releases
I take back my words. CSE is reasonably accurate on the time span needed for UPFG. The apses difference is due to cutoff velocity errors. Not much to do with this in RO, given limited (or no at all) engine throttleability. The performance of CSE routine is not very good, however. I've rewritten the routine according to (H.D. Curtis, Orbital Mechanics for Engineering Students) and it needs 80 ms to converge at 200 IPU as opposed to 0.56 s for your implementation. Do you mind if I add a PR to replace the CSER? -
Русскоязычный Каталог Модов КСП + перевод // (mod translation)
Pand5461 replied to Kerbal101's topic in Russian (Русский)
Начну локализацию GPP понемногу. Комментарии предлагать сюда: https://github.com/pand5461/GPP_translate_ru -
У Левантовского ("Механика космического полёта в элементарном изложении", третье издание, 1980) написано "метод сопряжённых конических сечений". Да здравствует некропостинг!
Not necessarily. Imagine that ore is just "frozen clunks" of LF and OX, so you spend a little energy to sort LF clunks from OX and melt them. Then you can mix and burn them to get energetical profit.
Four things you never have too much of in KSP: Boosters Struts Delta-V Solar panels
PEGAS - Powered Explicit Guidance Ascent System - devlog
Pand5461 replied to Reddy's topic in KSP1 Mod Releases
@Reddy I've tested my own implementation of UPFG in 3.2x system. It works, although I found that analytical CSE routine is imprecise in the sense it does not give results coherent with the internal trajectory prediction. I found that simple Verlet integration gives much more accurate results. I'm now wondering if that 5 km error in apses in your video is due to CSE and can be eliminated by using more precise trajectory prediction. -
@Cheesecake, @garwel, thanks for the clarification! I guess it does not matter for fully automated missions anyways, and I can't type fast enough to land on Duna using kOS terminal. A more serious issue I've found is that the mod breaks control of unmanned rovers and makes tweakables (such as thrust limiter, steering on wheels etc.) un-tweakable in-flight on unmanned vessels.
[1.3.1] Rescale! Comprehensive SD Configs [] [03 Dec 2017]
Pand5461 replied to Galileo's topic in KSP1 Mod Releases
@Galileo I've got it! This: %Body:HAS[@Template:HAS[#name[Sun]]] { %ScaledVersion { %Light { %sunLensFlareColor = 0,0,0,0 } } } created a body without a name, therefore all the fuss. Has to be @Body, I guess.- 310 replies
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[1.3.1] Rescale! Comprehensive SD Configs [] [03 Dec 2017]
Pand5461 replied to Galileo's topic in KSP1 Mod Releases
Looks fine. At least, I can live with it. Is there a way to check what body is missing a name? Provided, I have no planet packs other than GPP.- 310 replies
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[1.3.1] Rescale! Comprehensive SD Configs [] [03 Dec 2017]
Pand5461 replied to Galileo's topic in KSP1 Mod Releases
The one that changed from to @Kopernicus:AFTER[Kopernicus]:NEEDS[scatterer] { %Body:HAS[@Template:HAS[#name[Sun]]] { %ScaledVersion { %Light { %sunLensFlareColor = 0,0,0,0 } } } } It does not affect gameplay, so I can safely remove it if it bothers me, right?- 310 replies
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[1.3.1] Rescale! Comprehensive SD Configs [] [03 Dec 2017]
Pand5461 replied to Galileo's topic in KSP1 Mod Releases
Everything works fine without scatterer or if that patch is not applied for some other reason. Player.log: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1A4iHX0hSRz1SDOfq-3n2SPVrHAH1yGQh Kopernicus logs: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1RRK-baCZ7LVZF3QKprQNk88RysJTpdWb Do I understand correctly that the patch just corrects the color of rescaled sun and can be safely got rid of?- 310 replies
- dimensions
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[1.3.1] Rescale! Comprehensive SD Configs [] [03 Dec 2017]
Pand5461 replied to Galileo's topic in KSP1 Mod Releases
Running GPP 1.5.88 with the new 3.2x config. Now SigmaDimensions produces an error: [ModuleManager] Applying update Sigma/Dimensions/Configs/ReDimension/newCacheFiles/@Kopernicus to Kopernicus/Config/System/Kopernicus (Filename: /home/builduser/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/UnityEngineDebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 42) [ModuleManager] Cannot find key name in Body (Filename: /home/builduser/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/UnityEngineDebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 42) [ModuleManager] Error - Cannot parse variable search when inserting new key cacheFile = #Kopernicus/Cache/$name$.bin Kopernicus fails to load planets. EDIT: I probably should've mentioned in the previous post that I tried changing %Kopernicus to @Kopernicus with less-than-satisfying result.- 310 replies
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[1.3.1] Rescale! Comprehensive SD Configs [] [03 Dec 2017]
Pand5461 replied to Galileo's topic in KSP1 Mod Releases
Error message with the new ModuleManager: [ModuleManager] Error - replace command (%) is not valid on a root node: RESCALE/3.2xKSP/%Kopernicus:AFTER[Kopernicus]- 310 replies
- dimensions
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KSP Keostationary Orbits broken
Pand5461 replied to PrimoDev's topic in KSP1 Gameplay Questions and Tutorials
@OHara this probably happens when game tries to convert position + velocity back to orbital elements for save file. With 0° inclination, this causes large errors in determining LAN and AoP. AFAIK, longitude of periapsis is used instead in such cases in proper astronomical calculations. Chances are, KSP code does not use this workaround, hence the potentially increased loss of accuracy on near-equatorial orbits.- 52 replies
@DrPastah what's your difficulty level? On Normal, there is more than enough science to unlock things. EVA reports low above Kerbin and Mun are biome-specific, so can give quite a bit of science with enough grind. Other experiments on the ground, in low atmo, in high atmo, low and high in space. Just don't forget to return experiments (note: kerbals can gather experimental data from equipment and store them in capsule for return) and not transmit them. The most important node for you now is the one that gives advanced probe cores. With that, you can send scientist to the Mun who can reset goo canister and materials bay. Your lander is certainly massively overdesigned. Look at the @Rocket In My Pocket's design, change lower Spark to a Terrier and remove the upper engine (you are still going to need the tank from the upper stage though). As for RemoteTech, you should be good if you have a relay network around Kerbin and not going to try back side of the Mun landing. They certainly will. It's just they aren't unlocked yet - look at the pic in the OP.
Hello @Natur_Huetti! From your picture, it looks like the game cannot find terminal-icon-closed.png and terminal-icon-open.png, at the very least. The file list does not look like it's missing something. So, are you sure that you have installed everything in the correct folder? You might accidentally make additional folder level (like GameData/kOS/kOS instead of just GameData/kOS). ---German translation--- Hallo @Natur_Huetti! Das Bild sieht so aus, dass der(?) Mod keine terminal-icon-closed.png und terminal-icon-open.png Datei finden kannt, mindestens. Die Dateiliste sieht OK aus, keine fehlende Datei. Hast du vielleicht den Mod ins inkorrekt Verzeichnis installiert? Ist das Mod-Verzeichnis tatsächlich GameData/kOS und nicht nächste-Level Verzeichnis (GameData/kOS/kOS). Das konnte sein, dass du beim Auspacken noch ein tiefer Verzeichnis gemacht. (Viele Entschuldigung für mein Deutsch, das ist nicht meine Muttersprache und ich hatte keine Sprachpraktik seit Jahren).
@Mr. Quark Hint: it will survive for quite a bit of time if you will not switch to it when it's below 70 Km. Unloaded objects are on-rails in KSP, so even with Pe in the atmosphere, craft will not be affected by drag when you watch it from the Tracking Station. Just note that any on-rails object around Kerbin gets deleted once it gets below 25 Km altitude.