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Posts posted by antipro

  1. 2 hours ago, snekyboi said:

    You can change your root part using one of the build modes, on the right to your build panel. Does that solve it?

    those buttons on top left.. I know I can change the root part, but here the problem is the root is already the command pod, except for the stuffs attached into the fairing, so i don't know how to use the re-root button in this case.
    of course I can easily solve the problem using a couple of struts, but I'd like to understand why of this behavior.

  2. hi, I'm trying to figure out why all those parts that I put into a fairing are not stable, are not steady, they are moving
    because I can't autostrut them in the usual way.
    I mean i usually autostrut all the part to the root part, but when into a fairing, the root part is no longer the command module,
    the root part changes, the root part is the below hinge,
    same for all other underlying parts. why?



  3. Hi, I'm doing my 1st mun landing in this career using deployable science.
    I'm just not sure about if I've done all well or if I missed something.

    I've deployed these 3 stuffs on the ground, pressed F(Interact) where possible and nothing else.
    Jeb and Bob have 1 star while Bill has none, the points per hours indicator says 0.39p/h, could it be a correct value?


  4. hi, I'm here again, started new career, but it's a lot of time I don't play and I think I do not remember some things. I need help.
    Situtation: I did 1st launch and a suborbital launch. Now, 3rd launch, objective LKO, I'm in space, going for the circularization node that GT has created.
    As I'm at beginning of the game MechJeb does not show all its functions, anyway I remember that I can use Scripting Modules in order to use missing functions.
    So i try to use it like this way

    but when i press START, the warp goes, but the engine does not burn.
    what am I missing?

    I only have to auto-execute that node.

    I have mission control and tracking station to level 2, what else i need?

    this is R&D:


  5. nice altitude @camacju, new record! anyway we are talking about a non-ordinary assembly, with intersected floating parts attached in the vacuum.
    On Youtube I've seen a big ship assembled more less the same way using shields as propellers, capable of reaching hi-horizontal speed and the orbit.
    This is not my way of building rockets, but anyway interesting.
    For my test I've added an extra stage which let me to reach 120km eq orbit with an MK1-3 Pod.

    edit: I can't figure out what are those 3 for fin, kind of pins/pivots/screws, I know they have a specific name but can't remember at the moment,
    anyway I've never see them before.

  6. 10 hours ago, Lt_Duckweed said:

    presumably you never touched the ground.

    thank you  for noticing, yes, you're right, I used the "set position" tool starting from 16k or so, in order to save time and batteries but forgetting to remove the "ease to ground".
    in fact, the max correct altitude with that test pod is only around 24k and even with the biggest rotors/blades the max is the 30k limit.



  7. Thanks all for the tips, I'll try with some other configurations.
    About the settings of the blades I only assign the "change angle" to the main throttle and I regulate them by small throttle adjustments depending on the altitude,
    not the speed, for example from 10km they need to be set up differently, with a lower angle.

    only for fun and  to see what is the max reachable altitude I tried to push a small pod using low energy rotors and medium blades, it had reached 40k.
    Like @18Watt said, I noticed is almost impossible to pass the 18k limit with a useful payload.


  8. 49 minutes ago, king of nowhere said:

    I doubt the fins at the bottom make any real difference. they are detached when the rocket detaches the helicopter blades. and while it's climbing as an helicopter, there is a full rocket to lift, and the weight of two big fins is mostly irrelevant.

    in fact. and btw I just tried to replace them with smaller fins and the rocket became really unstable.


    49 minutes ago, king of nowhere said:

    the last stage (marked with 2 in the vab) looks a bit overpowered, twr >1 on eve is a lot for the orbital stage.

    I just reduced the total mass from 50 to 30tons, using mk2 and smaller stages, even using only 2 ducted fans,
    but I always reach the same max altitude, around 18k.
    even in this video down below, which we all have already seen, he starts the fuel burn at 18k and by using smaller rotors/propellers.
    How did @Blaarkies reached 30k? 30k is a lot more and it will save a lot of fuel compared to 18k.

    So what is the max altitude reachable on eve with an electric engine system?


  9. 13 minutes ago, Blaarkies said:

    If you did that on Kerbin, you are looking at some +5000 m/s dv needed to do it at Eve.

    I never tried it on kerbin, only from eve sea level.


    14 minutes ago, Blaarkies said:

    Because of the thick atmosphere, you can go pretty high before it thins out too much. I got a ducted fan launch close to 30 km altitude on Eve, and i'm sure a better design can go higher.

    30km is very high, I've never reached such altitude, even with the pod only on top of the propellers.
    How you did it? which electric engines and blades did you use?


    17 minutes ago, Blaarkies said:

    The problem is that Mk1-3 Pod at the top. It is heavy, and heavy things are a luxury for any Eve launcher. If you are comfortable replacing that MK1-3 pod instead with 3 kerbal seats protected inside in a fairing, the mission becomes much simpler.

    well, if the mass is the main problem I think I can maybe replace it with an mk2 pod and smaller fuel engines. I'm going to try to modify it in a lighter way.


    20 minutes ago, Blaarkies said:

    If you intend on getting that Mk1-3 pod up there, you should try a wider base (3m parts near the bottom) to get the necessary fuel or dry/wet mass ratio to improve the delta-v capability. It is also worth experimenting with more stages and less TWR, but you might have to make this rocket shorter to successfully land so that will be difficult.

    I'll try it but if with this rocket mass I can reach 18k only, if I add more mass won't it be worse?


    24 minutes ago, Blaarkies said:

    Unless it is for aesthetics, you won't need such big fins at the bottom. Those propeller ducts are pretty light weight so the rocket should point nicely prograde.

    ok, I'll try to replace them with smaller ones. anyway I don't think it will change a lot regarding the max altitude reachable with the propellers.

  10. hi, I'm trying to assembly a rocket that is able to launch in eve orbit an Mk1-3 Pod.
    This prototype is currently able to reach an altitude of 18km with the electric engines, then a 90,90 orbit, even if with some difficulties.
    So, I'm looking for some tips to modify it in a more efficient way.



  11. "Nothing vast enters the life of mortals without a curse."



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