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Everything posted by Delay

  1. Just solved a Rubik's cube in 1:24. Not record-breaking, of course, but a huge achievement for me, considering 1) that I was stuck in the 2-minute range for quite some time and 2) that I don't have the most efficient way to solve a Rubik's cube (I work with whatever situation I find myself in, rather than actually planning a few steps ahead). I'm not interested in solving it any faster than that, <1 minute would be nice it's but not a necessity. Being able to solve the cube in the first place is satisfying enough.
  2. While that is a non sequitur in that context I do think that traffic circles are better than intersections. They're not necessarily wrong.
  3. I can see color perfectly fine, it's the glasses and the position of the Sun. If I take them off I don't have that problem.
  4. I'm wearing glasses and the Sun is behind me right now. It's annoying and I have difficulty seeing anything without a green tint.
  5. Further testing of Scatterer+EVE. While doing so I managed to capture this rarity: Vall casting a shadow onto Laythe, which in turn casts its shadow on Jool. What are the odds? Yes, I know their orbits are in a 2:1 resonance, but what are the odds of me arriving there at just the right time to allow for this to happen? The mission I set for myself was as simple as it was pointless: Strand on the surface of Laythe. A series of gravity assits and one quickload-due-to-burning-up later I managed to slow down... ...and land... ... and I almost landed with a view on Jool. Well, you can't have everything.
  6. Is your workplace that important to even warrant spam like that? Meanwhile this entire larvae situation has gotten a lot worse. Usually I spot them a few deays or even months apart, one at a time. I've had two in the last 4 hours. I need to find out where exactly they're coming from. My theory is that they nested inside an electronic device on my desk - a monitor perhaps. Edit: Just spotted a third one. I'm going insane.
  7. Some more screenshots of today's experiment. Something looks real about this screenshot of Kerbin and I can't explain what it is. And then here's one from the surface of the Mun looking back.
  8. Tried Scatterer in combination with EVE today. Guess what: Combine two beautiful mods and you get an even more beautiful install of KSP. I first tested it in flight. Works really well. The numbers go red when I go into physical timewarp, but the fps are still okay, so I don't know why. And I'm still fascinated by what Scatterer does to the ocean. It gets me every time. I also tried launching into space, where the majority of the game takes place. (Calm down @Triop, I mean for most people) Again; I don't understand why KSP is complaining in physical timewarp, the fps are still great!
  9. The problem I have with it is that 15 minutes of work, while not being what was demanded, are still 15 minutes of work. That's graded the same as 0 minutes of work and I just don't understand how or why this is possible.
  10. PE: Run for 30 minutes staight. I run 15 minutes, can't do the other 15 because my legs hurt a lot. Yes, I don't care about doing sport. Apparently that's graded in the exact same way as if I didn't do anything at all. Great. Fantastic! 15 min of everything hurting PLUS painful legs for up to an hour later for ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!
  11. Granted. You get nothing. I wish for knowledge.
  12. The game is running just fine with it; I just want to get the best out of it, though, in both performance and in the visuals.
  13. Hi, first off: Scatterer is definitely a mod that is worth a try. It looks beautiful and adds what stock KSP lacks. But I do have a question related to performance: What options can I disable that allow the game to run better, yet don't impair the visuals too much?
  14. Okay, so I do actually have a new PC now. Feels fantastic to finally be able to play games with a solid and high framerate. Including KSP. The game runs very well with this new machine, so I tried out a mod that I wanted to test for a long time: Scatterer. And well, what can I say? The game looks awesome with Scatterer! Though performance is a slight, very slight issue. x4 physical warp gives me red numbers. Turning off water refractions helped a bit (now constantly flashing between green and yellow). Any more things I can do to make the game run better without ruining the beautiful graphics too much? (Example: Without sky reflections the water looks terrible in my opinion) Oh, and I also made a launch vehicle only powered by Rapiers. Thought that would actually be more efficient due to the high Isp, but how wrong I was.
  15. Okay, so occasionally there are larvae from moths crawling around on my left loudspeaker, and I have no idea where they are coming from. They could come from behind the desk, but why should they go all the way up to the speaker then?
  16. Okay, so hopefully I'll get a new PC by Saturday, let's try overclocking my graphics card slightly. Won't matter too long anywa- WHAT ARE THOSE GREEN THINGS DOING ON THE SCREEN? WHAT'S GOING ON!? I'm now on my fallback graphics card. Slight upside? I can now play certain games which the other card was incapable of, it just crashed. The downside is that I now only have one monitor instead of two.
  17. Any excuse to (literally) leave Earth behind for a bit would do it for me.
  18. So I got Portal 2 yesterday. And once it was done downloading after 5 hours or so I decided to start the game. Keep in mind that my graphics card is... kinda broken. The driver actually crashes up to >7 times a day, which is a complaint in and of itself. Anyways; the game does work (at least it did on the second attempt), but not without its fair share of hilariously broken and corrupted textures, whether in the menu or on the walls. So after discovering that the game is very unstable with its textures on my borked system I went back into the main menu. The font was also corrupted beyond recognition (at least I didn't have to delete the system fonts for this experience) and I had to guess where the "exit game" option was.
  19. I memorized pretty much the entire Portal 1 GLaDOS "dialogue". Yes. I'm bored. I have nothing else to do in my free time.
  20. Yeah... Maybe programming just isn't for me after all. Back to using code someone else has made without me in mind.
  21. Thanks, understood everything!
  22. Trying out some own ideas on how to solve a Rubik's cube (that's still layer-by-layer, though). Got two layers solved in one go. If I can get some algorithms out of that I should be able to work with it.
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