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Everything posted by Delay

  1. German and English. Yes, I think I fit that description! The user below me has never been on an airliner. And by that I mean basically any commercial aircraft.
  2. You could have also written 2716 , then it would have been more clear.
  3. I don't think there is anyone in my age who is interested in mathematics or physics, at least as much as me. That would be my only requirement. I'm ... not planning on it.
  4. OMG, the reflections are so wrong!!!!!!1 In all seriousness, I really like this picture. It looks great!
  5. 10th Fibonacci number (starting from 0) +1
  6. If one frame counts as an animation, then yeah, sure. I user below me his currently taking a break from actually playing KSP to do... well, anything but play KSP.
  7. I'm already in a therapy group, once a week. It has helped a bit, though that might just be a placebo, as in: "I'm now in a therapy, I should feel better now". It's just that I need an outlet for it every now and then. The frustration builds up over time, conflict after conflict. As for powerpoint presentations: Unfortunately, that's one of my requirements in school. You must be able to hold a presentation in front of a class. Last year (I think at least) we had to give a presentation about some aspect of Australia. I picked the australian railway, informed myself about its history, current and future plans and its structure to the point where I could confidently hold the presentation. I couldn't even stand up and go to the front. I wanted to, I just couldn't. However, the teacher allowed me to hold the presentation just in front of her, which worked. I got a 3 (=C) for it, but she told me that it could've easily been a 1 (=A) if I would hold it in front of the class. Now, one year later, I immediately get demotivated when I hear the word "presentation". I don't even want to research anything because I know I wouldn't be able to do it. That's partly what got my spanish grade down to a 4 (=D) this year.
  8. I wouldn't have the problem of writing it down by hand. I still have a typewriter.
  9. Our newspapers say that 6 died. But it's only one day after the incident, when lots of people still can't think clearly about it. Anyway, today I wrote a short story about myself. It's about a situation I had in school today due to social anxiety disorder, how I felt during it and why I'm not happy with its outcome. A nice demonstration of how difficult and frustrating simple social interactions can become. I won't share it, but I felt like I needed to write my experience with the disorder down. It's slowly ruining my life, and I still have over 80 years if nothing goes "wrong".
  10. @Earthlinger I don't think I'd like to know how. It's sad enough that someone died in the first place.
  11. No, I'm the only one without it, it seems (in my family) Okay, we had Claustro- and Arachnophobia... The user below me has Agoraphobia.
  12. The northern parts of Germany are also affected by this, albeit weaker (people and bikes don't fly through the air). It's a pain to walk in, especially when you need to go through a trench-like street with buildings on both sides where the wind is even stronger. I just hope noone got or will get seriously injured today.
  13. Has anybody ever had a dream about waking up (while still dreaming)? if yes, what is it like? This last question is probably a bit illogical, but I'm curious. Also: How do you remember your dreams so well? I would really like to know what crazy sh*t I dream, too. I wouldn't share it (social anxiety disorder and all that), but i think it would be pretty fun.
  14. @kerbiloid The point I was trying to make is not that atomic facilities tend to go boom. My point was that if they go boom, the results are devastating and wide-spread, potentially affecting hundreds of millions of people who weren't expecting a thing over night.
  15. Tschernobyl/Chernobyl, Fukushima, potential use in weaponry... In my eyes, it's not worth it the risk. If pulled off in a 100% guaranteed safe way that could never go wrong, and no atomic weapons are built (good luck doing with that), then I might give it a go.
  16. I always, always get confused with my dad over the phone. Apparently our voices are so similar (they're >yottamiles apart, if that even exists) that even relatives say "Hello <insert dad name here>!". It's routine for me now to say: "Sorry, but I'm not <insert dad name here>. I'm his son, <insert my name here>". It's hilarious but also really annoying.
  17. This might sound strange, but the rollercoaster simulator NoLimits 2 can have moments of beauty, too.
  18. I basically have the opposite problem: Youtube saves my preferences really quickly, but I it takes ages for it to stop recommending me this one single video I haven't touched since last month!
  19. Believe me: "YouTube Deutschland" (the german version of YouTube) is far, far, FAR worse than this "sh*tty" content you see here. Every time I clean cookies from my computer I have to look at the cancer that german youtubers produce every day. The worst part? They're getting paid for it. More than the people who work hard every day to earn their money. Youtube is basically a free-money-platform for these people.
  20. Just realized that 12 would've been 22+2(22) if I had written in that way.
  21. Granted, so are workdays. I wish for a(ny) geometric shape.
  22. Should be 24 if you mean the 1999 ecllipse. If this is wrong, my second guess would be "An integer between 0 and the average life expectancy of a human in 2018".
  23. Our class currently has exponential equations as our math(s) topic. And we're seriously told that, if the exponent x is the variable to solve for to get some value n, we should just try out some values for x and see if they work. The fact that there is another simple-to-understand function for that (logb(n)=x) isn't even mentioned! I mean, how hard is it to explain the relation between exponential equation bx=n and logb(n)=x? Doesn't stop me from using logs, though. And it isn't just our teacher that doesn't mention logs; apparently, no teacher does.
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