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Everything posted by Biggen

  1. Landed a rover on Eeloo to do the tsunami mission. Bit of a bear driving a rover on Eeloo with low gravity. Especially when I landed 3KM away! But at least I was able to do it.
  2. It’s most certainly not “unplayable”. It’s literally the only game I’ve been playing for the last month.
  3. Ahh, yeah not sure how I missed it.
  4. What is the difference between Restock and Restock+? Both links in CKAN point to this thread.
  5. Wow! Thanks for that addition! Cant wait to try this later.
  6. That still isn’t a good reason why clamps don’t clean themselves up after launch. Just because you don’t use them doesn’t mean they aren’t still poorly designed in the game code.
  7. Pretty amazing they haven’t fixed these performance issues after a full year of release. Sucks we have to self limit the number of crafts we want in the game because of this nonsense.
  8. As soon as I finish my current playthrough I'm going to start over and use this. This was sorely needed!
  9. No wonder I have so much damn debris on every launchpad! lol. Never figured out why it keeps moving me to different pads until they finally have me launching at the docks in the water until you posted this! What dev thought this was a good idea? Goodness…
  10. I don’t think it was polar. I remember it being a fairly good size crater though.
  11. I remember doing this mission. You should have a ground target from what I recall to show you exactly where to land. Nothing on the map view?
  12. I mispoke. It was Valentina that drew the short straw and know needs a ride home from orbit. I didn't realize the Kerbals move fast when holding down the shift key so I walked all the way to the monument at a steady .7 m/s. Even at 4x speed that was no fun. The run back to the lander was much better!
  13. Landed on Tylo to finished the monument mission. Never again. Pain in the you know what to land there. Had to walk 1.5km at 4x speed to get there from the lander and then walk back. Glad this one is over. Just gotta send a rescue craft to pick up Jeb from orbit of Tylo.
  14. So I just checked this. The bullseye markers are "backwards" in my mind. The circles that converge "inwards" shows you exit path out of the system while the circles that converge "outwards" so you entrance to the system. I mean, shouldn't that be the other way around??
  15. I'll have to look closer at the circles then. I thought there were just kind of generic "bullseye" markers. I didn't even think to try changing direction. I know its always costly at most other planets but, you are right, Jool SOI is so big it would have worked. Thanks!
  16. So I get my maneuver nodes setup for a Jool encounter, time warp to the SOI, and notice that I'm encountering Jool retrograde to the motion of the moons around it. Is there a way to be able to tell what direction I am encountering a system? The maneuver node system doesn't give you anything other than a blue line. It doesn't show you your direction of travel relative to the system you are entering.
  17. I’ve made it a habit to always take all science with me. Covers all the bases.
  18. Have you reloaded the save/exited ksp2 and restarted? I just did this mission and it counted it for me.
  19. I didn't say it was a brick for brick copy of KSC from KSP1 to 2. But the general gist of gameplay is the same except they dumbed it down by removing funds. There is no innovation at all from Ksp 1 to 2. Track missions, do science, unlock parts. All the same thing between both games.
  20. Not the person you replied to but I also feel this way. I mean, it’s the exact same planets, same parts, same dV map, same KSC layout, etc… They basically took some graphical mods and put them into an official package and called it KSP2.
  21. Then you are a much better player than I. There is no way I could fine tune interplanetary encounters with the stock maneuver node "tool". I hesitate to call it a "tool" because it isn't very helpful. It's more of a hindrance.
  22. I don't know what "rumors" we are talking about, but you'd have to be blind to think KSP2 isn't somewhat broken in its current form. Without mods, (the maneuver node mod specifically) interplanetary travel is beyond difficult. Like almost impossible.
  23. It happened to me yesterday too and I don't have K2 installed. As I was getting closer to my target, I was wondering why my target icon on the Navball kept moving around funky. As I got within 100m of the craft I could see it spinning and the navball target was going around and around the nav ball. Had to reload a save, took control of the vessel that was previously spinning, and made sure that SAS lock was on. That seemed to stop it from spinning thereafter.
  24. That's an excellent idea. I just unlocked that node in R&D so I will play around with it. I guess I won't shelve KSP2 just yet.
  25. Yup. I initially was going for the "Find the monument on Tylo" mission but realized real quick I lacked the proper rockets (need more science) to get a kerbal there and back in one trip. This is definitely going to be a two craft mission when I finally get around to doing it.
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