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  • About me
    Rescue Mission Rescuer
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    Chilling on the Minbase
  • Interests
    Making witty "none of your buisness" hints
    Playing KSP (duhh why else would I be here)
    Rescuing the mission to rescue the rescue mission to rescue the rescue mission to rescue the rescue mission to rescue Jeb. Poor Jeb, stuck on the Mun along with the few hundred other pilots and their empty landers. We could build a colony, but they're all homesick.

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  1. MKS should work fine without USI-LS. You removed GameData/UmbraSpaceIndustries/LifeSupport (and only that folder)?
  2. Good to know CKAN lists it as 1.4 so to get a CKAN install on 1.5 you need to tell CKAN to list 1.4 mods as compatible.
  3. From a little testing, MKS appears to work. However I've not yet tested it with extraplanetary colonies, so don't take my word for it. Unsure about TAC-LS support, because I use USI-LS myself.
  4. @RoverDude I would recommend adding "Post your KSP version, MKS version and USI Tools version when reporting bugs" to the top of the OP, just above the really cool picture (Banner?), or in the FAQ because then people would easily find it and then we wouldn't have to repeat it. Except when someone can't be bothered to read the OP...
  5. Yes, but the USI-LS changes will not happen, you will have to set those manually if you want them. EDIT: Also know that RoverDude will not help you on 1.3 installs:
  6. Do you have multiple ModuleManager dlls in your GameData? If so, delete all but the newest. Also updating USICore won't fix issues (that's just reactors, kontainers and other USI bits and bobs), update USITools if an update is available.
  7. OK. I am not experiencing this issue myself on 1.4.1. Can you post the log (in a .zip file to make it faster to download to look through) as that's a useful file that KSP spits out for debugging purposes. It's KSP.txt, in the KSP folder (one folder up from gamedata)
  8. As RD said - MKS version, USITools version and KSP version please.
  9. I don't think you can transfer Uranium - pretty sure the game is coded so the only way to move Machinery or Uranium is by maintenance, which only works in local logistics range. Try the ranger cooling thingy. It's pretty much a superpower radiator that only works on planets. I'm wondering why the Convert-O-Trons seem to have the ability to turn Ore into Fertiliser. It seems to cut out a LOT of the resource chain that I can just land a stock ISRU and have Fertiliser. EDIT: Aah, it seems to be a part of USI-LS itself - it seems to add it to the stock Convert-O-Tron 125. I'll just comment it out... //@PART[MiniISRU] //{ // MODULE // { // name = ModuleResourceConverter_USI // ConverterName = Fertilizer // StartActionName = Start ISRU [Ore -> Fertilizer] // StopActionName = Stop ISRU [Ore -> Fertilizer] // // INPUT_RESOURCE // { // ResourceName = Ore // Ratio = 2.5 // } // INPUT_RESOURCE // { // ResourceName = ElectricCharge // Ratio = 30 // } // OUTPUT_RESOURCE // { // ResourceName = Fertilizer // Ratio = 0.0025 // DumpExcess = False // } // } //} Replace the code to add the Ore -> Fertiliser with that in order to turn it off, it is found at the bottom of GameData\UmbraSpaceIndustries\LifeSupport\LSModule.cfg Or, alternatively, do this to have it automatically disable itself if MKS is present (I think): @PART[MiniISRU]:NEEDS[!MKS]
  10. Issue: It seems to report crashing down and exploding as "landing" Am merely reporting 1.4 compat issue, am not asking for help.
  11. Would like to add one to the reports of FMRS working. Seems fully functional, but when I tell it to give a stage to SR it doesn't. So ATM it's a choice: SR or FMRS but not both.
  12. Was having a massive issue with invisible planets, did 10 mins of testing, narrowed issue to this and Galileo's Sun Flares... Then read the changelog and found this is a known and fixed Scatterer issue. All that testing, and all I needed to do was read a changelog... Silly me.
  13. Please put huge textwalls into spoilers (make one by clicking the eye) or code blocks (make one by clicking the <>) so as to not make a page unnecessarily long. Spoilers also work great for uploading lotsa pictures: Otherwise the thread becomes horrible for others to read. Anyway, I have a question: Is the physics range extender mod good for getting resources that I have to mine from really far away without having to switch to my mining outposts?
  14. Thanks! (Installation instructions for anyone who's confused: Copy it and paste into a cfg file somewhere in GameData, preferably a new one)
  15. Umm, am definitely logging an issue on Github for this. Pal Wheels deploy too fast. Forklift has issues stowing. Pal likes going boom.
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