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Everything posted by FloppyRocket

  1. I'm really looking for more of a tutorial, rather than a demo about how cool it is. The scripting user interface is a little non-intuitive, and I didn't get much information from the demo video. I'll give the earlier video another watch and see if I can turn it into some written notes. Are there any pure tutorials around for the scripting module?
  2. Note: there's nothing in the 2nd video (from Scott Manley) about Scripting, though it does run through early MJ 2 fairly thoroughly.
  3. Thanks! Indeed. I can contribute some effort there once I accumulate some more knowledge. Thanks much!
  4. Yep, that worked. Thanks much. It's quite a puzzle how a bug like that can slip through into the production release.
  5. I realize this has probably been discussed to death, but I've searched the Forum and found little information. To wit: Is there a manual for how to use the Mechjeb Scripting Module? The main Manual (linked from page 1 of this forum area) points to the Mechjeb Wiki, which doesn't seem to mention scripting at all.
  6. Me too, since installing 1.4.2. I can't set a lander down on the Mun even at 1.5 m/s at touchdown. It's been reported on the bug tracker, and supposedly is being investigated. I don't know of any fix. Update: Lander stats. Weight at touchdown is 2.5 t, I'm using three LT-05 micro struts. Spring and Damper are set to the default values. Is that not enough strut for this mass of lander?
  7. It seems a bit weird for a Kerbal to be in a vessel that has no hatch. Is this a feature I haven't run into before?
  8. Thanks for the reference to the mod. I figured there was something like that available. You are correct, my response was specifically with regard to confusing terminology in the game text.
  9. I had no idea you can jettison the heat shield. That's a helpful tip.
  10. Indeed. I've been trying to keep a paper chart of where I haven't collected all the science, and the inconsistencies in the biome names and observation conditions is pretty frustrating. The "Science Archives" is useful, but you've got to do a lot of clicking around to figure out how the words are used.
  11. The complexity of modeling the in-atmosphere behavior is substantial enough that it is very common to skip the calculation and simply design the rocket for 3,500 m/s of delta-v to low-Kerbal orbit. Once you're in LKO, then the delta- v requirements can be easily and accurately calculated.
  12. Sorry, this doesn't really answer your question, and may be you've already done this. But if you need science points early in a career, I recommend you collect everything you can from the many biomes around the space center. Each area of the center has points waiting to be collected (crew report, eva report, temperature, pressure, surface sample, etc.). You can get all of the science from the launch pad and runway biomes using just a command pod with Jeb, you launch from the assembly building or the hangar, go on an EVA, and walk nearby. Once you unlock enough science to get a set of wheels, then you can make a simple rocket powered pod rover, and drive yourself to each of the physical areas of the space center grounds. You can get science points from all of those biomes as well. There are hundreds of science points available. Sorry for this reply if you've already covered this method.
  13. "Phase angle" means you have to add delta-v at the correct place in your orbit so your ship and the Mun arrive at the same point at the same time. A "maneuver node" is the place in the orbit where you're going to make a maneuver. Prograde is the direction your ship is heading at that moment. You can add delta-v at the maneuver note using the "prograde" tool, just until the predicted apoapsis is the same as the Mun's orbit. As you drag the maneuver node around, the ship will be aiming in different directions (because you're changing the phase), but the amount of delta-v doesn't change automatically. You have to change the length of the prograde tool yourself.
  14. Also, if this is the first time you've used the engine after staging, you may need to press the <space> bar to start it (after increasing the throttle).
  15. Thanks much. So it's "through" in the sense of "by using the spacebar".
  16. As others have mentioned, after inadvertently blundering into a couple of those very picky contracts early in my career game, I avoid them now like the space plague. Anything that says "test (or collect science) in the atmosphere" etc. I steer a wide path around.
  17. Follow-up question - this has always puzzled me. What does "Activate it through staging" mean? "through" isn't very specific.
  18. From what the other posters here have said, I think you're being too hard on yourself. A few tweaks in the methods you're using, and you'll be flying successful missions.
  19. I'm not likely to watch an hour of video, but I wanted to say that's a gorgeous rocket on liftoff.
  20. In Scott's video, the craft kept oscillating back to nose-forward because SAS was on Prograde.
  21. You can't put an image in a post directly. You have to upload the image to some hosting service, then insert a link to it. The image will be fetched and rendered as though it is included in your post, even though it is remote. I believe folks commonly use imgur for this.
  22. It's difficult to tell the status of the material in the Wiki. Are the code examples given here still valid for 1.2.2? link to Module code examples
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