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Everything posted by LoSBoL

  1. No worries, it won't take much longer, Samsung stated that the've started making 32:9 monitor panels
  2. No, I didn't miss the point, it is pretty clear that that is a undisputable fact. but intentions of the developer don't always match the publisher's interest, which I tried to emphasise on. So 4 years later than the early developers stated intentions we have a 'Jeb's Junkyard', funny exagereted looking rocketparts and parts that have been lying on the side of the road with no signs from Squad that they still intend to change that. To me that is a pretty clear sign the Publisher had other feelings about the developers stated intentions. It's the game we have now, and I guess many people who bought it long after the statement was made, don't even know about the first intentions, nor mind how it is right now. You can't blame people for having diffent feelings about how the game feels to them, against how it was envisionend long time ago by the lead developers. They can only Judge it 'as is' and bought it 'as is'.
  3. That sounds way to simplistic to me. Could it be that people tend to have fun building a plane like it was LEGO and fly your homemade creation in somewhat realistic atmosphere? Flying also has always had big attraction by humankind, people dream of piloting for ages, and to a great extent, it's reachable for a human being to do so in reality, much more so than being an astronaut, which is much further away in reality. Flying planes is just nearer to reality than getting your ass hauled up in to space. So I am not at all surprised that building and flying (space-)planes is more populair than building rockets. I also see people making planes, boats, sharks, trucks and even fully detailed batmobiles! so I guess people tend to find fun in many different ways. Now that rocket already looks pretty Kerbal to me But youre right, there are inconsistencies if you look close enough, they just don't offend me as much as it strongly does for some.
  4. Thanks to @passinglurker and @KSK for sharing the article, I had not read it while typing my previous post. It was a good read and gives good insight in how the writer envisioned KSP/kerbalkind and why part of the early adopters of the game feel so strong about this. Like I said, it surprised me that the game was envisioned to look 'Near Future' while the game was in Alpha stage. Nearly 4 years later Squad looks like it was 180 degrees opposite on Harvester's vision, just about every cinematic trailer Squad made to promote the game is about silly kerbals, and the 'silly' parts they use. Let me give you another viewpoint, Squad has not put a priority of 'professionalising' the rocketparts because they could have thought that sleek, proffesional rockets could actually hurt the game. If you look at every trailer they made they tried to emphasise on the fact that 'conquering space was never this easy', while we all know that orbital mechanics and the game in fact has a steep learning curve. So they make fun trailers containing easy 'distinguishable and exagerated parts'. Parts that, without even knowing anything about orbital mechanics, give away there exact function, The KISS (keep it simple, stupid and straightforward) design of the parts actually eleviate the steep learning curve because they virtually scream engaging simplicity. They give a feeling that if the rocket looks simple and get in to space, 'I can build that and get it in space!'. A sleek looking rocket, making the game look 'more serious' could actually hurt sales. I really don't relate strong in how the parts look, either way would be fine by me, but I can imagine why Squad would market the game in another way than HarvesteR had in mind. I must however say that KSP has gone a very very long way in development since the Alpha stage, and I am not dissapointed that they chose other priorities in expanding the game over an part update. That the rocketparts did get vamped and the rocketparts didn't could be marketing to, lure potential gamers with easy looking parts, and when they get the hang of building rockets, they can step up and build more professional and shiny spaceplanes. One question I really can't answer is, why did HarvesteR think that seeing Kerbalkind as silly would hurt the game? The only thing I can really imagine is that some people who are interested in building 'beautifull rockets' are being held back in stock. To be truthfull, that is just one of the million ways people can enjoy KSP, and all have different objectives and visions of what is fun.
  5. Ah, missed that, read the post yesterday evening and didn't read the edit 9-10 FPS sounds great for a 1000+ part ascend
  6. Have you ever seen how dirty parts can get when found next to the road? Nah, just kidding, fair point. And why should one have to choose? I saw a pic in one of the topics on this forum from the Apollo 11 lander and transfer stage, there was a comment on there that the lander and transfer stage didn't even look like they should be on the same vessel. Ans If I wanted to choose, there are 10, 20, 100? part packs one can choose from. It's true, I'm new to KSP, I judge it 'as is' and I'm not burdend by old wounds. Reality is that the world changes, intentions change, dev-teams don't even have to change for development taking other courses. Fact is that HarvesteR or Porkjet are no longer around to further develop KSP the way they intended to. And I don't blame Squad for the change in revamp intentions, when you can get 10, 20, 100? parts pack mods to change the look one wants it to be. So maybe people should stop remenising from what was in the past, en what is probably not ever going to be. Like I said, I'm new to KSP, so I judge it 'as is', and mismatching parts seem to fit the way I percieve Kerbalkind. I am really surprised that it was going to look like 'near future'. Now that doesn't seem right to me as a new player who has just found KSP. There was a cinematic made by Squad for the 'Loud and Clear' update. It was dead funny Kerbalnauts, the whole style of it was breathing 'funny' kerbals, Near Future just doesn't fit in to me as a new player.
  7. A million ways one can play, and therefore a million opinions on where the priorities should be. Just a DeltaV/TWR readout for me,not to mention for the Console players that can't mod the game wth KER or MJ.
  8. "Kerbals don't make Junk" Well, they actually do make use of junk, I think more then 10% of the stock parts were even found 'lying on the side of the road'. It's the Kerbal feeling to me, snap some weird parts together en try and get it in space. Even the drum feels perfectly Kerbal to me. And what I mean with feeling Kerbal is that it should be trail and error on everything and goofy without it being serious. As for the spaceplane parts looking used and not as 'brand new' as the rocketparts, makes sense to me with the reusability of planes in mind. In a way the spaceplaneparts are looking a bit to futureristic to me, I've seen the Porkjet Rocketvamp parts and have to say, they look great! But a bit to sleek and sophisticated to be Kerbal stock. So I'm not disappointed at all that they didn't make it to stock. As for a vamp from Squad, it might come, but it won't be Porkjet or his style. That Squad gave Porkjet's work to the (mod) community to play with is a pretty big sign on the wall that you're not going to see it in stock. As for the critiques, "Why so serious?" comes to my mind, if you want ecstaticly beautifull rockets there is nothing holding anyone back, In my opinion Squad delivered a beautifull base KSP, which to great extent Squad made sure KSP is a placeholder on its own, for everyone to mod the way one wants to play KSP. Roverdude's parts look great to me, they look Kerbal, and a misaligned rivet here and there might even be considered a good match.
  9. 2 old 17" monitors which you could designate as 'found lying on the side of the road' and a 24" FHD monitor. I can really recommend playing KSP like this, scales pretty good if you got a fairly decent graphicscard. Because the game bottlenecks on the CPU it doesn't really seem to matter at which resolution you play.
  10. Now that could give the exact opposite effect from what you're trying to accomplish Best to leave the V-sync on.
  11. That sound is either coming from your graphics card or your PSU and is called 'coil whine', had exactly the same when 'loading the game and in space when turning the view towards the big black sky. When KSP is loading it lets your graphicscard render uncapped, it's basicly rendering 1000+ frames per second, the powerdraw will cause the coilwhine. In my case it was the PSU. If the sound annoys you, you could underclock your graphicscard to take less power at the cost of a bit of graphical performance. Personally i've changed out the PSU (because the rest of the build was dead quiet). It's also good to set the max. frames in the ingame settings to 120 or 60, to prevent it from going full throtle (unnecessary) all the time, won't help when loading the game though. It howeever isn't to harmfull to just let it whine, youre grpahicscard is running within spec when doing the 1000+ fps, it's just performing whitin max performance. The issue you have is unrelated to the slow loading, although if the rest of the game isn't stable, then I would check the voltages and ripple with a tool like HWinfo.
  12. Maybe you should take a look at your Windows 'energy savings settings', make sure its not in the battery saving or standard mode, for me it made a huge difference in performance on my gaming rig. And I also found that you should make use of the 'K' capability of youre processor, squeezing out every mhz you can find to ramp up single core performance. (you payed for the K capabilities, use em!) You may also ramp up youre visual settings again, it does not make a single difference if you run low or high settings with the card you have there, same goes for screenresolution. (found no difference in framerate between 1920x1080 to 4440x1024) Getting Mark Thrimm's smaller 'science station' of the pad I'm running 20 to 25 fps on a 4790K @ 4,8 GHZ, 16 GB@2400mhz and a GTX970. Mark's bigger Cassiopea is a real challenge, and settles between 4 and 10 when ascending. You've got a mighty rig, and unlike with about every other game, it's will botleneck KSP on single thread performance...
  13. Thank for the welcome Dman979 Been reading the forum for a few months now, and decided it was time to pitch in Must say I respect the hard work you modderators put in to the forum, It must be pretty hard with so many users with a million different viewpoints, opinions and attitudes. The views in game keep amazing me to, so sharing a screenshot now and then is the least I can do to contribute. Saw a 'proud of youre spacestation' challenge, and I am pretty proud on this one.
  14. I thought a GSOD would be pretty Kerbal
  15. Maybe this sounds familiar, Wife's pregnancy ties daddy home in the evenings. So you buy yourself a playstation 3 with GTA V after nearly 10 years without gaming. About 1,5 years later you've still got to much time on your hand and decide to dust off your old computer, upgrade it with second hand parts and fork out about 110 euro in the Steam winter sale to keep you going for a few years. Well, I could have spend a mere 20 euro's cause the only thing booted since was KSP, figured it was a game to find that out it was not, it's an experience! Reading the forum, wiki's and Reddit and starting an sandbox game for myself, to figure out that the game could use even more performance than the intel I5-4440 and 8 GB ram could deliver, so you upgrade again, mod youre computer to accomodate watercooling and try to find an 'K'-version of the I5-4690. Got scammed when I found one, payed but didn't get it delivered... The hunt continued and found a very nice upgradeset with a I7-4790K and 16 GB ram, picked it up and overclocked it to a nice 4,8 GHZ And here we are, don't regret one bit that I might have spent some money, it was totally worth it, especially when I found out that the two 17" monitors I had laying around perfectly complement the 24" Full HD monitor in the middle. I will be playing this for a very long time to come!! Hi Guys and Gails!
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