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Everything posted by LoSBoL

  1. Why am I not surprised? There are probably a few other ways to achieve this to, but for me, I'll stick with windows and the convience that it's implemented within Steam.
  2. I always thought that there was an 3 GB memory adressing limit for 32 bit applications, so even with just having 4 GB memory it could benefit from running it in 64 bit mode (as long as you have a 64 bit windows version offcourse). As for Steam, for me it's grown from a nuisance when I had to use it for Half Life 2 (almost 11 years ago) to a very mature platform it is today. I now solely use Steam to play any game I have, even if not bought through Steam, and that includes 3 instances of KSP. The big game changer for me to run everything threw Steam is the 'inhouse streaming function', which makes it possible to fluently run the most demanding games on my inferior laptop(s) without battery drain, heat or noise. Combined with 'Wake on Lan' and 'Remote Desktop Protocol' turning my gaming PC on or off and playing is just one click away.
  3. That's no potato! Unless it's bottlenecking somewhere else it should get fine performance (way beyond 320ish parts). If that 6600K is still running stock speeds you can get a very good performance bump by overclocking it.
  4. Yep, that's what i meant with an 'deactivated' battery
  5. Now this topic just might be the best testimony why our little green friends and KSP doesn't behold a story or plot, it leaves it all up to your own imagination, and there is plenty of that looking at how everybody percieves kerbalkind differently in this topic. So no, Jeb and Val (or Bill or Bob) shouldn't hook up officially, the way KSP is now leaves room for everybody, if you happen to be a fan for fanfiction, way to 'down to earth' for that or somewhere in the middle. KSP has the room for all! Me personally, I might be a bit more on the more 'down to earth' stuff guy, fanfiction is not my cup of tea (or maybe it just medles to much with my intrepetation of kerbalkind, and therefore can't really relate to the storytelling), I can't really get my head around something like real live 'war reinactments' either, but in both I can see the passion that it creates for some, so people enjoy that. (don't put a bunch of LEGO in front of me though, and I would really love my wife to put on an Beatrix Kiddo suit )
  6. The I7's do happen to have the best thread performance, so yeah, if youre not on an budget, they are bound to be the best performing, looking at my own I7, it doesn't look like KSP takes advantage of hypertreading though. I indeed think that the i5-7600 has the best thread performance for the money you have to put down for it. Some say that the i3-7300 series (7300/7320/7350) could be a good contender for KSP, but with multithreaded games getting more common, I would go for an 4 core processor anyway. Yeah, KSP runs great with such monitors! 29" 2560x1080 or 34" 3440x1440 would scale very nicely. The only thing I hear complaints about are UHD monitors (3840x2160) as the text becomes unreadably tiny. Going in the width however
  7. That's awesome info! are they able to activate deactivated batteries to? (when out of power)
  8. Just one bug is haunting me. I can't select an planted flag at the KSC as target, every time I try to do so KSP just hangs on me. Could be an mod though. I think KSP is pretty stable, as long as you have a descent and stable computer and keep it clean from to much clutter.
  9. I'd say the GTX1060 is indeed right in the sweet spot from an performance/price perspective, or a second hand GTX970 if you want to spare out a little money If I would build a new computer right now which would get great performance with any game and KSP in particular, I would build it around an intel i5-7600. And I would absolutely try to squeeze in an 29" (or 34" ) 21:9 Ultra Wide monitor, even if it blows the budget a bit, you're gonna love it.
  10. How about Bill hooking up with Bill Bob? I hear a lot that KSP should keep up with current times, so that would probably bring it to 2017
  11. The numbers sounded familiar, but I had to look up CHS though, it's comming back to me now! Then again, My very first drive had a counter on it
  12. You should stacker it, you can hold down twice as much paper that way!
  13. For me using procedural parts would make it a gamechanger. Part of the fun for me is that you have to be creative in the way you stick parts togheter, and like LEGO, you can't strech parts to easily get what you want. Creating workarounds is part of the fun. Would it be possible to implement procedural parts without breaking savegames? I'd be very dissapointed if implementing them would ruin my savegames.
  14. As for #1, might Alt+F5/Alt+F9 work for you as a workaround? It enables you to name your saves any way you please. #2 For me personally, I don't think the size that savegames have are a big issue anymore these days with HD space going in to Terrabytes cheap, not to mention that KSP is tiny compared to some AAA titles that go far beyond 60 GB installments. Man I'm getting old, I remember owning an 20 MEGAbytes harddrive, and using 'Stacker' to compress the contents so you can nearly get 40 MEGAbytes out of it. (yeah baby! )
  15. That's one mighty rig you've got there! Good thing that it's not only for KSP though, I have the feeling that if you'd just changed out the GPU, and would have overclocked the 4770K to 4,4 GHz (which it is perfectly capable of running) you'd be getting roughly the same performance as you do now. Offcourse you could overclock the 7700K to get even more performance out of it, but there is less overclocking headroom as it's frequency is already pretty high running 4,4 GHz stock.
  16. If I can give one word of advice from a bit of experience... Don't get a laptop which has an CPU that end with a 'U', the 'U' stands for Ultra Low Voltage which is great for battery time, but bottlenecks KSP, the CPU's will throttle down due to both heat and power restrictions. I've got a laptop with an I7-4600U and a Laptop with an I5-5300U which even has an dedicated Nvidia 840M GPU. Not only are both laggy when playing, they both get pretty hot, throttle down, drain battery and the first one even sounds like it wants to launch itself. I did however find a very good solution on playing KSP on both machines (or any older laptop for that matter) without lag, heat, throttleing, noisy fans or batterydrain. It even works great on an 7 year old laptop with an 'Intel Atom' cpu and it's called 'Steam inhouse streaming', you can stream pretty much any game with the Steam client and you don't even have to own a game from Steam for that. What you do however need is an dedicated PC to stream from, you can get more performance per buck out of an dedicated PC than you can get from a same priced laptop.
  17. Like others mentioned, the 4790K would be 'the best' option, even without using the overclocking capabilities it's one of the highest IPC (instructions per clock) to date. But before you'd buy one, make sure you're mainboard can cope with it, you'd might need to softwareupdate the mainboards bios before it works. To find youre mainboard manufacturer and model, one of the easiest ways is to install the freeware program 'CPU-Z', there is a 'mainboard' tab in the program that will tell you what you need to know. After that it's a quick search on the manufacturers website to look up if youre mainboard supports the 4790K, and if an bios update is needed, it should be available for download there. happy huntings!
  18. I've had exact the same processor and upgraded. On the other hand I already had an GTX970. the graphicscard is the simplest to upgrade, the 4440 did very well with every other game I have (F1 2016, GTA V) but when flying many parts (400+) in KSP it was the bottlenecking for me. To check what's bottlenecking, I would do it a bit differently to eddiew's method. If you got KSP running threw steam I would put the 'steam overlay' on so you can monitor the FPS in youre modded install, play the game for a few in different playing scnenario's, after that, remove the mods (or create a second KSP install without mods and add it to steam as a non steam game) and rinse and repeat. If you compare the scenario's it should be easy to see what effect the mods have on the framerate, (if any) and you should have a descent view what the best upgrade should be... The question however is what options do you have to change out the processor if that's bottlenecking? There won't be much gain if you go from a 3,2 ghz I5 to an 3,6 ghz I5. a 4690K or 4790K would be best, but your mainboard has to be able to cope with that, best to look up with youre mainboard maufacturer for that.... (If you've got an Z87 or Z97 chipset on youre mainboard, the 4690K or 4790K second hand would be the way to go). If it's H85 or H87 I would sell the CPU and mainboard (and maybe the RAM to) as an upgrade set, you can still get a pretty descent amount for that second hand. Do mind though, you'd be upgrading the CPU sollely for KSP, because just about every other game would do more than fine with that 4440... (I went the 4790K route (found one for a good price before an 4690K) and the difference for KSP was massive! (did overclock it from standard 4,4 ghz to 4,8 ghz, which off course is a pretty big jump from 3,2 ghz (4440) to 4,8)
  19. Maybe his rig stopped functioning entirerly In a way it could make sense that there is a hardware failure somewhere, I've got just about the same rig, clocked at 4,8 ghz and a modded install (about 20 mods, most QOL and visual) and it loads within 2 minutes. I'm curious if OP has trouble with other games besides KSP, cause an unmodded install with such a PC should not give any problems loading up KSP. After the loooong load, how's KSP running from there on? Checked other installed games for problems...? Make certain that the windows power savings is are set right (set it to performance mode!)... Diagnose the health of the HDD/SSD Since the rig is overclocked, KSP is pretty sensitive if the overclock has the slightest instability. I would do a long cold running stresstest like X264 HD or the Intel Extreme Testing Utility to absolutely make sure it's 100% stable. If not stable, reset mainboard values to 'performance default' and stresstest again. If it still fails, stresstest individual components with AIDA64, (mem, sdd, cpu, psu, graphicscard).
  20. You are absolutely right, it is known as a hardcore space sim, but not solely, Funny Kabooms! Insane spacecraft, Legoíng youre own contraption,1000 ton payload lifters etc. Everyone laughs when you kill Jeb with another rediculous contraption, it's not funny when you kill Neil Armstrong if it was just an hardcore space flight sim on its own. Squad did an excellent job in 'taking the load off' and not to make the whole game to serious, it has broadend the target audience inmensly in that way, and not just selling to hardcore spacesim ethusiasts.
  21. I didn't say I was right, I've just tried to give another perspective. One that a developers interest can most defnitely conflict with the interest of the publisher. And in the end a developer can envision all he or she wants, it's the publishers call. So keep saying 'it was not intentional' is a true statement... From the developers point of view... In the mean time, Squad is keeping its mouth shut, another smart 101 marketing trick, Just say nothing, let the community sort itself out and the critique will stop eventually... instead of getting load of new discussions... "Art costs money." There you go, it's cost benefit analysis, but that goes a lot further then just 'how much do the developers cost' but also raises the questions 'how much more sales will it generate' AND 'could it hurt sales?'. And that last one, that's most definetly a big question that absolutely will be evaluated within any company. If I would have seen trailers of KSP, with sophisticated looking 'real' rockets, it would have absolutely startled me that the game would be to a realisticly hard space simulator. I would have passed.... it's normal human behaviour to take the easy route, and that would be a genuine concern for the company that wants to sell me a game. So for me, in hindsight, makes perfect sense to keep the marketing light, simple and funny as they did. It's a shame that people in early acces didn't get everything that was promissed, it really is all economics, nevertheless, In my opinion they brought us a great game and they made sure that the whole game could be considered a placeholder for modders te further develop in the way they see fit.
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