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Everything posted by Numerlor

  1. Trying to do Jool 5 challenge, was on Tylo 3 times forgot crew everytime
  2. That is long forgotten planet from one legend, you may refer to it as Dres
  3. Didn't notice my station while burning retrograde (and lost 2 hours from that)
  4. I have this problem too and we share most of nearFuture mods and ftp so probably something from that
  5. I have 2 ships orbiting Dres I want to dock them but I can't target any docking port from either one (vanilla or not), any ideas?
  6. Got this probe to Minmus, too bad I forgot payload
  7. @eddiew @astroheiko what skybox is that? I'm a bit new to ksp and looking for good skybox and that one looks magnificent
  8. I have been having issues with downloading SVE from github, I have 50kB/s max speed and affter while github denies access because it is taking so long, so is there anyone willing to upload it somewhere where I can download it? For example Filedropper
  9. Tried Chrome, Firefox and even explorer all maxed out at 50kB/s, the thing is it only happens with this mod other mods from you or other people download at normal speeds
  10. Hey, I have problem with downloading mod, when I try downloading it from GitHub it goes on ridiculously low speed(23-100kB/s) and after hour (I think) GitHub just cancels request from download and I can't download whole file, anything wrong on my side?
  11. Well that little "space" plane on image can get apoapsis above 90km so with little help it could achieve orbit and still can take off at low speeds (I just made it to test how much G-Force I can make with spaceplane)
  12. with one spaceplane I can takeoff at 50m/s, I suppose adding more wing area would lower that speed?
  13. Got asteroid into LKO and also found this "curve" in my screenshots folder
  14. I personally use postimg.org, pretty fast and you can copy hotlink or thumbnail link from there, you just need to remove url code at end so it doesn't show things like this after image
  15. I noticed that this happens to every quickasve I make few meters above ground Removed mods and reloaded plane (Without any problems so Ihave no idea why it didn't load for you) and saved in similiar conditions, same thing happened, It looks like it only happens when you save less than ~400m above ground, maybe physics can't load fast enough download Maybe if everything stopped until physics engine kicks in it would solve this (If that is problem ofc)
  16. I was going around in my weird plane placing flags to prepare for next challenge and I always quicksaved game before landing plane on one of the spots, but now I saved above ground and crashed, quickloaded and my craft goes 150m/s instead of 80 and straight throught the ground (literally) EDIT: Loaded it up with gravity cheats and I was going backwards download
  17. Is it something like this? Also would it be cheating if I marked Latitude nad Longitude of spots?
  18. May I request some screenshot without clouds? I can barely see land and I don't know Kerbin landscape very well
  19. Took little screenshot of minmus using "lenses"
  20. I know how to install mods etc. I just thought that button would allow me to see installed mods in game without going into folder, but since no links are working over here I couldn't know that button was justsupposed to redirect me to curse site, thanks anyway
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