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Everything posted by Numerlor

  1. Those things are there to make gameplay easier and for career but propellers specially for water exploration? That would require to add diversity to water to be worth exploring too much time for one thing that isn't main part of the game
  2. Try postimg and if you want to upload directly to forum I have bad news for you
  3. oh, didn't notice that I have to land at start, I'll try this tommorow because it is pretty hard to just land on vab and takeoff and that penalty is reasonable
  4. Just did it under 1:30 and almost got hearth attack when half of video looked like this Could have done this better but I've been doing this for last 50minutes or so, feel fry to try it with my craft I started to brake at landing way early but who cares
  5. First Challenge!? this thing looks like from some professional challenge maker
  6. Currently working on this, have pretty nice design but have to figure out timing
  7. Well, finally did it. Last 80 science was killing me for almost 2 days and before you jump into me cheating because of eva report from orbit and upper atmosphere check my abomination in images below Plane Rover Rocket
  8. I know that it was replaced, but I noticed this issue just 2 days ago while it wat replaced before that. Now I'm sure it is rescaling according to resolution of screen because while loading I can see it rescale to something smaller as you can see here at the start of video while site is loading
  9. Internal is only used around kerbin and you can't send science with it. Direct is used for transmitting science and to have signal for probe control Relay bounces signal from Kerbin around itself so lower tier direct antennas can connect to Kerbin
  10. I have noticed (or I was blind) that banner is now bigger than before and it looks rather low quality at that resolution
  11. This just happened, Jeb got into rocket 3times instead of Bob. I change it, I'm in orbit and when I look at name Bill.
  12. Chrome (latest) on android (6.0) I think this happens when thread title isn't long enough to push into upper line and tag fills space that was created when skipping to next line
  13. Crawlerway is that rail thingy between VAB and Launchpad?
  14. Took these while doing caveman challenge
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