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Everything posted by Numerlor

  1. It's not much but the wheels are nice addition to it (see spoiler). To take off you need to be going around 100m/s or kraken will attack. Craft file It is also pretty easy to handle at normal flying but lacks speed
  2. Have you tested this? I know it can be done with servicebay but you need to be really lucky. Nothing else comes into my mind without chutes
  3. Made this neat SSTO, too bad it's wheels are made of krakenium
  4. But that means it is better to just set them to deploy at 0,44 pressure like in video, no? If you're that low any going too fast for chutes it'll be pretty close or not enough
  5. Sometimes I get safe while above 20km but below 70 wouldn't that trigger them?
  6. I just tested this with direct trajectory from Mun, even those chutes survived (somehow). It would probably work with mk2-R chutes too, I was afraid they would burn up or something but with that fast aerobraking and that big heat tolerances maybe not. Sorry for the sound, I forgot to remove it
  7. can't you set them to release at certain pressure?
  8. Couldn't you just stage parachute and let it go?
  9. Somehow maybe I didn't edit I created 2 threads about same thing one ise dited from typos etc. and second one is with everything please, Remove the first one
  10. Just started career with research buy in and I'm wondering if it is any use. Only thing that came to my mind is small manned ion probe that wwould need it to survive re-entry
  11. wanted to play hard career. My first launch, forgot staging, staged booster and chute at the same time, cut the chute to speed up not considering that I have no way to land with it. Jeb died
  12. I always take probe core that has detection above 15 and high FOV then spam that refresh button
  13. I made this a while ago, maybe you could get it to fly
  14. I think it just isn't there, no real usage and maybe hard to make
  15. This vessel was overpowered a bit for the challenge I almost didn't use descent module etc. Also this was my first manual rendezvous and docking (You can see that) But who cares I did it I got total of 193 points (Everything expect free return and Landing accuracy If it is forbidden to switch vessels to adjust orbit of CM I got 183 I did it because I got scared it would get deleted by KSP beacuse of low Pe I have no idea what happened to sub sattelite but you can see me releasing it in "stable" orbit but somehow it managed to go into kerbin orbit Rocket download Rover download
  16. Physics decided to give up and do this twice while doing apollo challenge
  17. Check file integrity if you have steam and upload output_log from ksp data folder
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