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Everything posted by Numerlor

  1. Just reverted from 1.4.2 to 1.4.1 because of one mod that was bugged and noticed my save didn't work and when I loaded an older one, my latest creation refused to load. I looked a bit into it and noticed that only things that changed were IDs and version number. When I changed the version number back to 1.4.1 everything worked flawlessly. Is there any reason for refusal of loading whole save because of one meaningless number? Don't know if this is the case for all versions while going to previous one but I don't see any sense to this at all.
  2. Made a flying saucer, looks nice when spinning. Almost every part is clipped so not for light-hearted
  3. Made this little drone for measuring temperature. https://gfycat.com/OrnateAlienatedBarasinga Any recommendations for gif site that can create them and embed them properly?
  4. Kaboom Allows you to destroy things with right click menu
  5. Tungsten Chickens Presents Boatee Priced at 56 601 000 It is one of the most expensive sea planes. While designing we didn't think about price but comfort, which is why plane includes things as wider Mk2 cabins, Ramjet engines for faster travel, built in internet and emergency communications. While this plane can crash land on water at speeds over 215km/h (60m/s) It can also sustain flight at speeds over Mach 3 if needed. When flying offically only turbofan engines shoulf be flown at altitude of 200m and speed of 330m/s, unoficially however plane can reach speeds up to 1200m/s at altitude of 17 000
  6. Boredom got me to land Jerry Mass: 8,57t Capacity: 2 Cost: 24780 Score 5*24780/8,572*10= 16869,789 Hope it is calculated properly Small cut somewhere in the video because I forgot to record.
  7. Doesn't look like I'm going ot be capable fo that, thinking about disabling comms in some penalty tradeoff and sending small probe to ike so I can have patched conics and launchpad
  8. Yup, I know I don't need to return, that's why I removed landing legs (Expected antenna to brake) But I forgot to take the heatshield and chutes off and had enough fuel so I went with it. I landed on Mun in Caveman 1.2 so I'm counting that in if I got it right @Jetski how did you dock without patched conics? I have trouble doing it with them
  9. Landed on Minmus, forgot to take much screenshots so I can do it again if needed but I'd rather not because I spent 10 mins aerobraking Still haven't decided what to upgrade
  10. Well count me in, I'll continue in my save from Caveman 1.2. but one small question, does the craft need to return as it was launched or can it be brought down by some kind of shuttle This brought me from burn out so I hope I won't stop playing for 1month again during this F@$# Mun
  11. Yup cockpit These two don't have big cargobays but are certainly capable of liftiing something up there, they just weren't intended for it
  12. Every time I see SSTO it has cockpit but on rockets it is more 50/50 for manned/unmanned. Why? Most of SSTOs I saw were to deploy some kind of station,cockpit could be replaced by fuel tank and incerase delta V by nice amount
  13. Wel, it could just be counting ones at alphabetical order (or random from some kind of seed like @Shpaget said) and then just take that number
  14. Cpu temp looks to consistent for me and with small usable range, if something from hardware something like number of bytes currently on RAM would be better
  15. For letters as X Y Z I'm mainly betting on gamers, I agree that vowels will be leading, might need something from that, implemeting other languages with things like ž ä ô would be maybe good for something but won't do much. Might need something for that but now I'm aiming for creditability of main idea On that keylogger as I wrote above after you posted this, opensource might solve that
  16. Patterns are out because of storing it in alphabetical order and then getting those numbers according to number of every keypress from some kind of algorithm (Badly written in OP, changed now) For that Keylogger thing, for that it would need to be open source (or at least the key logger part) So people can see it isn't sending everything as you write it
  17. The Idea I got is that some people (or ceratin group) would voluntary install "Keylogger" But it would work by storing every keystroke in alphabetical order into some kind of text file (Or just writing how many times certain key was pressed) and send it after a while, the number generation would be based on count of each letter press from last hour or so (A 60 C 20 etc.). Would this be random? Maybe after 15 presses of one key it would ignore it (For gaming or spam) //It could also have offline version in which you would just smash your keyboard for half a minute and get something
  18. I've been playing it for a while and only bad thing is when I wanted to go back because of KER and MJ
  19. After the succesful 2,5m SSTO I decided to make 3,75m one! They are really easy to make, just slap one big engine, few shiplashes and wings. You're ready to go! Sudden turning at hypesonic speeds is not advised. My guess of LKO ΔV is somethign around 1750 (It's hard to guess with my flying and no KER) https://kerbalx.com/crafts/28342/
  20. I couldn't find any 2,5 m planes, Why not make one? As it turned out swapping one whiplash for vector turned it into SSTO, with proper flying it can get you 1000+ ΔV in LKO KerbalX Sorry for posting here so frequently now (2 times in 7 hours) But I expect another burn out so want to share few thing I made
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