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Everything posted by Numerlor

  1. Completely wrong velocity while quick loading 100m above surface
  2. Getting to orbit for the first time in some early version
  3. I can't really play it without forum challenges because my imagination is at freezing point and even when i come with something i give up waaay early
  4. There is grey check above all answers just click it to green it out
  5. How do you know about 2000dV? If it is from launch KER info it is displaying dV in your current attitude which is lower than vacuum one
  6. Why would you necrothread douplicate
  7. To this day I thought you have pilot helmet on the picture

  8. That is for almost every flight game and you can still change it back
  9. Steam screenshots should be around here C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\<your user id>\760\remote\kspSteamID I think that ksp Id starts with 7 but I'm not sure
  10. Specify model of GPU more 200 series has wide range of gpus
  11. @StahnAileron This helped a lot, it is swinging a bit at landing but much better than going 2 km more than expected
  12. This incerased landing speed to something around 80 at flat surface and takeoff is longer by mybe half of second because of huge lift from wings, but still not best for determining if you're bad pilot or plane designer. Any more good advice?
  13. I'm making plane that would be super easy to control, I already got it but landing is "hard" stall speed is too low and it bounces off runway when landing, tried airbrakes, didn't help too much and I don't like the idea of drogue chutes http://www.filedropper.com/trainingcraft
  14. The landing is a bit rough, but it always was. Original:
  15. If there wasn't the rule I think it would fit here
  16. I already have something that might do something but I have trouble launching it with mechjeb don't know what is happening had lifter that could launch 2,25t to 100/100 orbit and now it can't launch 2t to stable one
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