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Everything posted by Numerlor

  1. Try right clicking and get image URL after that just pase it here and it should auto embed like this
  2. Well, i managed to pull off telescope mission on first try even with horrible lanch and my docking capabilities without MechJeb. I also hope music fits this and serious respect to every youtuber that finds proper music for videos Sorry for the quality I noticed it too late And STS-4 Here Well STS-5-8 here also, I'm pretty proud of first landing without nosecone. also if I rember I'll put timestamps in. Additional mod used here: TAC Fuel Balancer Now comes the hard part
  3. But seriously why is that signal split to 2 points, I thought ksp signals are point to point? Is this bug or feature?
  4. just bought the game after saving for it and this comes out
  5. 20 minutes without testing than I give up on it for week and after taht something like 1 hour for bigger ones
  6. It has pretty big window on profile but never saw anyone with one
  7. This will make plane circumnavigation possible without being mad and without mods, so I pretty much like this
  8. For me brining drag circle from controls would be enough because whenever I look from top for example radial in/out is blocking circle so I can't move it around my orbit
  9. had this one, only thing that helped was last quicksave
  10. Wouldn't motion sickness become a problem with sudden stops like autowarping etc?
  11. In options you can enable advanced tweakables and after that you can autostrut (it holds your creations together without mass and drag) almost every part it is explained a lot better here
  12. just use cheat menu in career, upgrade facilities and everything in techtree after that just add money with buttons
  13. for me everything is Untitled Space Craft until I have to adjust some relay or anything, after that I name everything with names like Mün relay
  14. But with attachment points you can add one more engines which could help at taking off from duna etc. althrought I have to say that I didn't expect that (and reply fast as that) So attachment points are for power and your design is for more ΔV
  15. Well finally I have video that follows the rules Entry for STS-1a,b (cargo in ~9018,9km orbit) Sorry for that "noise" video but I found that music with waterfall in background Mods used : SpaceY Heavy Lifter and Fuel Tanks Plus STS 2a,b here. Hope you don't mind I that used around 25 monoprop from fuel tank because I didn't think it would drain throught disabled crosfeed
  16. Little fail while doing shuttle challenge
  17. I'll try to recreate it in few hours and that was supposed to be for Jool 5 but didn't quite do anything with Jool, after this I realised I pretty suck and I've been using overpowered mods (and it turns out I can design small spaceplanes better than rockets) I don't remember changing autostruts but I remember reoving outside SAS from middle module that was surrounded by 6 tanks, maybe that caused it
  18. Now that I would mark best answer if this thread was about it, I was mainly confused why were there two completly different designs for very similiar things
  19. That is almost thing I wanted, but now why are the two different symbols for one thing there?
  20. Mind if you link me to one of those more cut bolts? Only thing I found repeatedly is but I can't confirm because no matter how hard I try I can't find any official symbol statements about electricity hazard/danger only about others one like this and I know that link is to chemical agency but it is same everywhere, only thing I can find on wiki is the same symbol I posted as international but as only german and before 1999
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