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Everything posted by Numerlor

  1. I just discovered links in programs like Skype etc. don't work aswell so I think it is some kind of malware blocking it or some wird bug in operating system
  2. Sorry, didn't notice I was putting it in discussion and by checking my mod there I thought I can see my installed mods because I didn't know what it does, when I click on it it does nothing at all so i never had a chance to know what it was, could it maybe be caused by Antivirus?
  3. You should try Kaboom mod, saved me on my Eve mission
  4. When I first got into KSP I clicked on mods & addons and it didn't work and now I wanted to check my mods there and it still doesn't work, Is it known bug or just me?
  5. Because you used words that I wouldn't even think of while searching for question, and also you mention violently and I don't think that when I stay on the runway whole time it is vilolently
  6. Today I made 2 SSTOs with around 20 launches and every time I launch one it slightly steers to the right, when I was first playing with small (Mk0) Jets I got small steer to the right as well. Any real explanation for this? Downloads for 2 SSTOs mentioned: SSTO1 SSTO2
  7. While that is true, I don't have stability on any of 3 axes so yaw doesn't do as much
  8. So, Removing cargo and fuel moves CoM a bit more to the engines when every liquid fuel is moved to front tanks, so I don't expect it to change properties by much
  9. Cargo doesn't change CoM Much as I said before, but I forgot to check fuel so I'll do that , and My concern isn't heat, I just want to land nicely and not damage any part doing that or at least go into flight instead of turning like if you pressed S, D and Q at the same time, only things that sometimes burn up are those tail fins but those aren't my main concern now because I have bigger problems than turning BTW What resolution are you playing on? or did you just pump up the scale of GUI?
  10. maybe cubic octagonal strut? While it is not big it should be able to hold something a bit bigger
  11. @HebaruSan I was just editing my answer when i got notification, I didn't notice that it said before 1.0.1 and for some reason simply ignored sentences you quoted, Sorry for that
  12. i like to do struts myself and from what I know and according to ksp wiki struts are physicsless part
  13. Tried with 40° angle of attack (maybe I overdid while I was not looking) but I started turning, again. Worst thing Is I always forget to autosave in space and I don't want to make boring ascent over and over and over and over again, so I give up for today I'll try method @Shadowmage suggested
  14. I didn't even expect to build SSTO with that I was just fooling around and when I tried it, I suddenly was in air with 2000m/s velocity and 40km apoapsis so I just went with it, I wanted to make something so I can launch my satellite out of atmosphere with plane
  15. well that is bad, this is my first real spaceplane and I don't like idea of cheating much, maybe I'll just keep crashing but keeping them alive at least I won't waste time on landing
  16. I made a neat little SSTO which can haul big sattelite into LKO but I can't deorbit onto kerbin without breaking things, if I aim prograde it just keeps going faster and my top wings burn up, tried adding airbrakes they burned as well, and when in dense air everything starts rotating, I can land safely for kerbals but i blow something up always (mostly engines) This is my SSTO, basic design and gets job done but that landing is pain in the ass, I tried moving fuel to the front because of empty cargobay but I Need more fuel or it is comlpetly useless EDIT: mass of satellite changes COM almost by nothing Conclusion As I expected problem was in vessel I made second- differently designed (thanks for tips @AeroGav) SSTO better control overall tested it out with similiar cargo everything went as expected
  17. Made SSTO but bill made slight misscalculations
  18. I don't know if this counts as car (I made it and after that I remembered it is supposed to be 100% car I thought it is just supposed to be car like and stay on ground for most of the time) But I had fun doing it and saved 3 most important guys over there, it isn't perfetly timed as well but here it is
  19. Wouldn't it be better if you could only have 1 view from yourself? I just discovered that I have 80 profile views but I suspect at least 60 of them are from me
  20. I see that you didn't like that one much, it may be beacuse my idea was a bit smaller because I forgot about SAS and batteries, so I made this probe, It Is a lot more compact but also a bit bigger because of Ra-100 instead of Ra-15, Hope you like this on more (I personally like bubble like rcs on this one) I calculated ΔV on this one and it should be around 1800 on probe core
  21. Althrought those rcs may not look like much, they could change inclanation by 20° or change orbit apoapsis from 144 000m to ~11 000 000m
  22. Got to Duna but had hard time leaving Ike
  23. I decided to make another rover because it was very tall and gravity was too damn low but I still have no idea what caused it
  24. KIS+KAS Don't add any possibilities to do with that docking port, I think I'll need to send one stellite with needed items. I once dettached it while fooling around in that save editor BUT it only was few centimeters and it still acted as one vessel, I could user RCS on both but they weren't connected by and part, to prove that I tried to attach it back again and it worked but still nothing // That port/s is/are completly bugged, destroyed lower one using that kaboom mod but now i can even attach the top one to second on buggy so I can't even have 2 crew there
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