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Everything posted by Supercheese

  1. KPBS has some very neato flexible docking port connectors that use KAS functionality (i.e. KAS is a required dependency for 'em). See: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/133606-13114x-kerbal-planetary-base-systems-v163-10-april-2018
  2. To be fair, even SpaceX considers some parts of space exploration to be car-related...
  3. I mostly don't even use RCS at all when docking, the main engines work just fine, provided you have the docking port on the nose of your ship pointed along the direction of travel, which I find is the most common situation anyway. Rendezvous near-ish to your target, then kill relative velocity. Point nose towards target, thrust a tad bit, then warp a bit until you're quite close. Say, well within 500m distance to the target. Then, kill relative velocity again by thrusting retrograde in Target navball mode. Now, make sure you have "Control from Here" set on your docking port and target the desired docking port and lock SAS to Target. (Optionally also enable SAS on the target vessel as well.) Once your orientation has stabilized and you're pointing right at the docking port, thrust a smidgen, probably not more than 1-2 m/s relative velocity, then coast towards the docking port. If all goes well, the magnets will kick in and latch you on right away. If not, and you bounce off or veer in the wrong direction after coasting, then you might need to lock SAS retrograde and kill your relative velocity again, and repeat the above. If all else fails, just back off a hundred meters or so and try again, but this shouldn't be needed for most situations. Naturally, this works best when docking a small, nimble ship with plenty of reaction wheels, thus enabling snap-changes of orientation. For larger, more cumbersome craft, you may well need RCS thrusters or even auxiliary maneuvering engines.
  4. Alcentar Rescue Systems has some, if I recall correctly: See also: https://youtu.be/7d7hFCaD68I?t=145
  5. Actually, I think it was more of a reference to this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Short_Circuit_(1986_film)
  6. The Science Revisited mod has this feature: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/100920-143-re4visited-science-revisited-170/
  7. Oh man, oh man, oh man. SpaceX sure checks all the right boxes for me. I like my current job in design/manufacturing, but the prospect of employment at SpaceX is getting even more tempting than ever...
  8. How far away can one realistically expect to be able to visually observe the launch? I'm at a business conference in Orlando, Florida, but likely won't be able to drive out to the space coast for a good viewing seat...
  9. You could get more funds for refining it into LF, Ox, and/or Monoprop, no?
  10. Chatterer already has this, under the "Beeps" settings! I honestly don't know why it's disabled by default, but you have to click the Chatterer icon, go into the settings and and manually turn 'em on.
  11. I'm currently using Spectra: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/159443-13x14x-spectra-v117-visual-compilation-1st-april-18
  12. I've made a simple Pull Request to fix this issue: https://github.com/Nils277/FelineUtilityRovers/pull/36
  13. Heya, I was reviewing my mod list and when I came across this mod, I naturally decided to revisit this thread, but I have noticed that the download links (GitHub) in the OP of this thread are giving 404: Not Found! It seems the entire repository has been moved/deleted, which is unfortunate. Has this mod been discontinued, or moved elsewhere?
  14. Ahh, a KIS/KAS runabout is a brilliant idea! I'll have to include one of those in my next station module.
  15. Well, you can already automate the "Just drive there and grab the science" on Kerbin thanks to the magic of Bon Voyage!
  16. There's a module manager patch in the "Extras" folder you can use to make them run on EC. Reference: https://github.com/SuicidalInsanity/Mk2Expansion/tree/master/Mk2Expansion/Extras/Mk2Expansion/Patches
  17. Rumor has it that the Airpark Continued mod can help with that issue: If you Airpark your base, it might stop it from flying off the rails up into the sky. No guarantees, of course, but it could be worth a try.
  18. There's also a Module Manager patch to auto-enable that setting for all compatible probe cores. Taken from this thread: //Default Hibernate in Warp to Auto //Author: Alshain @PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleCommand]:HAS[#hasHibernation[True]]]:FINAL { @MODULE[ModuleCommand] { %hibernateOnWarp = true } }
  19. Driving a rover around on Minmus with the help of the Bon Voyage mod.
  20. If it's a rigid airship like the Hindenburg, then you can be inside one, since the gas cells are compartmentalized within the structure.
  21. As opposed to cargo-carrying airships, why not luxury passenger-carrying cruise airships? I could see a market for luxury air cruises, which would open up new, inland destinations that are naturally inaccessible to seafaring cruise liners. I'd love a serene cruise over the Grand Canyon, over a rainforest, or maybe visit Ayers Rock in the Australian Outback by airship!
  22. Huh, you and me both -- I'm in exactly the same situation!
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