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Everything posted by TheSpacePotato

  1. To be fair, we weren't trying to get an exact replica of 1/10th scale RSS, which is why there's a few changes (different texturing for planets and moons, Voon is larger than Jool, Oran is pink, etc). But we were looking for something that looks familiar and not too alien to us I think what he meant was that we don't have an actual date for the release of 0.8 and it'll come out whenever we're finished, which could be by the end of the month
  2. Eve's atmosphere is nerfed to mimic Venus's in real life, a soupy 92 atm. You won't find any engines in stock KSP that could get your craft out of the atmosphere
  3. Sigma Dimensions compatibility is planned for a future update, but it doesn't work 100% at the moment. It'll be added in the future
  4. I thought I was the sciencedef machine I really don't do any coding with the mod other than sciencedefs and occasional bug testing
  5. We literally discussed about that on the PM, that's what @StarCrusher96 was meaning with the "KSS will upload in 24 hours" thing And yes everyone got the nyan cat
  6. Haha April Fools KSS won't be out today or tomorrow, but it's possible it can be out within the next month. 0.8 should be out by summer (hoperfully)
  7. Actually I think we'll be able to get it out by today or tomorrow
  8. It's an official image of the ship for it to be put on the wiki + tutorial for anyone trying to build it + probably improved from the original
  9. Despite the fact that it isn't confirmed for KSS yet, only considered
  10. Possibly an expansion pack. Any such thing hasn't been confirmed yet.
  11. That's for him to know and for everyone else to find out As for us, we just write sciencedefs until they're all done (by 1.0 is our deadline)
  12. What are you downloading it on? Some of the systems can take a while to download if your computer isn't powerful enough.
  13. Seems very similar to Thern (planned moon of Laevo). It'll make an appearance in 0.8
  14. Ok so the problem I see immediately is that you have OPM installed, which is not compatible with KSS. Any other planet packs in there shouldn't work either. Try removing those and see if it works.
  15. Can you provide a list of the mods you have? Some of them may be incompatible
  16. The Kelaris System isn't finished yet (like the Nessus System). The planets you see on the wiki are just what they'll look like when 0.8 eventually is released. For a full list of things that are expected to come out please check out this page http://kerbal-star-systems.wikia.com/wiki/Planned_Features
  17. Well bodies are being made faster than we can write for them, but we do have the Nova Kirbani System finished and most of the Kerbol System done. By 0.8 we should have the Kerolon System finished
  18. Are you using the correct version of Kopernicus? The latest version doesn't work with KSS.
  19. Yes, you can remove all the stars except for The All and Kerbol without breaking the game. It wouldn't affect the performance very much, though
  20. Check out this page to see if you're doing everything right: http://kerbal-star-systems.wikia.com/wiki/Installation_Guide
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