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Everything posted by darwinpatrick

  1. Something funky is up with Gilly and its stock scatter- The Gilly Ridgeline feature doesn't show up anywhere on the moon(a github issue was raised in march) and two experiments messing in the configs confirmed the issue is with Gilly itself- Experiment one: changed Gilly Ridgeline to generate on Minmus. Gilly Ridgeline shows up as expected on Minmus. Experiment two: changed Minmus Olivine Formation to generate on Gilly. The formation does not appear and the scatter debug is zeroes across the board. The JNSQ boulders have no such issues. Not a huge bug by any means at all but it seems relatively easy to squash
  2. I see this is bundled into JNSQ but I don't see anything in JNSQ or its dependencies that adds a way to extract or use these new resources- are additional mods needed to fully flesh it out?
  3. Wondering if there's a way to add some of the stock options into the strategies lists- stock gameplay has the feature where you can take up to 100% of funds, science, or rep and convert it to the others. Once the tech tree is finished, it's very common to use this to funnel all leftover acquired science into funds or reputation. In expensive lategame missions it's a huge help and makes science still useful to collect! I might be able to dig around and add it myself if there's not active maintenance on the mod otherwise I'm leaving it here as a suggestion. @Leosky
  4. Minor little bug- rescue contracts to save kerbonauts in low orbit currently ignore the increased atmosphere size, putting the periapsis of some of their orbits below 80km and into the atmosphere. I went looking for a value to tweak but it seems contract parameter generation is buried pretty deep. Is there a specific place in the files I should be looking for this and/or has someone made a contract pack for JNSQ?
  5. That makes sense- looking forward to seeing it! Perhaps Cernunnos still deserves those Chariklo rings
  6. Strictly cosmetic, or will the nature of the planets themselves change at all? I recall a discussion when Toutatis was added about how prevailing sun-to-shade surface winds might produce vast barchan dunes and even carve sweeping canyons...
  7. After my Grannus primary run a couple years back I did a playthrough as secondary and it absolutely delivers just as well. I had never played with other star systems before but there really is no feeling like pushing the partcount limits to get a gargantuan ship across interstellar space to Nodens. Makes me thrilled for KSP2.
  8. What you're looking for is GPP Secondary. Not sure how it works with the other two packs but there's more info in the github.
  9. Very exciting. Can't wait for boots on the ground of Brovo. There's some interesting stuff there, that's for sure.
  10. That's an issue that's been around for quite a while; I think it's with Kopernicus. You get used to it
  11. Thank goodness this is back! Making me itching to boot KSP up again... The new minecraft snapshots are kinda occupying my gaming time right now though lol I forgot I had written the ocean definitions too... the real pirate treasure was the friends we made along the way What are you planning for the Sirona windows?
  12. Hox was completely revamped at some point but visual mods may help with the atmosphere effects
  13. I imagine the best way to implement this would be something like the Tylo cave.
  14. On page 8 of this thread I gave a rough overview of how I tackled those, with a couple pictures. Power generation wasn't a huge part of things, but when I did surface or asteroid mining I always just used a couple nuclear power generators. For the landers I went around the issue by using alternator engines.
  15. Very exciting playthough and documentation! Are you playing with engines that are more efficient than stock? I honestly don't know; they seem really neat but I've never tried part mods. If they're not too OP I can't help thinking about what Taranis holds for you... I didn't write those surface sample science definitions for nobody to read them! I'm happy you picked this up again. Let's go Sirona!
  16. Something very strange is going on with Nodens... take a look at the periapsis value. Basically, Nodens is small. In map, tracking station, even flight above around 80km. The proper surface slowly fades into existence around 80km and the mini-Nodens is gone past 30km. Needless to say, it's incredibly frustrating. I'm putting a video together on this grand colony mission so I have footage of what exactly happens when vessels hit ghost Nodens (very, very unnerving) if anyone is interested. The video's production may end here unless I can get Nodens to stop being tiny; it's been doing this for, as far as I can tell, since I started this career. (Also, it's hard to tell from the picture, but mini-Nodens's oceans are missing...) Is this something that anyone has ever encountered? I'll test more stuff in a sandbox but for now I'm just baffled.
  17. If I have both GPP and GEP, will I need to add both this and the one on the GEP thread?
  18. I'm surprised that the large high plateau groups on both of Catullus's poles remain polar with the intermediate axis theorem at work. Eventually the moon would spin 90 degrees such that they'd both end up at the equator, but I'm not sure how Gauss and Tarsiss would come into play. Interesting to think about
  19. Thanks! I'll try the patch tomorrow but my Gauss grand tour is over and I don't think I'll be putting boots on Tarsiss again soon- still, from a development perspective, I'll sandbox it and see how it looks. I almost wonder if using Eve's ocean textures would look good as it's a light purple which is much closer to the desired light blue than the dark blue...
  20. I don't have it installed, no. As for the oceans, I'm looking at the config and I'm pretty sure this is the relevant bit in the GPP_Planets/Tarsiss file. What I'm wondering is, what's the ocean color like on your end if you splash down there?
  21. @OhioBob Circling back to the issue of Tarsiss's lakes color- I see in the config that the stock textures for water are used, making it look blue-green from within the atmosphere and while floating in it. This is significantly different than what's seen everywhere else- in the map view, tracking station, from low orbit in flight, and even the texture file the lakes are blue-white. Is this color discrepancy intended? It seems to me like the water you float in should look totally different (i.e., blue-white, same color as from orbit) than the water back on Gael. I mean, it's methane!
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