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Everything posted by MadmanMorton

  1. Why did ya have to rub it in my face like sandpaper on concrete during a slightly chilly afternoon?
  2. Do you think there could be older turrets in the mod like the 37mm on the Renault FT-17?
  3. Really proud of my first fully functioning ship https://madmanmorton.tumblr.com/post/162053394739/most-honorable-display
  4. @blackheart612 There's a glitch with trying to rotate the new landing gear. Whenever I turn it the opposite direction, it pops back forwards. Great update btw
  5. The propeller stopped because the craft was going too fast. The propellers require a large amount of intake, where as the jets require very little. In other words, the plane was going so fast, there wasn't enough air for the prop engines but more than enough for the jets to continue. I do think that the b-36 engines are a great suggestion though!
  6. On the note of replicas, I have been able to make a Mitsubishi A6M "Zero" replica run around 330 mph (~150 m/s in ksp at max.) along with proper weaponry using Aviator's Arsenal (2 20mm cannons, .30cal machine guns. I have yet to add the 30/60kg bombs however). I hope to get a craft file out, however it requires a few mods. (Note 1: Pictures will come out soon) (Note 2: I am still tweaking my Grumman F6F-5 Hellcat, so expect it in the future )
  7. There seems to be a bug on CKAN: Apparently there's a v0.6.1.1 of NAS ready to install, but whenever I go to update CKAN can't find it. It's not affecting the game whatsoever, just thought I'd bring that to light
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