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Everything posted by Skylon

  1. A bomber aircraft currently in development, made especially for this thread:
  2. While I'm sure most people are much better than me at making craft, I may give it a try. First I have a few questions: Do they have to be able to land on the/any carrier? Do they need to be replicas? What kind of size, speed, and manoeuvrability were you thinking of? Will it be full stock...as in, no BDA at all? Of course there are a few mods which really open up possibilities and are still stockalike, like airplane plus for example
  3. First I want you to prove you can make a more efficient rocket-only SSTO on Kerbin, with stats and pictures The one advantage a plane may have, which is a lower required TWR, is nothing compared to the: Drag from wings and longer time spent in atmosphere Lower engine efficiency and longer time spent with lower engine efficiency On Kerbin jet engines can be used, giving more than 10 times the efficiency of the rocket engines. On eve you must use rocket engines, and they are less efficient because of the atmospheric pressure being higher at sea level on eve. And the only reason it is worth launching horizontally on Kerbin is because spaceplanes can get up to speed using the oxygen in the air, and this makes it worth having a lower TWR which requires horizontal launch
  4. Hyyyyyyypeeeeee! (I haven't read it yet, but I know it's going to be good) Edit: Brilliant again! Wet spaghetti and JAAAAACK!
  5. Does your space plane for Kerbin by any chance use airbreathing engines? These cannot be used on eve. A jettisonable stock prop could be used to get to altitude and maybe 200m/s so that a rocket with more efficient engines could continue. The other advantage of a thick atmosphere is that by using a plane you don't need as much thrust because your wings provide lift
  6. Remember that the carrier is 10m wide, and only 50m long, and that you are allowed 1 engine (in case you have a second vtol engine)
  7. Why do I suddenly feel the desperate urge to build a space boat?
  8. I think that the time spent modelling, texturing and testing a new launch escape system would take more time than is worth it, when you can simply add separatrons to a nosecone for the 1.25m capsule. If you really want one, use tweakscale (modded) on the current one. I do imagine, however, that we may see some in the Making History Expansion, considering that they are meant to be replicas
  9. Judging by some estimates I've seen of weight increase, I'd say it would only be worth making the second stage reusable on the FH, partly because of structural limitations that already limit the mass it can carry to orbit.
  10. With front-mounted engines where would the landing legs go, and what would they look like? Could a scaled down first stage landing leg work? I guess not, partly because of aerodynamic problems on launch
  11. @Ultimate Steve let's hope they're not claustrophobic...maybe the vapour could do it?
  12. When you say reinstall...so back up, then delete EVERYTHING inside the Kerbal Space Program Folder? I'm using steam here, and for some reason to delete things I sometimes have to go inside each folder and delete some individually or I get an 'access denied' sort of message, which takes a very long time
  13. I guess so, here is a picture showing the growth of the Falcon 9 from version to version: Edit: Hmmm I can't copy/paste pictures on a tablet, I'll send the link: https://commons.m.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Falcon_rocket_family4.svg#mw-jump-to-license
  14. Hmmm... it seems the only way to do this without huge wings for slow stall speed is VTOL. I would build a vtol but I have this currently unsolved problem
  15. Banned for banning for doubling
  16. Could the second stage use deployable wings? Probably deployed after reentry stress and heating, and with landing gear, skids or landing on a bouncy castle or net kind of thing. Would make it a true falcon.
  17. It has been announced that the British-made Bloodhound Supersonic Car will undergo a low speed run at an airport in Cornwall in October. I'm guessing most of you know what this is, but it's a car that should be able to go at 1000mph and will break the land speed world record (only going to 800mph, previously held by Thrust SSC, piloted by he same man who holds the record, Andy Green. Here is the update from their website.
  18. Yeah, it's similar living in the UK. Everyone is so close together, you'd struggle finding somewhere to launch, along with similar restrictions to the ones you face
  19. What is the reasoning behind the weird engine configuration on the Vapour?
  20. Welcome! As far as I can tell, this is the first craft you've posted here. It's amazing. Looking forward to what else you have to offer.
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