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    Harrybo’s Grandad
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    Masaq’ Orbital, remembering the Canterbury.
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    The Skyfoogle

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  1. How is something lovely about KSP, (the original game, not KSP2) supposed to stop me being “discouraged” about your studio’s train wreck unaffiliated sequel? It’s pretty funny that there apparently wasn’t a positive thing or example to share about KSP2 for this. And why on Earth would it be necessary to “show us” how important KSP - the game made by Squad - is to us? I think we’d already know that since it’s likely the only reason we’re here. This hopeless company is well past the point of ever getting my trust back.
  2. But the planets just don't look good outside of the map view? Like what are you even talking about? I can look at Kerbin and see jagged square tiles of terrain where it intersects the ocean at basically any range, nearby hills appear as perfect triangles because the quality vs distance is worse than KSP. That's not an improvement. I don't care if it apparently never looks like it repeats when the ground looks magnitudes worse overall, the scatter assets seem to be UV unwrapped more incorrectly than not, the mountain ranges have shrunk ridiculously and are completely unimpressive and unexciting now? Like usual the game you talk about and the reality of the game in our hands are completely different things.
  3. That's strange, it should work but try this one. https://discord.gg/yS4zyNb
  4. The artstyle/design direction point is bang on. I'm not ever going to model a single asset for KSP2 when they can't even figure out how many polygons a cylinder should be made out of, and that's literally just the most basic example. I have no idea what they want the game to look and be like (though its certainly not anything like Kerbal Space Program) and I don't think they do either.
  5. Hi @Spyro 152, the NBC still goes on (and we've made a really awesome mod now to allow for real time fights with AI control of ships and missiles), but its hosted on this Discord server now. https://discord.gg/rqqe3u4T79
  6. No, I did mean to come across like that.
  7. I'm excited for the new cargo bay parts.
  8. You made this whole multi-paragraph post but still didn't say what framerates the requirements were for? Really? Are you listening at all?
  9. This is the best you have after 4 or 5 years? What happened to "Improved User Experience" at launch? You can't be too confident in that if you literally put a disclaimer saying "Some UI elements can be challenging to interact with" in the other thread, and that's one of the standout features worth advertising? The recommended specs are so absurdly high compared to the rest of the gaming industry that the overwhelming initial reaction I saw to them was that it had to be a prank. That might have been understandable if the graphics were in any way impressive. If you showed me a screenshot of the KSC and told me the game came out in 2012 I would have believed you. Why do half the "new" parts look basically untextured? So you want to sell me assets I've already paid for in KSP and let me sandblast all the detail away by colour filling them like its Microsoft Paint, great. Removing the non-procedural wing parts is such a massive slap in the face as well, they are absolutely not replaceable. Performance looks dreadful in all the previews, which is just mind numbing considering the monster PCs you put them on and that it wasn't even running at 4k. What most confuses me though is that at some point, you were either misleading us or you genuinely thought you could launch in early 2020. If it was 3 years ago, early access was just starting and KSP2 looked like it does now, I might be ok with it. But instead you're only releasing this feature-barren game on Friday and asking players to own a graphics card that wasn't even out by the original launch date. Pretty much every single thing I've seen over the last few weeks makes me think you have bungled this completely, and I don't have an ounce of faith in your studio if this is all you have to show for your time so far.
  10. These designs are all fantastic! I hope they can be modded into KSP2 someday.
  11. Interesting look into development but to be honest I'm still concerned about the new artstyle. Is that cockpit finished? It looks like the texture has almost no detail at all. A couple rivets and lines in the normal map is nowhere close to the level of visual fidelity of parts in KSP1. I'm really worried that almost everything shown so far seems to overly rely on being metallic and shiny, and will look just straight up bad recoloured to the classic matte finish of the original artstyle, which in my opinion was much nicer, not to mention more representative of real life rockets.
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