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Everything posted by MiffedStarfish

  1. Cans of Spleen enhanced monsters fought Timmy in the shed.
  2. Eh... sounds... Maybe tedious for the non-pilots, especially for player 4, who is more spectator 1. Just looking at a craft which you essentially have no or very little control over for a half an hour isn’t fun for me. What about missions where science has already been collected? What about sandbox? I think multicrew missions might work in conjunction and as a part of multiplayer, but standalone, I wouldn’t enjoy it.
  3. JiymqwD.jpg

    I spent half an hour messing around with my Rocinante replica, Kronal Vessel Viewer, and GIMP, and got this. Imgur has horribly degraded the quality, unfortunately.

    1. Piatzin


      That's a big engine :D

  4. Sssh! Don’t tell anyone it’s just a few vectors!
  5. MCRN Corvette Class Frigate The Expanse is my favourite TV and Book series of all time. It's third season is releasing in just under 2 weeks, so I thought I'd celebrate with a replica of its hero ship and my favourite spacecraft, the Rocinante, a Martian Corvette Class Frigate, legitemately salvaged and used by the survivors of the Canterbury. My replica is just under 1:2 in scale, and uses entirely stock parts, though taking advantage of the paint function of DoctorDavinci's wonderful DCK mod. As the insanely efficient Epstein Drive puts out a whopping 5m/s Delta-V, you'll have to use infinite fuel if you want to go anywhere with it, though there is a method of creating a functioning Epstein Drive with some part editing, so I might make of version of this which uses that in the future. Unfortunately, state of the art Martian tech is fairly intricate, and as such it consists of 1111 parts. it is capable of sustained 8g flight, though this can lead to strokes and isn't reccomended, unless you're chasing a runaway asteroid or something. It was built in 1.3.1, but works in 1.4+. Action Group 1 toggles the Epstein Drive. Download: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ij18t8scjoinxeg/MCRN Rocinante.craft?dl=0 Now to build a Donnager...
  6. A hip, hop, a hip hop hap, I’m giving you all a bag of plums the Michael Rosen rap-ap-ap-ap-ap-p-p-p-p... YESSH! An eckselint sowng!
  7. Sorry what? From what part of that did you get “sack all the devs”? I said almost the exact opposite, “keep developing and improving features and don’t just implement or copy mods.” “I don't want any mods in stock. Mods are optional extras, and removing the "optional" bit from that for some mods would just be annoying.” "a mod did it, stop talking noob." the only word they share is “mod”. I can’t understand how you took away what you did from that. As for patrolling the forums like a hawk, this post was from 2/3rds of a year ago...
  8. I dodge all this “other people” thing, by basically not talking to anyone in my year bar 2 or 3, and calling the rest “Anonymous Idiot #39” etc. (While exclusively sticking with my fellow nerds from all other years.)
  9. rip nothing rhymes with orange, expunge at at our reboot shop licks.
  10. Distance is fairly irrelevant as long as you have a decent amount of Delta-V. And you don’t know it can destroy anything yet... Currently, the meta is against huge battleships. Many small ships with an equal tonnage almost always win, as due to the scale and damage of weapons the small ships will have the same amount of stopping power as the battleship, just can’t be attacked and potentially destroyed in one turn.
  11. Fairings no, they’re banned. Wheels I think are fine though, someone used them before I joined I think.
  12. Usually, a strong core is more important than external armouring. Most missiles phase part way through the ship before colliding, so how well it can dissipate the energy from that tends to make the difference rather than exterior plating, though it certainly does help, especially if placed a large distance from the core.
  13. Let’s get it up and running, then set up a page with a link for anyone who wants to join.
  14. So a 10 vs 5 Battle would be simplified down to 2 vs 1, etc.
  15. Why can’t we just use cost, and maybe tonnage? A lot of my ships have unnecessary armour parts and things like that. I know you’re using a machine that can’t load tons of parts, but battles can be done with ratios for craft.
  16. I’d only want to do it with no turrets on aircraft, they’re very powerful and unrealistic for 1 man fighters. Also, would lasers be fine if they only targeted missiles?
  17. Here at F-Tech, we aim to not please.
  18. Threw this together for a RP I’m in, showing off some of my crafts.

    My first attempt at using my new software, Openshot, OBS and GIMP.

    1. KerBlitz Kerman

      KerBlitz Kerman

      GIVE EM!

      This is too incredible, it almost smells F-ishy!

    2. MiffedStarfish


      I’ll have downloads later, if you want. :)

  19. Struts can usually solve it, or autostrut for a temporary fix.
  20. It’s out. jets sound absolutely awful and every decoupler needs to be replaced, but that’s about the only negative bits.
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