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Everything posted by MiffedStarfish

  1. Hi! I just want to say this mod is incredible, the buildings fit KSP’s aestectic perfectly and it keeps my loading times down with no new textures. Thanks a lot for creating and sharing this, OP.
  2. My current best BD fighter, which I’m constantly upgrading and never finish. After fiddling with the intakes I decided to make some custom DCK textures for squadron markers, and I’m pretty happy with how it turned out.
  3. image0.png

    My current fighter, as a wire frame. Style completely stolen from Spartwo, it just looks so good.

    1. Piatzin


      Ooo, it looks real

      Also, what mod do you use to take images like that?

    2. MiffedStarfish


      Thanks! I did it manually in paint.net.

    3. Piatzin
  4. Looks great! I ripped the shape straight from Mass Effect anyway, so getting annoyed would be hypocritical. Extending the middle pod to carry more weapons looks interesting, I might do something like that if I make a 6 engine ship in the line.
  5. In my completely unbiased opinion, this was a great chapter. Thank you for bringing Aquaria to life!
  6. Maybe not a popular opinion, but I don’t like the new textures. They seem 2d and bland, and lack the character and depth of the originals. Only exceptions are the new suits which I’m glad to see they took feedback on and look nice, and the stayputnik probe.
  7. Kerbal Shipyards: A KSP Craft Sharing Discord https://discord.gg/yS4zyNb This is a little server me and @THIRTY9CLUES have been working on, for the sharing of craft on the ground, in space, in the air and at sea. It has a predominantly military focus, though targets non weaponised craft are welcome as well. If you want to, please join and show of your creations! I wasn’t sure where to post this, so please move it if it’s in the wrong place.
  8. Yay! I’ve been waiting for this one, and it delivered! Sorry it took me so long to comment, I’m not so active on the forum so didn’t see this until I got the notification email from the ping. I really liked the new depth given to the characters, and the way you portrayed Aquaria, like the different driver seat, and the throwback to my ancient fighter. The effort put into this story is incredible, and I hope it continues much longer!
  9. Have you tried recovering the files in the game folder?
  10. Mod called Kronal Vessel Viewer, then changing the background and scaling the ships in an image editor.
  11. Hello new person! While I’m here I think I’ll show my latest line of ships, heavily inspired from Mass Effect.
  12. I’m back from the dead. To reply and promptly die again. @dundun92
  13. Worm fight and beaver furs. (Teapot sued the kettle)
  14. Hey, I saw a video for a new T-90 that looked great, has this been added?
  15. image.jpg

    New fighter, made a poster. Roundels still a WIP.

    1. Piatzin


      I like it :)

      The roundel looks nice, too

      But, can it defeat my Lancers? :D

      Cough cough....

      Will we see it in the air superiority fighter competition...?

    2. MiffedStarfish


      That's still alive?! :D

      It was made a for a RP with different rules, so I doubt it'd do to well in it. Might try it though.

  16. Wow, thats amazing! I've tried making one, but no success so far. Could you please put up a craft file for reverse engineering?
  17. Reversing videos is fun.



    1. Piatzin


      Wow that craft looks great!

      I wish I was that good at making vehicles XD

    2. MiffedStarfish
  18. Codex Astartes names this manuever come online! @Sidestrafe2462
  19. My antiviris (Norton) is removing the BDArmoury.Core.dll and PhysicsRangeExtender.dll files from the latest version. Nevermind it's because it has a low reutation since it came out a few hours ago.
  20. Thanks! A lot of the parts are there because DCK allows only one colour per part, so the Berantas Gas colour scheme would be much less part intensive. I might make a version of it in that.
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