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Everything posted by MiffedStarfish

  1. @ShadowGoat I think it would add strategy, as then you could only send out one "task force" at a time. But if it's for practicality, then sure. @DarkOwl57 thrust AND FUEL CONSUMPTION. Your not getting away with that.
  2. Physics warp? That could bring it down to around 3.
  3. Your I892 had nukes and vectors, if I remember correctly. And if your building bigger ships, then it makes sense to keep that configuration.
  4. Why? You have nukes, the burns wouldn't even be too tedious. Actually, expanding on @panzer1bs idea, we could all have transfer ships to cart our heavy warships back and forth between systems. It would also add strategy because you could only have one, limiting operations from sending all your ships to one planet.
  5. I think that might have been me and shadowgoat In our after battle capital ship spam fest, where the actual battle was over and it didn't matter.
  6. Umm, No you can't, what do think engines are for? You can only cheat to get to the starting orbits.
  7. Hey @panzer1b want to team? Also @ShadowGoat can you give us 5 or 6 ships in stead of 4, as I'm in the same situation as panzer.
  8. Umm, @ShadowGoat can you maybe give us a few more ships? Because I don't have anything in the 120ton weight class, and all my ships are more gunship sized.
  9. Please don't rip off mine like SOMEONE else did. (looks at @DarkOwl57 sternly)
  10. Yes, good to see you back, even if I wasn't there when you left. @Joseph Kerman If your ships are Stock.
  11. @panzer1b Can you uptdate the regulator download? Its broken for me.
  12. @zekes Here is a complete download of all my up to date warships. This link is proving a lot more useful than I expected, I've already given to 2 other people. https://www.dropbox.com/sh/ql9loshdxvw65al/AACvkcClNQzBE8hu-pw61i_Da?dl=0 The ships tagged CV- are not warships, only the ones tagged EX- are meant for combat. Other things: my 0.6m guided missiles are designed to be fired from 1.5km away at 0.0ms relative velocity for best accuracy, and the engines of every ship are bound to action group 1.
  13. @panzer1b The download didnt work for me.
  14. Ooh, shiny! Is that a new model of drekevak? I used to use one of those as a target dummy for testing my ships, but I could never actuallly kill one. @panzer1b I'll have to test your ship later, my G3 Torps didn't do great, but my G4H should perform a bit better...
  15. Did you de-orbit it yourself? It's not clear in the post. If not, then it's decay from atmospheric drag like everyone else said, if you did then it's probably a bug.
  16. Yeah, but as far as I've seen it doesn't do much more damage than 1 or 2 G3 Torpedoes, which are about half the mass and a quarter of the space. The new ship looks great, looking at it I thought something was slightly off, then I realised the entire thing is slightly asymmetrical, and all the better for it. A bit long though, possibly susceptible to being split in half.
  17. Is it a practical missile? Anyone could destroy any ship with a mammoth engine and 100m I-beam pole, but are they going to use it in a battle?
  18. Could you give me a craft file? I also have a working prototype of a K-Drive, but I abandoned it as at the time I had no practical use for it.
  19. @DarkOwl57 Your ships performed a lot better than I expected, particularly the armour, well done. About the Dauntless, the missile phased through the armour and pierced the cockpit, then out through the other side. Their deaths were quick, and as painless as suffocating in vacuum with multiple shrapnel wounds can be.
  20. Only 1 point for beating 2 people at once? So that puts me in joint first with you and alphasus. @ShadowGoat @DarkOwl57 That was a fun battle, and a lot closer than I expected.
  21. you can check if you want, but I cant find it anywhere. Persist: https://www.dropbox.com/s/bcen8pf4codv8wu/persistent.sfs?dl=0 Have you checked? Also, @dragonaether, as they are building a collab ship, how about we make one aswell? I was never any good at carriers, but you seem to be able to make them. You could build a carrier that fits 3 of my EX-11 Atlas fighters, and then I could rebuild it slightly, adding heavy armour and things.
  22. Oh yeah, I wasnt thinking. But where is this klaw? its really bugging me, i cant find it anywhere in or on the breakthrough. Are you sure you didnt add it on in a later version of the breakthrough or something, as i have checked inside every part.
  23. Where? I just had a quick look through its structure and cant see it. And how are you planning to detach them? it has no control and you cant use the missiles control, and they are all still attached to it. And you cant knock them off, as that would count as attacking a craft, maing ti my turn.
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