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Everything posted by MiffedStarfish

  1. Thats my entertainment for the weekend set.
  2. @DarkOwl57 As you dont want to do the node again, and as you have already done the manuever, I wouldn't mind you just hyperediting to the ship.
  3. Yes, it's a rule. And I have already moved the Ares in order, so I don't want to change the rules halfway through.
  4. You can still probably destroy it in your turn if you want, but ships take turns in order of mass, like the Ares, and I don't think it's fair if we just carry on.
  5. @ShadowGoat I'm going to have to ask you to redo your turn. You have to move your lightest ship first. Also, if you mean panzers SRM-6, then yes, I did take some inspiration for the modular pod design, and the EX-7 has 2 of my design of them. But the one on the Eos is custom shaped, and fits perfectly into the Eoses front gap. @AlexanderTeaH That ship looks really utilitarian and functional, but weird at the same time. I might want to battle you after I finish the one I am in.
  6. Nice idea, but needs some MINOR improvements. Just checking, it's darkowls turn right now, right? Edit: In other news, I just finished the EX-9 Eos Gen 2, which reworks the I-Beams. As opposed to the old, awkward stacked double I-Beam based rows, which features docking ports but actually clipped into the armour when released, the Gen 2 houses all the I-Beams in one compact custom shaped pod, which ejects automatically and is easily reloaded. It does all this while retaining the same relatively low 375 part count. I don't have any right now, but I will show pictures tomorrow.
  7. @ShadowGoat you mean this cruiser? The one I can get a perfect encounter with for 20m/s of Delta-V? couldn't you have been a bit more subtle? There was only ever 3 Ares.
  8. Are you doing the thing where you divide the burn time by 2, then burn with that many seconds to the manoeuvre? Also @Joseph Kerman, I would recommend building and testing your ships against other people's a lot before battling someone. If you need some vessels to test against, feel free to use Some of mine.
  9. Make sure you are flying from the right control point. That really messed me up rendevousing during a friendly battle me and a friend did on the same computer.
  10. But all the Greek names were my names! Looking forward to your turn.
  11. Did you damage the Ares or the Apollo? Because that's a picture of a heavily damaged Apollo. Yes, original original one shot shipkiller missile... notice any similarities between them and my G4H? And the apollo is not dead. It has engines and six I-Beams, which was enough to cut your carrier in half last battle. Come on! I have had my G3 Torpedoes for months! Darkowl literally admitted to getting them of the black market!
  12. Apart from the atlas, I have never used any of them. And thanks for asking. And also, I claim the name Prometheus.
  13. Apollo, Artemis, Ares, Atlas and the Helios. Ok. by the way, i read the first few chapters of your story "the second great war" and it was great, I really enjoyed it. Any chance of you doing one in space?
  14. I guess, but on top of an extremely similar missile... Its just slightly annoying.
  15. I have used 5 out of 8 of those as ship names.
  16. Greek mythological figures? Seriously? It's just a coincidence that ALL the EX line were named after the twelve titan children! And it's @ShadowGoats turn.
  17. Yes. Armour is really useful. Not using armour is asking to be oneshotted every turn.
  18. I know, I was assuming he was asking for aesthetic reasons.
  19. your going to have to watch out for 2 of these: and 6 of these: I dont even use that technique! its a demonstration! #copyrightinfringement #imsueing
  20. @RandomGuy1824 for your first question, you could do some sort of hybrid, with decent armour and a moving section.
  21. @RandomGuy1824 this is a stock thread, but if someone agrees, then I think yes. But i dont think anyone on this thread uses those mods. @ShadowGoat I dont think that would work too well, but we could do a sort of tournament.
  22. @RandomGuy1824 Hello! I think a few people fully seal their weapons in ramps and things, but most people aromur their weapon hard points with plates, as they have higher impact tolerance and moving parts are harder to build around. And the game, does render control surfaces as moving parts. Hopethis helps.
  23. umm, this seems like a destructive coincedince, but everything from the EX-9 plus was built for use in my story the duna initative, who are trying to colonise duna.
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